
Posted on 10/10/2014 @ 6:11am
Edited on on 10/10/2014 @ 10:54am

Mission: Brave New World
Location: USS Horizon

Posted by:

Lieutenant JG

User: Jureth

Oseno had returned to the Horizon well before he was required to. There were several things he wanted to check on, and he felt it was best if he did it before everyone began returning. The ship's strategic operations center was a finished space now. The temporary bulkheads had been torn down and permanent ones erected. The center was fully integrated into the ship's power grid so it wouldn't draw any more power than any other system. All of the consoles, and displays were optimized to Oseno's own specifications and would give his officers whatever information they needed, if he stayed on that is. Jureth had still not quite decided what to tell General Alteer, the Bajoran Militia commander, who had offered him the chief of security position aboard Deep Space Nine. 

The offer was on his mind as Oseno manually inspected the USS Polaris, the Horizon's integrated escort vessel. Shipyard crews had repaired the microfractures in her hull, and her design engineer from Utopia Planitia had even made a special trip to upgrade her power systems to put her in line with other escorts of her class. Oseno was just finished a walk around her hull when he felt the presence of someone else and turned to see the smiling face of Adira Yiral, the El-Aurian diplomatic specialist assigned to his department. 

"Back at work already Commander?" she asked with a smile

"I am," Jureth replied "There were things that needed doing." 

"There are always things that need doing aboard starships, but what about you? Did you do anything for yourself?" 

"I took the all the rest I needed." Oseno said as he moved back toward the bow of the Polaris

"And what about your decision?" 

Oseno jerked his head away from the Polaris "Excuse me?"

"I'd heard you'd been offered a new position."

"I didn't tell anyone about that besides the could you possibly?" Oseno trailed off as a smile from Adira stopped his thought mid sentence"I know, you have your sources.." he then said with resignation.

"That I do." 

"If you must know I haven't made a decision."

"why not?" 

"because I'm not sure what I want to do."

"You've thought a great deal about it haven't you?"

"Yes, more than you know. I even spoke with Captain Kheren." 

"The captain is a wise man, that was a good choice." 

"There are advantages to both positions, and disadvantages as well." 

"I'm sure there are...but what you should be doing is listening to this.." Adira said pointing at his chest "instead of this." she added pointing at his head. "This isn't a logical decision. You're trying to think like a Vulcan, but you aren't Vulcan Commander, you're Bajoran. If there is anything I know about Bajorans after my time among them is that they are emotional, spiritual people. Be Bajoran, Oseno, and then you will have your answer." 

With that she turned and walked toward the hangar exit, and Oseno didn't even time to correct her protocol. 

After leaving the Polaris Jureth walked to the strategic operations center and sat himself in the command chair in front of the main display. He sat for a long time, reexamining every item, pro and con he'd made in his head regarding the decision he and he alone had to make. For the first time in his life he turned his thoughts outward, to the Prophets, and asked what they would have him do. Oseno's spirituality, or lack thereof had always been a subject of concern with his mother. He never been overly attached to religion, but recent events had caused him to rethink some of his focus.  There was no physical answer to his request for guidance of course, the residents of the only stable wormhole in the galaxy had better things to do he suspected than to hear the concerns of one troubled Bajoran. Finally after a long while Oseno spoke to the empty room.

"Computer, initiate subspace call to General Alteer, Bajoran Militia Command, Bajor." 

"Call initiated, please wait while call is routed."

Jureth sat back in the chair knowing that the call would take time to route through the most efficient subspace relays. Subspace communications had vastly improved in recent years but routing real time calls still took the immense power of relay stations at key points between major starbases.  Finally the computer informed him that the call was connecting and soon General Alteer's face appeared on the viewer.

"Commander Oseno, I am pleased to hear from you. Have you thought about my offer." 

Jureth nodded "Yes General I have, quite a bit actually. Sir, the fact is that you made me a very generous offer for a very prestigious position. One that any officer would be elated to have.."

"But?" Alteer asked as if he already knew what was coming

"But, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to decline Sir. Starfleet is where I belong General. The Horizon will be departing again soon, and from what I understand it will be a critical mission. The ship needs me, and I can't stand the thought of the officers I've trained facing the unknown without me in front of them."

Alteer nodded "I have trained many officers in my time Commander, and I of all people understand what it means to want to face whatever comes with the men and women you serve with. Perhaps we will have another opportunity to serve together some day Commander. Until then, may the Prophets guide and watch your path." 

"Perhaps we will, and thank you Sir, Oseno out." 

Jureth closed the channel, and head for the exit..there was work to do.