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Posted on 03/28/2013 @ 8:41am by Captain Oseno Jureth

After his encounter with his new intelligence specialist, Jureth sat back down at his desk and switched from personnel files to his personal log on the desk top monitor...

Personal Log: It has been nearly three weeks since the end of Operation Horizon, and sitting around Starbase Ten is beginning to irritate me. I'd be happy inspecting my departmental spaces if it meant I could be back on a ship again doing...something.

I've visited the Alsea several times since we docked simply gazing at her through the observation windows around the docking area. I am definitely going to miss the old girl. I never thought I'd get attached to a starship like that. I certainly didn't feel that attachment to the Cortez, though I wasn't in command of that ship either.  I suppose I now know how Kirk felt about the Enterprise which is an emotion that one can't get simply from reading his logs. Perhaps I'll see her again one day, but now the Horizon is my new home and it will be interesting to be serving on what is essentially a flying starbase.

Speaking of my new command, I recently met my intelligence specialist. He is Bajoran, and it will be nice to work closely with one of my own, but he is also being forced on me by Starfleet Intelligence which I am less than happy about. However, I suspect that not even the Fleet Captain or Rear Admiral Kotari would be able to do anything about it so for now I am forced to accept Intel's orders. The man is cocky to be sure, more so than most Starfleet officers, and he acts as if he knows something you don't. Working with him could be a challenge....

"Computer, end recording..."



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