Chapter Eight: Shakedown (Part V)

Posted on 10/03/2013 @ 8:24am
Edited on on 11/09/2013 @ 5:28pm

Mission: From the Ashes
Location: Unknown....
Timeline: August 2410

Luckily, chief warrant officer Swift was still strapped in his chair when the entire bridge rang out a peal akin to putting one’s head inside a large bell and striking the clapper against the side. Upon the captain’s shouted order he bypassed standard start up and simultaneously fed power to the main deflector array to hasten its power up while also pulling reserve power from the ship’s sensor systems to boost the blossoming shield array forming around the Phoenix. As the shields firmed up to maximum power, he took that now unneeded booster power and cross fed it back into the deflector, thus boosting its effectiveness by another fifteen percent. Only then did he turn in his harness and inquire to the bridge at large.

Stephanie was jolted forward again, even her personal inertial dampener couldn’t react fast enough to the change in momentum. Her small body was thrust into the console in front of her and she felt the pain in her chest double accompanied by the same sickening cracking sound as before. She winced at the pain but pushed herself back into her chair and let a small audible squeak of pain as she tried to take a breath.

She clenched her jaw and swiped across her panel after bringing the nanites down into safe operating limits and began trying to get the external sensors to function again on her panel. She knew that they needed information now just as much as they had needed to stop the ship moments before.

“What the hell hit us?”

With the same question in mind as he returned back to the center seat, red alert conditions were in full swing as the captain rattled off several commands.

"Get the main viewscreen back on-line, sensor readings activated, and weapons ready."

Looking confused and jarred from his seat, Commander Riker looked up and barely regained his focus as he heard the orders from the Captain.  Looking over toward the center seat, Riker noticed blood coming from the captain's head.  As Riker stood up, the EMH just appeared on the bridge and Riker immediately pointed at the captain.

"Teddy, see to him."

Riker ran past the EMH and helped Lieutenant Argyle up from behind the security console.  Before the lieutenant could say anything Riker interjected.

"Lieutenant I want a full security check of the entire ship I want every crewman accounted for and an all status report"

"Aye sir"

Running back over to the Captain,  Riker inquired.

"Sir are you alright?"

Syntron then turned toward his first officer "I am fine Commander. Check with each department head to determine the overall status of this ship."

As the Lieutenant began to work frantically on his security console, Riker activated the ship's communication.

"All hands this is Commander Joshua Riker.  I want an all stations report from every senior officer to the bridge immediately.  All stations report in with full damage and casualty reports this is your new top priority."

As Riker then stepped back toward Syntron, he reached up to grab the Captain's shoulder. The blood on his own hand then became noticeable.  Riker quickly wiped the blood on his pants.  The EMH reached for Riker's hand and Riker immediately snapped back.

"You touch me and I am going to shut you off.  Go find someone who is actually hurt Teddy, like our Captain here!"

"I remind you that my sensors automatically do triage properly, which doesn'T preclude offering a helping hand while passing by. But I remind you also that threatening a fellow officer is a court martial offense, Commander. Please mind you manners unless you want to be relieved off duty for temporary stress-induced mental instability. For the nonce, I will assume this a mere uncontroled verbal reaction due to inexperience with unexpected situations in space. A tranquilizer is available for you at your request. "

If the EMH was joking, there was nothing definite showing on his smiling face as he turned towards the ship's commanding officer.

It was only then that the captain noticed a few trickles of green blood dripping down from the side of his head. 

The EMH reached into his bag and handed Riker a cloth which he quickly wrapped around his hand as he then focused his attention to the captain.

Only after this exchange did the Syntron notice that the EMH had even shown up on the bridge to attend to his wound with a dermal regenerator in one hand and a hypospray in the other. His medical bag was now placed on the floor near his feet.

"Captain, you have a slight concussion with a open wound of 0.09 centimeters in the parietal section of your scalp. I will proceed to disinfect then close the wound. The entire treatment will take 22 seconds."

And so speaking, he sprayed the Vulcan's head with some fine mist from the hypospray then lighted up the dermal regenerator, sending it's blue light along the side of Syntron's head.

"Done, Sir. But I advise rest for at least four hours to allow full recovery from the concussion effects. of course, I will be monitoring."

And with those parting words, the EMH went to the next bridge officer requiring help.

Just as swiftly, Yeoman Jessica Albera was at the side of the captain at precisely the moment the EMH parted; gazing intensely at the newly mended injury to the Vulcan's head.

After her subtle inspection, the attractive young woman stood by his side shaking her head with clear disapproval.

She noted quietly to his Vulcan ears only "As it turns out Sir, it was not a very... logical decision to be standing at that particular moment now was it?"

Before a response could occur, she continued.

"As the EMH stated, you will be expected to rest once this crisis has been properly addressed Captain."

Then with a sly but faint smirk she added "As you have already surmised Sir, I will be monitoring your adherence to his medical order as well."

She then slowly stepped away from the center seat as she began entering information explicitly onto her PADD.

Syntron merely focused his attention on their perplexing situation at hand as the EMH and then the yeoman spoke, awaiting an update from each of his key officers. At this point, any opportunity for rest was nowhere in their immediate and uncertain future.

As another impact was suddenly felt, although this time less severe, the captain addressed the helm officer in front of him.

"Lieutenant Traynor... initiate an all-stop, until we can determine where we are and what it is that we are apparently colliding with."

"Yes Sir," the human officer acknowledged as the ship eventually slowed to a dead stop. 

With nothing showing on the main viewscreen and no data yet reported from their sensors, the crew of the Phoenix were now deaf, blind and motionless; positioned in an unknown location. Not exactly what anyone would intend or anticipate at this point in the shakedown, but for the moment, this was their only reasonable option.

Lieutenant Andrews, manning main engineering, responded promptly to the executive officers request for a report.

“Bridge! Engineering. Hull breach on deck seven; armory. Force field is holding. Transphasic shield array is up. Main deflector now at one hundred five percent. Reading all stop. Fill impulse drive available. Warp drive available in two minutes.”

"Acknowledged Lieutenant" the Vulcan responded, assured that their situation appeared to be improving. Yet the ship was now eerily still and quiet.

The Captain seized this moment and pivoted to address his chief science officer.

"Lieutenant Decateur, once your sensors are activated again, engage the Space Sonar and determine if you can at least obtain readings directly ahead of us."

Syntron would at the moment settle for at least a glimpse of what lies before their vessel rather than literally being left in the dark.  

Stephanie was rapidly trying to bring the sensors back online, she hadn’t even done a system check beyond the basics to ensure that they would be operational. “Aye sir.” She wheezed in obvious pain. She wasn’t sure how badly she had been hurt, but at that moment it didn’t matter to her. She finally got the system restarted and even before the data was fully loaded she activated the forward array and was trying to piece it together manually. As the system began to analyze the situation surrounding the ship Stephanie reported.

“Metallic alloy….Sir, whatever it is it’s artificially manufactured…..I’m picking up  trace amounts of Thalaron radiation….I…I think it’s a vessel….but…it’s not in one piece…” she paused and looked up with realization, “Sir, I think it’s debris from a derelict.”

As the sonar sent out a concentrated signal out before them, data began to arrive to their consoles. Their initial intention was two-fold. First, to determine what objects were slamming into to the ship's hull in preparation to avoid further impacts. Second, to determine a method and opportunity to triangulate their current location once they ascertained what was interfering with their sensors and to what degree this interference extended.

From the science station, a report noted that an analysis of the materials in the limited path of the concentrated sonar beam indicated that the composition of the  objects were artificially constructed. Further analysis  indicated that chunks of debris analyzed were possibly the remains from a large vessel that had been previously destroyed. Then to their dismay, minute traces of Thalaron radiation were also detected.

The eyebrow of the Vulcan commanding officer raised as he sat firmly in the center seat and contemplated this new information; especially regarding the radiation.

Syntron immediately contacted his chief medical officer in sickbay.

"Doctor Nassaro-Myth... Use your medical sensors to detect if there are any traces of Thalaron radiation anywhere aboard this ship."

Syntron was well aware that Thalaron's unique properties allow its effective range to expand almost without limit, meaning that even a microscopic amount can be incredibly dangerous to all organic beings, which in this case included his entire crew.

"Well, not really my area of expertise, Captain Sir... " answered the Deltan matter-of-factly, "But our chief engineer being out of danger, I'll turn his care over to Doctor Gray and get back to the bridge."

The commanding officer of the starship Phoenix then addressed his remaining bridge officers.

"Given this revelation regarding the traces of radiation detected in the debris field, we must expeditiously move beyond this region without exposing the crew to any potential lethal susceptivity nor continuing to collide with the remaining debris."

The captain then added "Your recommendations for effectively accomplishing these tasks are most welcome." 

Syntron then gazed around at his senior officers to see who would step-up with a suggestion.

“Sir,” Stephanie said while her left hand floated to her chest just below her bust, it was obvious the pain was starting to get to her, and her breaths were shallow, forcing her to speak only a few words at a time between taking it air painfully “If we concentrate power to the main deflector and use the tractor beam to help remove debris from our path, we can use thruster power to get us out of the debris field….it would take a little while, but as long as the Pheonix’s systems hold up it’s our safest bet.”

The nightmare continued. David sweated within the confines of the medical biobed; its settings placed to circulate enhanced and warmed air circulation to offset his extremely lowered core body temperature. But within his dream, David sweated through the personal demons unlocked many years ago, when he doomed his step-father and crew to an eternity of falling into an artificial black hole.

Moving purposefully, young Rogers carried the plain small box across the engineering deck deep inside the Ferengii scout and set it beside the console. Casually, he exchanged greeting with engineer Sauk and inquired politely about his business holdings, not caring, but just a soothing attempt to distract the bright engineer from his innocuous box. The ruse succeeded, and the older Ferengii officer moved off about his business, leaving David temporarily alone. Slipping the lid off the small box, Rogers removed the tiny vial from inside its wadding and carefully placed it behind the console, wedging it snugly between the back of the console and the main engine housing. David turned and left for the bridge to say goodbye to his stepfather, for the last time as far as David knew it. However, for Mok, it was just another shuttle trip for his adopted son.

Upon launch twenty minutes later, David left the Marauder slowly, taking a small detour around the ship before departure. As the small vessel slowly passed aft of the massive D’kora class ship, David retrieved the vial and placed it in the aft hold against the hatch, then returned to the pilot seat and sealed off the bridge. Passing at a pre-determined position behind his stepfather’s ship, he opened the aft hatch and the vial, along with numerous items not secured blew out into the void of space. Locking sensors onto the vial, David targeted the shuttle’s phasers and fired. The vial was incinerated and the red matter inside ignited. David jumped to warp.

Rogers snapped awake inside the biobed, fighting down the fear his dream had produced. He was strapped down and within a tight force field, which assisted with the forced air re-warming his body. Unable to move, he darted his eyes around, looking to try to recognize where he was.

"Welcome back Chief," said the sentient EMH appearing then beside him. "Let me remove those restraints. You're back to full health status now, thanks to the care of Doctor Nasaro-Myth not only in treating you but in anticipating the medical complications our situation provoked."

The force field was deactivated and Rogers was able to get back on his feet.

"There... off you go, chief... and do avoid cold drinks and ice cream for next few hours. Nice hot meals and veverages are strongly recommended at last until tomorrow. And next time, bring a parka on your next ice capade... CMO's orders. "

(Back on the bridge... proceeding without any actual input))

After scrupulously considering input provided by his team, the captain addressed the helm officer.

"Lieutenant Traynor, using sensor readings arriving from both science and medical, carefully coordinate a short-ranged path between the debris field and the registered pockets of radiation. Since our readings are limited to a narrow margin, we shall proceed on impulse power and adjust our velocity accordingly."

The turbolift doors then wooshed open, admitting Elliago nasaro-Myth who went straight to his medical command chair he reactivated promptly with his own personal code.

"Chief Rogers is going to be alright... of course, excluding any radiation poisonning we might be subjected to. Activating short range sensor and correlating with nav display now."

Syntron then noted "Shields remain on maximum... weapons stand-by."

After a brief pause, the captain ordered "Engage Mister Traynor."

The USS Phoenix then began a cautious movement forward.

Leaning against the wall of the turbo lift, Rogers rested during the brief ride to the bridge. Upon its halt, he quickly stood erect again and as the doors whooshed open to reveal the tense command center of the Phoenix, David strode forward a couple steps and halted to address captain Syntron.

“Permission to resume my post sir.”

Although still slightly nauseous, David looked then toward the main viewer to see … static? Glancing quickly at the manned tactical and science consoles, he then turned his attention toward his engineering console, currently manned by Ensign Swift, who had swiveled his seat slightly and was looking at him worriedly. Raising a questioning eyebrow, Rogers conveyed a silent plea for a status report while he awaited permission.

Switching his gaze to the newly arrived chief engineer, the captain although rather amazed to see him standing resolutely beside him so swiftly from sickbay, responded with a rather stoic jest.

"I see that our medical team was able to successfully thaw you out Commander Rogers."

"A hot temper do help at times, " jested Elliago without moving his gaze from his biosensors.

Then looking him over vigilantly, Syntron noted "You appear to be generally unharmed Commander, but you also give the impression of being somewhat... unsteady."

After a slight pause, the captain added "However, since you were released from sickbay... permission is granted Mister Rogers; provided that you were granted consent to resume your duties."  

As the EMH went over to Lieutenant Argyle he noticed a large wound across the back of neck into his shoulder.  Knowing the implants on the security chief would heal him eventually the EMH could not allow an officer to remain wounded while he did nothing.  Walking over to the Lieutenant, who was frantically at work on his console, the EMH reached over and grabbed his shoulder below the large gash.

"Lieutenant you are injured I will need you to sit down."

Argyle barely acknowledged the wound.

"It will heal doc go treat someone who is not a walking regenerator"

The Lieutenant while not taking his eye from the console focused his implant up slightly.  It was an artificial eye but the EMH could see annoyance in it.

"I am sorry Lieutenant you leave me no choice."

Reaching into his bag the doctor pulled out a hypospray with a strong sedative and grabbing Argyle injected him with it.  The hiss from the hypospray had not even subsided when Argyle shuddered strongly and yelled out.

"Ow!  Seriously doc?"

The surprise was not lost on the EMH who could barely stutter out a few words.

"But how?... I... "

Grabbing the EMH's hand Argyle gently removed it from his shoulder and handing the EMH a phaser spoke out.

"Doc I put stronger stuff than that on my eggs in the morning.  Next time you want to knock me out use one of these.  Now seriously I will heal go help someone else."

Glancing over at Commander Riker the EMH nodded.

"Now I see why you two get along so well."

The EMH glanced back at the wound which had already healed significantly, grabbed his medical bag and proceeded to the next crewman.

Finishing the initial scans Lieutenant Argyle yelled out.

"Commander all internal scans complete and security teams are on post and at full alert."

"Very good Lieutenant keep me informed" 

“Quite so captain. In fact, the good Deltan insisted,” David responded.

He did not mention the fact that it took a considerable amount of cajoling and some not so subtle threats to get himself released from sickbay. However, the ‘safety of the ship and crew’ gambit was really the deciding factor. The doctors parting admonishment to Rogers was succinct and to the point. ‘Don’t overdo it or you’ll be back here in a heartbeat.’

Nodding to Syntron, David moved toward the engineering section aft of the bridge, and then awaited C.W.O. Swift’s departure from the number one console seat. He had already brought up the main engineering master ship display on it, and David studied it closely while taking the vacated seat. The status showed the Phoenix’ vitals as seriously compromised. The hull breach on deck seven was contained and not worrisome for the moment as there had been no one in the vicinity at the time of impact. A side bar info graphic showed a repair crew on scene and an estimated repair to the breach at around fifteen minutes. Of most concern to David now were the main engines and the shields.

After emerging from quantum space, the Benamite crystal frame would have automatically withdrawn from its place in the M/ARA and replaced by the Dilithium crystal frame. David noted that it was now safely re-engaged and he informed the captain directly.

“Warp engine’s online Captain. Full power available.”

The Vulcan captain nodded appreciatively.

“Acknowledged Commander Rogers” Syntron responded as he gave a look to his helm officer confirming that they would not be engaging warp speed at this moment, but that it was now available if needed. 

Having certified that, David switched his attention to the shield’s and deflector array. Main deflector power read one hundred five percent and steady. Transphasic shields were up and steady. Looking over the board, he noted the sonar on line and the medical scanning occurring. Taking some initiative, David cross-referenced the medical scans from outside the ship and noted its results. Thalaron radiation!

Rogers thought through what he knew of this electromagnetic radiation and concluded that its localized form present here could bring only one plausible conclusion. Quickly working with the console, he referenced the database for the USS Enterprise and correlated Thalaron into the search parameters. One report came up. The great bloom nebula, as Romulan’s called it. Star Fleet knew it as the Bassen Rift.

“Captain! We must be in the Great Bloom nebula sir. In the Tarod sector of the Iota Pavonis sector block. We are well short of our destination.”

With a slightly raised brow, Syntron responded.

“That information Commander explains our situation rather succinctly.”

Correlating his data, David sent the sector block map to the main screen for everyone to see and get acclimatized as to the ship’s position. They were five sector blocks from star base 10 in the Hromi sector, and over two sector blocks away from Sol. Memory Alpha was the closest Federation outpost of note but because of the nebula they were currently in, communications was blocked by radiation within the rift.

Leaning forward as he gazed at the details within the map on the viewscreen, Syntron addressed his helm officer.

“When we emerge from this nebula Lieutenant Traynor, we will need to be prepared to engage warp 7.5 toward our initial destination… on my signal. We are very close to the Romulan border. It would be illogical to allow our emerging presence here in this region to be perceived as provocative by anyone on the other side of the border.”

“Understood Sir” the human navigator replied as he maintained their slow path through the perilous region of space.  

"Helm, you might like to connect your early warning navigation beacon to my narrow sensor scan for thalaron emissions," then suggested Nasaro-Myth from his chair. "This way, you will be warned in advance of any such potential hazard on our trajectory and correct it easily in time."

 Lieutenant James Traynor immediately complied with the doctor’s suggestion as he linked the systems together.

“The beacon is now synchronized with the sensor scan and separately with the space sonar… so I should be able to now steer clear of both the debris and the pockets of radiation.”  

The doctor then turned towards the center seat at the Vulcan to his right. 

"Since there is no protection from thalaron radiation, I have not initiated the usual medical and health protocols against irradiation; they would prove totally useless anyway... except maybe for the usual prayers."

“Which would prove even more useless than the protocols, Doctor” The Vulcan commanding officer quipped back.”

"Not so sure, my dear captain. There are entities out there that do listen to such thoughts."

Elliago however took care not to name any... especially those that identified themselves as old Human deities... or with a single letter of the alphabet.

As if on cue from this exchange, the warning beacon activated.

“Debris detected ahead thirty-two kilometers toward starboard side… compensating now” Traynor announced as he began to alter the course of the ship.

Through the static and haze the bridge crew could see several chunks of debris being barely averted on their starboard side; pieces large enough to be of concern to the ship, but now safely passing them by.

Afterward, helm readjusted the ship’s heading and continued onward toward an exit from this shrouded region.

“Proceed on Lieutenant Traynor” the captain announced, as he leaned back a bit more relieved than he was mere moments ago. But they we not out of range for addition danger yet, as the yellow warning flash affirmed, as it continued to silently blink on and off its alert throughout the ship as they moved forward.  

 *             *             *

For what seemed like an endless period of time but only amounted to just over six hours, the Phoenix continued its meandering path almost blindly through a figurative minefield of debris and radiation. Finally, they crossed the threshold into normal space and all of the ships systems that were hampered by the nebula immediately sprang into full operational mode.

The captain who patiently waited this for this moment to arrive suddenly stood up as he gazed at the viewscreen which was now filled once more with a vista full of stars.

Addressing the helm, Syntron commanded “Once you have established our precise coordinates Lieutenant, engage maximum warp to our first destination.”

“Coordinates confirmed… heading set… maximum warp engaging…now!” the young human lieutenant announced with exhilaration. After spending the majority of his shift tediously navigating through the hazardous region of a nebula partially blind, it was a relief for the helm officer, and most likely others, to be able to open up the ships warp engines on a direct course toward their first targeted region of space.    

 *             *             *

Captain's Log

Stardate  87712.3


Completing a rotation of all duty shifts, the Phoenix arrived to its first destination point without further incident. Repairs have been completed throughout the ship; although work on improving the quantum slipstream drive continues. Teams are working to implement a permanent solution to the overheating issue created when the QSD was initiated. This effort is being performed in conjunction with our nanotechnologist and CSO Decatuer along with ChEng Rogers, while they are also overseeing of the preparation toward the launching of our first series of probes. 

Additionally, we are awaiting the arrival of the news reporter being sent by Starfleet: due to rendezvous at our upcoming coordinates in three point four-five hours. For these reasons we will be holding position in close proximity to our current position.



Closing his log entry, the captain notified helm to disengage warp and head toward the specified coordinates on impulse drive.  

Lieutenant Traynor complied and then notified the captain that they would arrive to the precise coordinates in twenty-three minutes.

Syntron then addressed the CSO and ChEng.

“Commander Rogers and Lieutenant Decatur… see to it that our first rounds of probes are ready to launch in twenty-two point five minutes.”

Having spent the last few hours aiding in the repairs to the Phoenix, David took a few minutes out for some relaxation prior to going to the launch bay. The benamite crystal articulation frame had been reloaded with the second crystal from storage. As these crystals were extremely hard to synthesize, the ship’s store’s only held two more in reserve.

Having finished his report and partaken of a light meal and coffee, Rogers closed out his office computer and made his way up to the torpedo bay on deck nine; Ostensibly, to meet with the chief science officer in the forward probe launch bay. Entering the room, David saw that the science chief was absent for now, but was informed that she was due back shortly. Looking over the specifications on the class nine probes that had been modified, he noticed that they were ready to be paired.

This pairing would enable the first probe to piggyback the second through a warp flight. Once the distance had been arrived at, the second probe would detach and warp forward again to its final destination. To accomplish this, the first probes warp field dynamics had been modified to expand so as to encompass the paired casings. It also had its sensors reduced. This accommodated the installation of more fuel for the flight. The pairing of the probes required the extra fuel.

Once launched, the twins would fly out at warp nine for six hours and then stop. Automatic decouplers would then release the second probe for an autonomous flight of its own for another six hours, if necessary, whereupon this normal probe would engage its full sensor suite to explore this remote location. This information would be sent back to the carrier probe for relay back to the Phoenix. Because of the enormous distances involved, two more pair of these twin setups had been prepared for interspacing between the first flights destinations. As comm. signals degraded after twelve light years, these repeater probes would replace the sub space relays that the Federation used in its sphere of space to relay communications.

Travelling at warp eight, these relay pairs would spend up to fourteen hours in flight before decoupling and sending its twin out farther. It was hoped that a relay of five probes, along with shuttles if necessary, would set up a signal return encompassing up to ninety or a hundred light years in scope.

David spent the next hour assisting the science team and his own people in pairing the probes. Automation of the couplers was rechecked twice on each pair and the first loaded into the launcher. With that accomplished, Rogers proceeded to the main hangar bay on deck twenty-one to check on the status there. Four of the type eleven shuttles were being readied for this test, in case they were needed. With no particular preference, the crew had selected alphabetically, thus the USS Backfire, USS Blaze and USS Bonfire and USS Conflagration were being prepped for launch.

 *             *             *

As ongoing preparation for their arrival to their initial destination drew closer, the crew of the Phoenix carried on with their related duties throughout ship.  Captain Syntron was no exception to this as he continued working through multiple shifts on the bridge and then arrived to finish his work in the Ready Room. The sound of the door chime disrupted his concentration as he called out authoritatively “Enter” as he continued interacting with this computer terminal.

Looking up, the Vulcan came as close to a sigh as a Vulcan could without actually disclosing his reaction.

"Yeoman Albera…“ the captain stated as if experiencing a moment of Déjà vu as the fit and youthful Ensign burst into the room once again carrying a tray of food. Her long golden-brown hair neatly coifed around her attractive face that just beamed with radiance and an intense sense of purpose.

“Since once again… having not met even minimal standards of nutritional intake, I have prepared for you another bowl of plomeek soup Sir!” she stated as she set the tray down on the table near her captain.

With another raise eyebrow Syntron began a futile protest. "Yeoman, this is not necessary, and..."

Completely ignoring his objection, she playfully lifted the lid on a plate as she exclaimed "And here we have another collection of various Vulcan vegetables… with a few variations from last time.”

Jessica breathed in the aroma of the food in an over-exaggerating manner as if she were attempting to entice a child.

“Mmmm… Mmmm… Mmmmm…” she proclaimed as she closed her eyes, trying to convey how delectable this meal was going to be the Vulcan. " much tastier than this..."

She pointed almost in aftertought to a small isolinear chip resting on the corner of the tray. On it was clearly visible the markings of the medical department.

Syntron instantly knew what this could be; a written order from CMO Nasaro-Myth to have the captain relieved from duty under medical authority and brought to sickbay, under guard if necessary, to be fed intraveinously if he still refused to nourrish himself properly.

The wily Deltan would not have missed watching over the captain's health status or compromised about it; he knew Elliago well enough by now. The Vulcan would have to admit that his behavior might have indeed appeared been slightly... illogical. Compromising his health for what was supposed to be the routine procedure to shakedown a ship was certainly at least... unwise. If he behaved like this in a routine situation, what would he do in a real crisis?  If, at this precise moment, something untoward would put the ship at risk, he would not be at his full capacity to assume his responsibilities and might fail ship and crew at a critical time... and all this for no valid reason. He had to admit, his repressed feelings for his new command had nevertheless insidiously taken over his rationality. Serious meditation sessions were needed... and, of course, this...

She then pushed the tray containing both dishes almost literally under the nose of the Captain as her gaze immediately transformed from playful to serious.

As a silent stalemate began to settle in between the two as their eyes were locked in a proverbial dual, she parried rhetorically with “Green tea is it?” as she walked over and replicated a tall glass of the steaming beverage.

Setting the glass down next to the bowl of soup, she simply stated “Enjoy your meal Captain” as she sashayed her way seductively out the door and gave a little wink just to add a modest dig to her reluctant captain.

As the door whooshed closed behind the persistent Ensign, Syntron changed his focus back to the dishes before him. Eventually, he gave in and began consuming the food with a silent vow to himself to not continue skipping meals or sleep; if only to avoid such interactions as this from continuing to occur.

 Moving forward from the small replicator, David handed a cup of hot tea to the pilot, Master Chief Petty Officer Chris Gorski , and then resumed his position in the starboard chair. Carefully sipping his own green tea, Rogers looked over the co-pilot control panels and satisfied himself to the condition of the small ship’s status.

The USS Firebird was almost forty parsecs out from the Phoenix and reaching the end of her top warp six test. Everything had run smoothly, with no problems arising from launch almost six hours ago.

 Structural/Environmental Systems Specialist Gorski reached out and tapped the all stop icon on the panel and the Firebird dropped out of warp and powered down its warp engine. As the star field coalesced into view, both Rogers and Gorski noticed the system ahead. K’shan; a class B dwarf star barely visible in the distance orbited by a class M world. And claimed by the Romulans.

 As Chris turned the shuttle about, David ran the telemetry diagnostics of the outbound flight and logged the results. Then, sipping his tea some more, he then nodded to the master chief to get underway. They would cruise back to the Phoenix at warp 5 and be back aboard in time for the results of the probe launches. Although he had wanted to be there for their launching, Rogers was confident in the science chief’s abilities to oversee the launchings. All simulations had resulted in successful flights. Their flights, while certainly unorthodox in principle, would certainly bring back useful information from the Eridan Belt. As David finished his tea, the Firebird jumped to warp and they settled back into the routine of the test flight.

*               *               *

(Adding stuff later today for B'Zinga - if anyone else wants to plan a scene, please let me know.)



Comments (7)

By Syntron on 10/06/2013 @ 9:28am

Thanks to Riker for the input! :-)

I slightly modified and embedded your text/events with the sequence of things already occurring to allow them to flow in a different order... among the XO, the Captain, the EMH, and Argyle.

It was a bit tricky... so anyone involved in this exchange feel free to modify/fix and highlight anything that you believe doesn't work as you intended... or add in more details or corrections.

Carry on with the events!!!

By Kheren on 10/10/2013 @ 6:55am

Added a bit to the scene and changed the part where the EMH walk to the bridge with appeared, as this is a 25th century LF ship; all ships in LF have a full holographic grid that allows the EMH to appear anywhere on the vessel and even at several points at the same time if need be (multitasking is after all a primary capability of our own primitive 21st century computers!).

By Syntron on 11/01/2013 @ 5:58am

Okay crew... it's now November here in the 21st century and we have arrived to our first official destination in the 25th century.

There is work to be done in your department and throughout this vessel... so let's see some activity occurring by all PCs... along with your related NPCs!!!

Use your creativity and imagination here and not be vacant and M.I.A. with an "I don't know what to do" in place of participation. That has gone on too long already. Peruse some Star Trek novels, episodes or movies if that what it takes to jump-start you back into gear. Contemplate options here... i.e. Roleplay what you would be doing if you were lucky enough to actually be on a starship like the Phoenix. Don't just rely on the Captain to hold your hand or give you orders of what to do. You are senior officers in charge of your department... so take charge and let's make this adventure engaging!!!

By David Rogers on 11/02/2013 @ 10:17pm

Sorry about that! I seem to have doubled Syntron's post. My bad. ;)

By Syntron on 11/03/2013 @ 8:04am

No problem... It was fixed.

Excellent post too ChEng.

Let's get these probes launched sooner rather than later... once our CSO makes her appearance and involvement evident.

By Kheren on 11/09/2013 @ 5:55am

I allowed myself some "indirect" interaction with the captain, which infered a bit on the captain's thoughts. Hope it is acceptable as a story contribution. Feel free to modify if not.

By Syntron on 11/19/2013 @ 5:01am

That works fine Kheren. Thanks. :-)