Posted on 06/21/2017 @ 10:42am
Edited on on 10/24/2017 @ 4:01pm

Mission: When no One Has Gone Before
Location: Byrma system
Timeline: 88976.9
Tags: uialism

"Attention all hands, this is the captain; report to stations for launch."

Aboard the USS Millennium, two hundred souls rushed to consoles and control stations for final checks before the first transdimensional and time travelling vessel would depart for it's historic flight. From the revolutionary compact singularity-powered quantum-warp-chronal drive in it's pod erected on an arched strut between both weirdly curving nacelles to the sophisticated oval bridge with it's unique quantum-recording situation room, from the gigantic artificial brain or positronic gel-pack technology deep within it's bowels to the mutating hull plates of it's DYCEP and holographic camo systems, the disc-shaped starship suddenly came alive with subtle signs that no window or even navigational lights yet betrayed. The entire camouflaged secret dockyard however, just as unnoticeable from the outside with it,s rocky camouflage and energy signature dampening field, was on the inside looking now like an excited beehive. 

And this excitement vibrated within the ship and within every being within it's curving, elegant frame, be they natural or artificial in origin.

In the command chair, Captain Kheren himself was so enthralled by the moment that his antennae were pulsing with their unique mutated capability to move in and out of his skull. The dizzying reaction was making his vision flash between color and black and white, his hearing to switch on and off, his olfactive perceptions to shift wildly and his bioelectric sense to buzz like a headache. While his officers and crew took their positions and final reports came pouring in, he took those few minutes to regain control of his heart and breathing and thus his overexcited senses and thoughts through basic meditative techniques, just like he did when preparing for a death duel.

What they were about to do was even more vital... and dangerous.

Before him Ops chief Cheonghi, chief helmsman Aguk Snow and tactical officer Tyvya sat at their three-in-one crescent console while each side of him chief engineer Rogers and chief science officer norbert Baoule and astrophysicist Valencia Irksos were to work on their bulkhead -hugging stations. Behind him would stand strategic chief Aron'Son to supervise all security and tactical in and out of the ship. At his left already sat his second wife Lyrya to handle bioscans and communications while the right seat usually for the Exec would be occupied by mission advisor Nathan Cross.

At present, no one had been officially assigned as first officer and so, Kheren had opted for a novel approach; as long as there was no immediate danger to ship and crew, Commander Rogers would act as first officer to ensure proper function and maintenance of this technological marvel. But when under condition red, the chief engineer would dedicate himself solely to the ship and Commander Aron'Son would take command to make sure nothing would compromise the mission... and ensure their survival... or if need be, their sacrifice.

They were about to embark on the most delicate and perilous assignment ever given to any sentient being. Starfleet officers were selected and trained for their high capacity to self sacrifice for the common good; for them, this was more than an oath, even more than duty. And they had been selected because they were even more dedicated to this oath and duty than any other Starfleet officer. With this assignment, it was more than a possibility; it was an ever standing option, a standard procedure.

And they were ready.

Aron'Son stood at the tactical station and looked over the diagnostic results coming in from the ships systems. He'd also been comparing them to known configurations and materials from throughout Starfleet's history as well as that of the Federation's known allies and enemies. He could find no known similarities to any design attempted by any of them. It was as if Temporal Operations had picked the ship and its design out of thin air, and Aron'Son was skeptical that was the case. He suspected that the ship's computer was not providing him with full access despite his status as security chief. He had also attempted to dig into Nathan Cross more and was stonewalled there as well. There were too many variables for the soldier in him, and he did not like it. Still he made a report to Captain Kheren without adding in his suspicions, he would do that in private at another time.

"Sir, all tactical systems are passing diagnostics. Weapons and shields are online and available." 

"Prepare a testing protocol for them, Commander. All this equipement is so new and different, we need to be knowledgeable and confident of all it's capabilities and especially it's limitations."

"Aye Captain..." The Jem'Hadar paused for a moment. "that is if the ship's computer will allow us to test its full limits." 

"You have complete clearance to all tactical systems, Commander," The voice of the computer answered in it's disembodied form all over them.

Kheren glanced at Tess with antennae wobbling in mild confusion, to which she gave a smile.

"I thought keeping my yeoman persona and my computer functions distinct would avoid any discomfort from the crew, Sir. There's no logical need to alter Starfleet traditions when they do not hamper efficiency. And this ship being so new and it's mission so different, some familiarity should be maintained. That is for efficiency, Captain."

"isn't she magnificent?" Cross murmured out loud.

Tess blushed in a manner so human that it was at that moment impossible not to think that she was one.

Kheren's antennae curved inward as he noticed them both.

"Well Mister Cross, Yeoman; since the two of you seem to... agree with one another, it would be... efficient to have you two work together and pool your respective expertise.  I expect you both to coordinate our mission parameters to maximise this ship and crew."

"Aye, Captain," Tess answered, smiling at Nathan Cross.

The Andorian nodded and then did the same to Aron'Son, before tapping his combadge.

"Bridge to engine room. Commander Rogers, are all sails ready to unfurl?"

  David received the question in his office on deck 8. He had been quite busy trying to get the layout of the Millennium's systems straight in his mind. An effective engineer was a knowledgable engineer, and Rogers needed to know the ship and her systems ... especially her power source. Answering Kheren in his own vernacular, David continued the symbolism the Andorian had started with.

"Aye captain. Weigh anchor at your convenience!"

"Thank you, Commander. We'll check with the portmaster and follow the tide. Stand by."

  Rising from his desk, he made for the exit while holstering his PADD. As he entered the turbo lift to go to the bridge he tried to run over again the ship's systems and their nuances as concerning their uniqueness to the Millenium. And their differences from any other starship the Federation was familiar with. Foremost was the power source. 

 Exiting the lift to the bridge David started reporting to the captain as he approached the engineering console and began readying the displays for the upcoming departure ordered by captain Kheren. The excitement in his voice was noticeable to all who knew him.

"Sir, full power available ... you know we're sitting on a black hole right?"

"Romulans have been doing so for well over a century now and with remarkable success, Chief Engineer," retorted Kheren smoothly. "With you of all people here and Mister Baoule, the designer of our own singularity drive, to assist you, I'm confident we will emulate them."

 The MSD on his display winked into existance and the multitude of green ready symbols began appearing all along the systems display. David continued his report.

"All shield modes are available. Adaptive and metaphasic and temporal shield's currently on standby. Ablative and regenerative armor ready on demand."

"Transfer full control to Commander Aron'Son's tactical station please," acknowledged the captain.

 Glancing at the display briefly, David continued.

"Phasers and cannons online. Both primary navigational sensors online. Class S1 singularity warp core at the ready; Sangliar impulse drive standing by; RCS thrusters standing by."

"Weapons control to tactical. Nav sensors to Helm station. Keep all power and propulsion systems under your care and provide continuous report," then ordered the Andorian. They will be the first tested and in successive order."

 Again glancing at the MSD on his display Rogers completed his report.

"Quantum Slipstream Drive at standby, full power available on order. Chronodrive is off-line; full power implementation available upon faster-then-light implementation."

"We will test all other systems before those. They are the ones to truly make or break this boat. Prepare for launch... and good work to your team and yourself, Chief. "

 David finally sat down in the seat at the enginnering station and swiveled it to look around him. It seemed the entire crew were staring at him. With a slight lift of both his hands David looked back at them questioningly.


On the bridge, Lieutenant Tyvya glanced at her commanding officer. Sighing, Captain Kheren stood up and signalled his Aenar chief counselor to open the intraship channel.

"Attention all hands; this is the captain."

He paused a moment to gather his thought before continuing, with another encouraging glance from his giant wife.

"All ships beleive to be launching towards history. Since the first days of spaceflight on all our different and distant worlds, never was it more true than for this ship and for us. This is the mission we have chosen to undertake; not only to go boldly where no one has gone before... but to go when no one has gone before. No ship, no crew has or ever had a more difficult and a more promising challenge. And no crew is more deserving of this assignment. To each and everyone of you, I say, thank you for accepting this most difficult duty; you came to serve... and your service honors us all."

He stood straighter and looked at all the faces around him.

"Stand ready."

As he sat back, his Aenar wife leaned towards him.

"Very moving, Sir."

"Brought a tear to my eye," added Tyvya without turning from her console.


Kheren cut short the retort he had in his growling throat and looked one last time at his bridge crew then nodded to Lyrya on the CMO command chair to open a channel to the secret dockyard.

"Line channel open, Sir."

To the obviously puzzled captain, the chief counselor explained.

"No wireless transmission, even within the base, is allowed to and from it to avoid any possible detection. We are connected through a direct physical line for communication
 as long as we are moored to the docks."

Kheren's antennae curled inward.

"Alright then; get them on the phone."

"You may speak, Sir," she confirmed with her own antennae curving as well.

"Flight control; this is the Millennium. Request permission to launch."

"USS Millennium NX-88; this is flight control. Permission granted. There will be no communication once you leave dock and only passive sensors will follow you to nullify chances of detection. Maintain radio silence and do not engage active sensors or more than impulse engines until clear of the system. In case of emergency, send a communication buoy to the following coordinates and wait for established coded authorized contact."

"Acknowledged, flight control."

"Confirming flight path clear within the entire sector. Good tides and fair winds, Millennium."

"Thank you, Flight control."

Sitting deeper in his command chair, Kheren looked straight ahead.

"Counselor; activate main viewer."

Before them appeared the holographic computer generated representation of their sensor signals. Although only their passive scanners were activated, it was more than enough to give them a clear and detailed view of the hollowed interior of the asteroid where these advanced dockyards were hidden.

"Helm; weigh anchor."

"Magnetic clamps offline; tractor beams offline; all moorings detached. We are floating free, no momentum... anchors aweigh, Captain," helmsman Snow reported in actual time, ending with the style of his commanding officer he was so familiar with." All engines standing by."

"Let's start with oars, Mister Snow; nice and slow and by the book. Standard testing protocol."

"Activating thrusters. One hundred Kph increments per ten seconds until full thrusters after clearing base."

As described by the In uit pilot, the three hundred meters of sleek darkened hull glided majestically forward, no navigational lights betraying it's position. It cleared the entire confines of gthe secret installation when it reached half thrusters and was over five hundred kilometers and had accomplished a complex series of manoeuvers, including a full barrel roll and spectacular looping among the asteroid field surrounding the hidden base when Snow confirmed the end of thrusters testing.

"Start impulse testing protocol, heading 180 mark 0; out of the asteroid field and ito the nearest gas giant's atmosphere. That should hide us further and fully test the Sangliar system against EM and space dust interference."

"180 mark 0, Aye Sir. Implementing impulse drive testing with standard quarter power increments. Emergency warp kept for escaping the planet's gravity well."

And as described, the starship flew out of the asteroid field and into the nearest gas giant planet until it's dense atmosphere blinded completely their view on the forward screen.

"Science; this is a good time to test all scanners, sensors and Syntron sonar under such cover."

"On it, Captain," Norbert Baoule confirmed with a nod of approval from Valencia Irksos. "EM interference filtered fifty-three percent in excess of established parameters. All planetary data fully recorded on all scanning systems. All alteral sensors at full efficiency. Sonar active and responding as expected."

The eerie ping-ping of the space sonar, so reminescent of the antique submarine detection system of old Earth, filled the bridge.

When all tests were completed on impulse drive and sensor systems, Kheren nodded and made a note on his log.

"Well done, people. Helm; emergency impulse away from the system. prepare for warp testing once clear. Engine room; report on all system performance and standby for higher power and propulsion testing in..."

" Forty-seven minutes, Sir," completed Snow glancing at his nav screen.

"Forty-seven minutes, mark."

The Andorian now allowed his antennae to curve inward again.

"That's when the fun will really begin."

The appointed time came upon them soon enough, with all the checkings and testings they had to do during this last phase of impulse testing; not to mention the time dilation effect inherent to going at ninety percent the speed of light.

When they eased back to full impulse, a quarter of light speed, everyone waited for the next propulsion test phase to begin.

"Mister Snow; you will engage warp power in the following increments: warp 1, then warp 5, followed by standard cruising speed, then maximum cruising speed, maximum warp then emergency warp both forward and astern."

"Propulsion test increments plotted and ready, Sir. Heading?"

"Keep us away from any known traffic lanes and as close as possible to any cosmic interference, be it nebula, neutron star or pulsar or anything that can interfere with sensors."

"Understood, Sir. variable course plotted and laid in."

Kheren swiveled his chair to address the assistant chief engineer art the bridge station while  the chief was in main engineering for direct oversee. He tapped his combadge to speak to Rogers at the same time.

"Mister Baoule, you will implement our signature masking protocol and test various permutations while Commander Rogers monitor the warp power system performance and bahavior. That way, we will not only test them but any chance detection of us despite our masking fly path will have them so confused that they should dismiss their readings as system failure."

"Right on it, captain," the bald black man said with his trademark wide smile.

 Rogers replied in kind after Baoules' remark.

"Affirmative bridge. Full systems recording initialized. Struts aligned at forty-five degree's; standard warp configuration."

 Turning to his pool table David glanced again at the display it showed and all the ready green markers glowing on it. He just loved a green board. Double checking the strut configuration he then noted the speed indicator, hovering at the full impulse mark of seventy-five thousand, five hundred kilometers per second, slightly faster than the full impulse speed of the Intrepid class. This was mainly due to the better power availability from the S1 singularity power core. Seeing all well within the status there David contemplated the upcoming warp speed test.

 The Millenium could operate at a standard cruise speed of warp 8 and a maximum cruise speed of warp nine point six. Her maximum speed, or emergency speed was listed as warp nine point nine, sustainable for a maximum time of twelve hours.  This was about nine hundred and seventy times the speed of light, covering a light year in point three seven days. Noting the parameters of the singularity core David tapped his comm badge and reported again to the bridge.

"Bridge; Engineering. All systems ready for warp testing. Put the pedal to the metal."

Kheren's antennae wiggled in confusion at the quolloquialism and it was Tess that explained it to him.

"Earth's twentieth century combustion engine land vehicles'speed was controlled by a pedal on the floor under the driver's seat, Sir."

The Andorian's antennae strightened up then curved inward in amusement.

"I see. Getting familiar with ancient technologies is certainly going to be standard requirement on this ship. Well mister Snow, you heard the chief; fire up engines."

"Aye, Captain," the Inuit man answered with eyes rolling upward. "Ready to engage."


The familiar light streak, flash and moving lights on the computer-imaging screen confirmed the break of the Einsteinian barrier. Nothing else except a slight elevation in pitch from the engine hum betrayed it.

"Warp 1, Sir," reported Snow. "Engaging to warp 5."

Everything went just as before as they broke the legendary warp limit of the early warp flights..

"Warp 5; helm responding perfectly Sir."

"Nothing on sensors?" then asked the captain.

"Negative, Sir, the other Baoule brother ansered him from the science station. "No scan detected."

"No vessel in the area," added Tyvya from the tactical post as she transfered her tactical sensor readout to Aron'Son for his own perusal.

"Execute a few warp maneuvers and turns then warp 8," acknowledged Kheren.

And as they went through a series of standard faster than light change of directions as would be required in emergencies or in combat, they went to cruising speed, at over five hundred times the speed of light.

"Warp 8, Sir. All nice and smooth. High speed maneuvering going as well as expected. Engaging maximum cruise speed."

They felt nothing even as the helmsman announced warp 9.6. They were now flying at almost 900 times the speed of light and it didn't feel as if they were even moving at all except for the streaking stars the computer rendered from sensor readouts for the benefit of limited humanoid senses.

Kheren sat still, noting details in the ship's log and then looking again at the main viewer.

"Full astern, emergency warp."

Doing this would be the final test for engine response and for ship's structural performance. It would prove witout a doubt that the ship was ready for all space tasks and hazards the universe could throw at them. But if the inertial dampeners faltered even for a fraction of a second, they would all be turned into lifeless goo before they would even realize it.

As it were, they only heard the engine whine in an odd way like some great beast about to throw up and the image on the screen shifted dizzyingly from streaking lights to frozen ones and then rapidly receding ones. The lights dimmed a second before flaring up again this time in the red color of emergency conditions.

"Warp 9.9; time, five point three seconds deceleration from maximum warp, four point seven seconds reversing course at emergency speed."

There was no mistaking the awe in Snow's voice. Any other ship, even the fabled Defiant class, would have taken at least twice as long to do the same; and any less compact design would have risked structural damage. As it were, the deceptively fragile graceful curving shape of the Millennium was profiled and compact enough to allow the ship unprecedented agility when coupled with the singularity core having no reaction time between matter and antimatter reactants to slow down it's redistribution of power. Energy flew into the systems sollicitated at the speed of elelctroplasma itself unimpended.

After a few minutes, Kheren nodded.

"Helm, ease us to all stop. Engineering, full report and confirmation of all engines performance... and prepare for QSD drive test."

"Tactical sensors are clear Captain, no civilian or other targets present." Aron'Son reported "No effect from engine testing on tactical readiness." 

"Thank you, Commander. Record this data and use it for tactical and strategic simulations. Implement them as a regular training routine for your personnel and all those in security cross-training. We will undoubtebly be surprised by a lot of things in our upcoming missions, so I don't want us to be surprised by the capabillities and limitations of the ship herself."

 Rogers gathered the data from the warp testing and forwarded it to the bridge engineering station, simultaneously reporting verbally over comms to Captain Kheren on his request.

"Bridge; Engineering. Standard warp speeds attained with one hundred point five two percent efficiency. Maximum standard cruise speed of warp eight point zero two one attained."

 David confirmed the power generation from the S1 singularity as the main enhancement of the attained speed of just over five hundred and sixteen C. Continuing his report, Rogers tried to keep the excitement out of his voice.

"Maximum cruise warp nine point six attained with one hundred point six percent efficiency. Maximum warp velocity recorded as nine point six zero zero six C. Emergency warp velocity recorded at nine point nine zero zero zero three C."

 David noted the decimal increase approaching the attained warp speed as the point zero's increased with each level approaching the fabled unattainable warp ten threshold. This was largely due to the Einsteinian mass of the ship increased as warp ten was neared. Regardless of the physic's limits in standard space, the Millenium had broken some speed records. With a smile, David contimued his report.

" Quantum slipstream drive on-line. Navigational deflector ready for quantum stream wormhole generation. Variable strut reduction will accour during quantum generation."

 David threw that last comment in to remind the crew of the slight vibrational noise that would occur as the struts reconfigured from forty-five degrees to the narrower thirty degrees in order to lower the dimensional width of the ship for slip stream travel, similar to how the Intrepid class pylon struts reconfigured during warp travel.

"Thank you Mister Rogers. Mister Snow; slipstream for sixty seconds bearing 95 mark 10 on my mark. All stations report in continuous to yeoman. Everyone, remember the Horizon."

The Inuit helmsman for one understood clearly what his commanding officer was refering to. back when they were doing the trial runs for the Lotus Fleet flagship, their new transwarp drive had hit an unsuspected subspace eddie that sent them hurtling out of control to the edge of the galaxy. By pulling the ship out of our universe into an artificial wormhole for the duration of it's flight, the quantum drive would not be subjected to subspace either, since subspace domains of this universe were still part of this specific quantum reality. But quantum realms were even more of an unknown and thus, anything could happen... even if already a few decades of successful QSD travel had confirmed the propulsion mode as safe as warp drive; at least for the properly configured vessel.

But this would be the first time this ship would fly through a quantum tunnel; and most importantly, her entire operating parameters in transdimensional travel and temporal displacement would rely solely on that technology. If only one thing had to work perfectly on board the Millennium, this was it.

But Kheren was erring on nthe side of caution, regardless of the need for upmost secrecy. Sixty seconds at three hundred light years an hour on the course he had ordered would bring them five light years within an allegedly uninhabited, still unexplored sector of Federation Space; well within assistance range if something went wrong but still somewhere where they would remain unnoticed.

On the bridge, there was a deep silence as if everyone was holding their breath, making his voice boom despite it's softness.


Behind them, a vibration was felt through the entire hull as of something huge moving. Around them, the hum of the engines took a different, deeper pitch. Before them, on the viewer, it was like looking at warpspeed in reverse. Instead of a stretching of starlight and flash followed by long streak of thin lights, they saw the stars coealesced into a deep blackness and then a swirling vortex of nebulous glow looking nothing less than a tunnel burrowing itself within the abyss.

They were still transfixed by the effect when it ended abruptly with the stars suddenly reappearing in all their peaceful beauty as if they had been swimming and suddenly broke the surface of the glowing waters churning around them.

The helmsman report was the first to break the silence on the bridge.

"QSD drive disengaged at sixty seconds duration. All stop confirmed at five light years from our last position. Our bearing is still 95 mark 10. All systems show green."

While all ops and engineering reports were coming in, the Andorian captain spoke to Irksos and Tyvya.

"Science and tactical; confirm that no other vessel or installation is close enough to detect us. "

"No emission or transmission within a parsec, Sir," the black-skinned woman told him after a check on her sensors. "There is no inhabited world in this area closer than the hidden Burma base and much interference from a nearby neutron star will effectively cover any energy discharge from us."

"No vessel within scanning range," added the Andorian giantess in front of him. "Full ship rotation sompleted; Sonar not detecting any cloaked ship."

Kheren swiveled his chair to look at the Jem'Hadar officer behind him.

"Commander Aron'Son; prepare weapon tests using asteroids as targets for conventional weaponry and  probes for the chroniton torpedoes and energy dampening beam. Shields and evasive will be tested with the energy and debris backlash from the destroyed targets. Should provide enough of a challenge without endangering ship and crew."

The standard testing of conventional weaponry was routinely completed, although the capability of the emitters to change frequency from phaser fire  of various types to disruptor discharges identical to Romulan or Klingon design was quite a feat of engineering in itself. As expected, the shield absorbed the impact of both debris and energies backlashes from asteroid impacts at point blank range  and maximum range for the weaponry was confirmed as per specs. Torpedo launching would now be tested fully with the next testing phase with the launch of probes. But more interesting would be the two special armaments unique to this vessel.

"Class IX target practice probes in tubes 1 and 4 ready for launch," confirmed Cheonghi. "Commander Aron'Son, you have control."

These probes had been configured to act and react like starships under fire, doing evasive maneuvers and speed variations while shooting sensor signals to simulate target locks and weapons fire. Launching one fore and one aft would test the starship's own tracking system as one would be the target for the energy dissipation beams and the other for the newly developped chroniton torpedo.

On the bridge, everyone waited to see them in action.
Aron'Son made last minute adjustments to his tactical simulations as he powered the ship's weaponry. The weapons systems of the vessel were remarkably efficient and responsive, even more so than those of Jem'Hadar vessels which were designed for war. 
David awaited the Mark IX probe launch and watched the parameters of the four torpedo launch systems and the energy dissipator cannons. These cannon delivered an energy pulse, much like an EMP surge, to neutralize threats without loss of life or destruction. Although slightly slower than phaser fire; namely point nine lightspeed, the dissipator cannons range of fire was also dependent on the power source. From two point four million kilometers by using the main core, one point two million klicks using the impulse power, six hundred thousand kilometers using reactor power, down to standard phaser range of three hundred thousand klicks when powered by the batteries. Depending on what the tactical officer programmed the probes to act like, David surmised that initially, the dissipator cannons would likely draw from the batteries or the reactors; unless the probes went to warp. Class IX multi-mission warp probes could maintain warp nine for twelve hours duration.

"Probe trajectory and course set. Power to weapons. Launching probes now."
The two probes darted away from the Milennium and then began to engage in their maneuvers initiating what would have been an impressive set of movements for a starship. Aron'Son had adjusted the programming slightly adding in some maneuvers that Jem'Hadar attack ships were capable of performing to including the well documented suicide dash that wounded Dominion vessels would often perform. The probes made strafing runs, and executed hairpin turns scoring several "hits" on the Milennium before Aron'Son began to return fire.
"Enemy vessels have engaged," Aron'Son reported "Simulation shows shields holding at ninety five percent. Returning fire."
Rogers monitored the recording of the energy weapons and shielding tests as Aron'Son conducted the tests. The adaptive and the metaphasic shielding held up admirably, being powered by thirty primary and backup shield generators. Only the new microsingularity matrix could effectively power this energy consumptive armor setup and David noted that even passively, they rotated nutation and frequencies as per design. He studiously noted that in the test log's to confirm theuir readiness.The regenerative armor and ablative armor of the Millenium was, because of the nature of this particular test, not fully utilized. The former because, inherent in its deployment, ablative regenerating armour would cover all phaser strips.

Aron'Son opened with the energy dissipators, he was curious to see how the new weapons would perform, and was surprised to see them do so admirably scoring direct hits on the nearest probe which attempted several evasive maneuvers to try and confuse the Millennium's tactical officer and computer. Neither were thrown off task by the movements and now the probe suddenly stopped, deprived of energy. 
At a hundreth percent of the power required, the dissipation lasted only for a minute but was complete and effectively left the probe dead in the water as intended. Specs said the same would happen to the crew of a ship so hit and the organic material included in the probe for testing this effect confirmed it.  
Once these tests completed, David shifted his attention to the offensive tests of the torpedo and energy dampening beam. Twenty each of the Mark S-II spatial, Mark P_XXV Photon, Mark Q-II Quantum, Mark FP-I Plasma and Mark T-II Transphasic torpedoes were available to the ship, but the test was for a pair of the one hundred Mark C-III Chroniton torpedoes.
 Launched from any of the four swivel-mount launchers, fore and aft, these chroniton torpedo's could detonate and transfer its phase flux onto the target, thus knocking them out of temporal alignment for a period of time, which was relative too distance traveled by the weapon. A minimal range detonation would knock a target out of alignment for four days, while at maximum distance, roughly four point zero five million kilometers, one second disruption would occur.

Once it reactivated after the effect wore off, again as intended, the probe's programming analyzed the situation, changed course and darted at full speed toward the ship. 
Aron'Son responded with a volley of chroniton torpedoes that hit the probe in succession at several calculated distances. Each time, the probe again froze but this time literally despite no change in energy output. Records of it's internal clock confirmed that it was actually frozen in time, duration of the time suspension directly related to the distance of contact.

"Target disabled." 

The second probe switched tactics and attempted to attack from the behind the Millennium. It strafed the port side of the ship and then attempted to focus its "fire" on disabling the engines.

Aron'Son engaged with the ship's beam arrays and then a spread of all the various torpedoes from the aft launchers. The probe was able to dodge several laser, phased, phaser anddisruptor shots, but the was caught by the torpedo spread and severely damaged with successive atomic, photonic, plasmic, quantum and transphasic detonations. As with the first probe this one shifted power to its engines and attempted a suicide run at the ship. Aron'Son switched to manual targeting and used full power phaser fire to end the exercise by destroying the probe.
"Target destroyed," the Jem'Hadar reported. "Weapons systems test concluded. Weapons are fully operational Captain."
"Well done, Mister Aron'son. I guess this ship is truly able to face anything... and the right way." with

Having enough options to avoid replacing a problem with another was paramount to their mission profile. The "killing Hitler" and "grandfather" paradoxes where now to become their standard mission parameter that mere conventional weaponry could only address with much difficulty, if at all. Being able to safely disable opposing life and technology and harmlessly defuse confrontation long enough to extract them from a potential disruption and prevent creating one was what made there whole mission possible.

Now, they knew they could do it.
And time had come to prove it.
"Ship wide."
"Ship wide channel open, Sir," the Aenar counselor answered.
"Attention all hands, this is the captain. All ship systems are confirmed green. We are now going to attempt transdimensional travel. prepare yourselves. Captain out."
Silence on the bridge seemed to stretch to the entire vessel as he addressed Tess without turning toward her.
"Yeoman; what are to be our best parameters for this test?"
The deceptively young female hybrid blinked once before answering.
"Sir, as you have been briefed, the transdimensional drive of this ship uses quantum frequencies to adjust our QSD to the specific parameters of any other parallel universe and shift us into this quantum frame, thanks to the specific type of power output of our singularity drive. All that is needed is the exact quantum signature of the target universe."
"And do we have such data at our disposal?"
"Aye, Sir, we do. One from the mid twenty-third century, the first such concrete proof of parallel realities on record."
Kheren nodded. He immediately recalled what she was refering to form his history lessons at Starfleet Academy about late Starfleet discoveries that had been related to quantum mechanics studies.
" Yeoman; input data into engineering and helm controls. Engineering, this is the bridge; enter transmitted frequencies into QSD drive and standby. Helm, prepare to engage quantum drive at my command."
"Give the word, Captain," answered Aguk Snow, his slanted eyes wide open in anticipation.

 David's panel showed the display of Yeoman Tess' quantum signature frequency as it transferred it into the QSD targetting scan. Once entered he began switching the main deflector to again tunnel into slipstream, informing the bridge as he progressed.

"Engineering aye. Frequencies entered. Main navigational deflector ready for Quantum slipstream implementation at helm's command. Variable strut configuration will commence on QSD initiation."

Again, David reminded the bridge on the strut parameter changes for QSD travel, but also upon dimensional travel the struts would not only flatten to thirty degrees, but upon implementation of temporal drive would stretch twenty-five percent. Rogers also watched the mostly automated preparations happening within the computing system as the Millenium prepared for transdimensional travel.

 The engineering core was effectively isolated from the main ships computing core, in this case THETIS herself. Because of the computing power used for time travel, up to sixty percent of her capacity, the second engineering core nominally took on the mundane ships functions of life support, normal space navigational deflection and mapping, and all the rest of the routine functions, giving the primary core ... 'Tess', David corrected himself again ... the needed separation for transdimensional computing.

 Satisfied that engineering was ready David leaned slightly back in his chair and glanced toward helm control, where Lieutenant Snow awaited the captains signal.
Back on the bridge, the Andorian commanding officer addressed his bridge crew but kept shipwide comm open so that everyone on board could follow in real time what was happening in the decision center of the ship.
"Thank you Mister Rogers. Mister Cross, make sure everything of this first trip is thoroughly and properly recorded," he ordered to the black clad man at his right.

he then turned his antennae towards the Jem'Hadar behind him.
"Mister Aron'Son, comfirm when every reasonable precaution has been implemented to ensure the safety of ship and crew."
Aron'Son checked his console again confirming that the automated protections were in place and then tapped his combage.
"Aron'Son to security, confirm all humanoid security personnel are at their stations. I have eyes on the bridge team."
"Confirmed Sir," came the disembodied reply "Engineering security, and data core security are in place."
Aron'Son nodded despite knowing they could not see him "Very good, Aron'Son out."
The hulking Jem'Hadar addressed Kheren "Captain, holographic security teams have been activated throughout the ship, and physical security teams are in place protecting critical areas. All ship's defensive systems are confirmed active."
"Guess we are ready to make History, then... Mister Snow; the word is given... now."
"Engaging transdimensional drive in five... four... three... two... one... activate."
On the screen before them, it started just like before when they had simply engaged the slipstream travel mode; a funnel of  dim, swirling gas-looking light around a seemingly bottomless pit of darkness. but then, there was a subtle vibration that was felt by everyone, not as some shake of the ship around them but as something inside each one of them. And then it went so fast that it almost felt imaginary. On the screen, the stars were back as before.
"Well... that was... underwhelming," murmured Lyrya from the captain's left.
" We are at the exact same coordinates as before the... jump, Sir," astrophysicist Valencia Irksos confirmed from science station 2. "Nothing on sensors has been altered... except..."
She looked at Norbert Baoule at science station 1 and he nodded before taking over for her.
" The quantum frequency of the universe around us is not quite that of our ship. Not enough of a difference to have our physical inegrity affected, but just enough to be significant and detectable. According to quantum mechanics, this means that we are in a parallel universe to our own; basically the same but existing in another quantum frequency."
"Our test seems to be a success," concluded Kheren. "Let's make a brief exploratory run to get definite confirmation."
" I have one for you already, Captain," Tyvya then announced, her eyes on her tactical sensor readout." Ship detected at the edge of the sector; changing course and speed... on a direct interception course towards us."




Comments (2)

By David Rogers on 07/27/2017 @ 10:28pm

The listed speeds for the ship are standard cruise,maximum cruise and maximum, so I used them. The last would be 'emergency' I guess.
Also, using the RP warp speed calculator resulted in the 970 xC figures, although Memory Alpha lists varying different results.

By Kheren on 07/28/2017 @ 12:05am

we are using Roddenberry's classic calculation which is warp speed factor expresses c (lightspeed) cubed by it's value:
W1= 1X1X1 = 1c
W2= 2X2X2 = 8 times the speed of light
W3= 3X3X3 = 27 times the speed of light
and so on up to our own emergency warp of
9.9= 9.9X9.9X9.9 = 970.299 times the speed of light.

At this speed a light year is crossed in 365/970 = 0.38 day or (24 X 0.38) = 9.12 hours

That's here to Alpha Centauri (4ly) in 36 hours, to Vulcan (16ly) in 144 hours or 6 days and across one sector (20ly) in 7.6 days... if you could maintain that speed for that long!