Phoenix awaiting departure

Posted on 01/26/2021 @ 7:45am
Edited on on 01/27/2021 @ 4:02am

Mission: Men Of Good Conscience
Location: Lotus Starbase

Stoically entrenched in the subtle contours of the center seat, the extraordinary senses of the Vulcan commanding officer were diligently processing multitudes of activity occurring throughout the bridge along with a clash of disembodied voices emanating from the communications channel. The USS Phoenix was set to launch on a brief shakedown excursion 2.23 hours prior, yet they remained tethered to the starbase with no information forthcoming.

The crew had finished analyzing and reconfiguring nanites within the bio-neural circuitry of the optical data network after completing all requisite repairs and upgrades from their last mission. Throughout the Avenger class vessel, the crew were eager to head out among the stars again to ensure that everything operated at optimal levels. All departments continued to retest systems and enhance their readiness as they waited.

“Could they be delaying our departure because we have not yet filled our chief engineer position?” Ops officer Garvex P'Trell inquired to no one in particular.

Sitting within earshot of the blue-hued Andorian, his counterpart manning the science console Kalynda Hunter commented sardonically “that would seem unlikely, given that otherwise we have a full contingency of engineers on hand for our little test ride.” The movement of her antennae signaled that she was baiting P’Trell to contest her dismissal of his speculation. His peripheral glance indicated that he was taking measure of her intent.

With the hint of a smirk on her face, counselor Celestine Bijoŭ studied both officers as the interplay began. Once an awkward silence manifested between them, she noted “I am certain that you both are aware that there are numerous possibilities as to why our departure has not commenced, whether technical, mechanical or logistical.” She stood up from her seat and sauntered closer to their positions.

“The starbase is almost full of fleet vessels being attended to in various stages of conditions. Our launch may be a few notches down on their priority list. The Alsea for example recently returned from what was to be a brief training mission for some cadets. She did not return back unscathed.”
Their attention shifted from the willowy Deltan counselor back to the main viewscreen. They could not see the Prometheus class vessel from their perch in spacedock, but there had been conversations about the condition of the multi-vector ship upon its returned. Off in the distance they could see the sizeable doors of an empty bay beginning to part open. The bridge went silent as everyone’s attention was drawn to the activity.  Garvex zoomed the view of the main screen towards the opening just as a vessel began to cross the threshold into the bay.
“That is the Horizon!” Kalynda exclaimed as the bow of the flagship crossed into the starbase. “Wasn’t she recently sent out on a mission herself? Why has she returned so quickly?”
The brow of the Vulcan captain raised slightly as the ship entered the starbase. 
“Please refrain from further speculations and continue your readiness for launch,” he noted as he stood up from the center seat. He gazed over at his first officer. 
“Take the conn. I will be in my ready room.”
 He was barely out of his seat that the counselor, answering a signal from the diplomatic and medical command chair, halted him.
''Priority message for you, Captain; code... one.''
That brought everyone to a standstill. Only Bijou's voice filled the suddenly chill silence.
''It's Fleet Captain Samji, Sir.''
Syntron didn't have time to respond. On it's own, uncharacteristically overridden by Starbase authority, the main viewer came alive, showing the brown-skinned bearded countenance of the Hindu master of Lotus Fleet's headquarters. A stern countenance on his face, the dark light of his eyes fixated on the Vulcan.
''Captain Syntron; prepare for immediate transport from your present location. Order all ship sensors and scanners to deactivate for sixty seconds. Transport will then proceed. Confirm.''
The Vulcan officer stood momentarily transfixed as he processed the sudden order commanded by the Fleet Captain. It was evident that their delay was not related to launching priorities or other insignificant circumstances. The order directed to him indicated that this was more than a typical emergency situation.  It signaled a near or total disaster, an invasion, or perhaps the outbreak of warfare or something equally lethal. Nevertheless, the Vulcan captain maintained a stoic veneer as he swiftly distilled the information. He then shifted his attention to the Andorian science officer.
“Lieutenant, deactivate all sensors and scanners.”
“Aye, Sir,” Kalynda noted as her antennae involuntarily shifted into a more rigid position as she complied with the order.
Samji's face remained unreadable. But his voice was as tense as could ever possibly be.
''Stand by for beam out.''
 The familiar musical swirl of blue light envelopped and wisked him from the bridge. He rematerialized inside Starbase Lotus high-security war room. It was a small amphitheater with one vault-like door, one secured hatch, one emergency transporter and an immense screen in front and many smaller ones on the side. All were silent, all were somber, like all the people in the room. None had less than four pips on his or her collar.
Samji was standing right in front of him.
''Thank you for coming Captain. Please take a seat.""