Small Talk

Posted on 02/04/2012 @ 5:04pm
Edited on on 02/16/2012 @ 4:20pm

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 2: Assembly

Daniel noticed his First Officer and Chief Engineer take a place around him and greeted them both as he usually does with a smile and a handshake. "Well this meeting isn't going to start for a bit lets mingle a bit shall we?" Summers motioned for the two men to join him and he headed straight for Captain Kheren of the USS Artemis.

"Hello Old Friend" Daniel started "I hope we are not interupting?" he asked with a kwirky smile, awaiting the reply from the large Andorian surronded by his fellow shipmates.

Kheren turned towards the captain of the USS Spectre only when he noticed his crew glancing behind him at the approaching officer. His natural deafness to sounds behind him didn't show however, as he turned very naturally to say:

''Captain Summers! Seems we only meet when there is some dramatic event going on!

He welcomed the commanding officer of the second largest vessel in the fleet with a callused hand from him to his team.

''May I present to you my bridge crew. Commander O'Conner and Doctor Nasaro-Myth of course you already know from way back when we all fought off those Romulans from this very starbase...''

The Andorian proceeded then to introduce Scotty, Brie and Aguk.

''And this is Lieutenant Snowfire K'Leysha, the science officer of the McKenzie.''

He felt a bit akward introducing a science officer that was not of his crew when his own science chief was inexplicably missing. But he hid his growing concern by explaining to his officers:

''Captain Summers saved my life that day while risking his own. Then, we met briefly again shortly after the Borg Invasion, during the memorial for his lost chief engineer... Lieutenant Sisko, wasn't it? And now, we meet once again on the eve of facing a cosmic catastrophy.''

Looking again at Daniel Summers, he finished:

''Blue is not your lucky color I gather.''

Like all Andorians, Kheren was still struggling with humanoid humor. The structure of it was so alien, he missed the point most of the time, be it when he accidentally did a joke as much as someone else told one. But he kept trying... The propension of Humans in particular to laugh at the face of death itself, a trait he admired and envied, had always fascinated him.

And so, even with a rigid face incapable of really smiling despite his best efforts, he tried. he was not one to give up on, or even refuse, a worthy challenge.

"No it is not apparently" Summers said with a chuckle.

Rogers had followed Summers over toward the group of officers, hoping silently that his accidental first beam in would not be a subject brought forward. Knowing Captain Summers though, he doubted that would occur. As the tall Andorian introduced his officers beside him, David nodded perceptably at each as they were introduced. Commander O'Conner, Rogers' equivalent on the Alsea and the two lieutenants Scott and Brie, wearing engineering and command uniforms respectively. Doctor Nasaro-Myth he had heard about during his brief recovery in star base medical after the Spectre's return from earth's past, but Aguk he had never met or seen before.

The mysterious lieutenant K'Leysha was somewhat of an enigma to David. He really didn't recognize her species, but he nodded politly to her in turn. What had piqued his interest though was mention of a Romulan attack, and David glanced between the two captains inquisitivly as the tall Andorian captain finished speaking.

"For my crew introductions, this is Commander David Rogers Executive Officer and Lt Shar Noor Chief Engineer, my Tactical Security Chief should be along shortly."

As they all indulged in little speech... tiny speak... small talk... whatever Humans called it, Kheren watched the officers that were accompanying the commanding officer of the Spectre. The highest ranking one, a red-collared Commander, was most assuredly his exec; with mixed Vulcanoid and Humanoid features, there was nevertheless a certain unfamiliar poise behind his proper Starfleet one which came from neither. Alone by himself, this officer showed how deep, rich, intriguing and complex life in the United Federation of Planets could be.

But then there was the other one. the Andorian.

Light blue skin, straight frontal antennea, the Andorian wearing junior grade pips on his golden collar was of pure Bishee heritage. And he was also quite young. Those were usually the most traditionalists among their people. But either he was enough of a natural master at hiding his feelings to make a Vulcan Kohlinar master proud, or he was amazingly oblivious to Kheren's identity.

No... there is not an Andorian in known space that ignores who and what the abomination is. Not oblivious... unconcerned?

Kheren had joined Starfleet to escape the unforgiving narrowmindedness of his own kind. Was this one proof that Federation wisdom and ideals were finally melting the kilometers of eternal ice that was trapping the soul of doomed Andoria?

Hope... is that not the very basis of what we are? the captain of the Artemis thought as he glanced up at the huge Federation banner hologram dropping from the ceiling between those of Starfleet and of Lotus Fleet, directly over the head of Fleet Captain Allen Samji on the central podium.

And hope will be our best tool against what we have to face, he thought grimly.

O'Conner finished his iced tea and then jabbed at the other crew with a teasing smirk. "Is the Specter is doing well in my absence, Captian Summers? I do hope that the misaligned bio filters weren't a sign of bigger problems. We wouldn't want to have to leave you three and that fancy ship behind."

Michael O'Conner's jest with the Spectre's officers reminded Kheren of the days when he had exchanged such friendly barbs with the former first officer of that ship when he was himself exec of the Artemis. But the sour and sweet feeling of nostalgia was quickly swept away when he was reminded of another officer, as he saw Tyvya return to the conference room with a definite cloud over her eyes.

He excused himself a moment to meet her halfway between their seats and the door.

''Sir... Lieutenant Syntron is at a meeting.''

''The meeting is here, Lieutenant, '' growled the captain of the Artemis.

''Not the meeting with Rear Admiral Kotari... and two gentlemen we all recently met... Sir.''

Kheren's antennae wobbled wildly as his eyes became but mere slivers of metal. The commander of the entire Hromi sector... and agents Dulmur and Lucksly... of the Office of Temporal Investigations.

''Indeed, we ALL did, Lieutenant, including of course Mister Syntron. So what in Hell's Deep Waters is this about?''

''The only answer I got was; remind your commanding officer that he will be informed in due time...''

Kheren looked up at the giantess somber face with a frown of his own.

''Is that a joke?''

''I would not know , Sir.''

Both Andorians looked at one another with a telling angle of their antennae.

''Humans...'' grumbled Kheren with a sigh as he motioned for her to come back with him to join with the rest of the Artemis officers still discussing with those of the Spectre.

''You were not advised about this, Sir?'' then whispered the towering Andorian Shen.

''Not in so many words for sure,.'' he hissed back between his teeth. ''I received no direct call about this.''

''What about your messages?'' she insisted in a low voice as they neared the group.

''Haven't looked at them since yesterday. No time... I spent all night in the holodeck with the simulation from astrometrics... and with the final extensive security checks of the ship... preparations for the mission... and with this priority operation at a boiling point...''

''Your Yeoman did not tell you?''

''What Yeoman?''

Tyvya straightened to her full two and a quarter meters of height as she simply shot back:

''My point exactly... Sir.''

Her four eyes, ever alert from her towering height, all noticed the huge form that filled the entrance door before coming towards them. He was Human, male, young, and of a definitely unusual size that matched hers. Of course he was much more massive, as Human Andorian ratio was the norm, but he wore the same uniform as she was, down to the rank on a golden collar... but with obviously much less confidence as he tried to slide along a wall to approach in an unobstrusive manner and join the Spectre's bridge crew.

There was also signs of annoyance, almost aloofness, in the body language of the man towards this vast, crowded place that was almost... Andorian. Or was it something else?

I think his kind would call him a... the... new kid on the block? she tought before shifting back her attention to the rest of their surrounding, in the pure reflexive attitude of a security officer.

Tritter noticed the female looked at him as he approached, but he returned the gaze - no emotion showed in his eyes. He is definately not a fan of this crowd however and prefered a few to multitudes. He simply looked about the room, studying the occupants as he kept to himself. Not much of a talker.

Tritter had noticed the CO, but also noticed that they were otherwise engaged. He waited until finished, the large human rose to his feet, having decided it would be smart to report to his new CO.

He took a few steps towards the man, stood at the position of attention, than his heavily accented deep voice stated "Lieutenant Michael Tritter reporting Sir", his german accent created some interesting sounding words in his statement.

"Ah Welcome Michael, everyone this is our new Tactical Security Officer Michael Tritter, this is Captain Kheren of the USS Artemis and his crew and this is Commander David Rogers your XO and Lt Shar Noor Chief Engineer of the Spectre, please join us and relax a little there is no threat at the immediate moment besides one never knows when you may get the next opportunity to do so" as he finished he sensed the uncomfortableness of his Security Chief the same time he noticed Kheren's change in demeanor as he returned from talking with another of his crew Daniel assumed. "Captain, a word privately please?"

Kheren glanced once at the hulking security chief of the Spectre and immediately sensed the almost Andorian aggressive aloofeness and near Edoan uncertainty of the Human; a most dangerous and volatile combination, especially in one expected to go defuse and solve trouble before it begans and supposedly trained to do so. The way he talked and looked at others betrayed a wariness, maybe even a lack of heartfelt respect for senior officers that could have been expected of a conscript grunt in the Klingon empire... not from a ranked volunteer in his chosen profession as they all were in Starfleet.

Hang in there, kid... he silently wished this Lieutenant Tritter. You will not get anywhere alone... trust me, I know...

But then, the commanding officer of this bear of a man asked to talk privately with him.

Simply nodding, he went with Summers in an isolated section of the huge amphitheater, out of earshot; including Vulcan and Andorian earshot. His four oculars looked straight at his friend to signify his readiness and willingness to listen.

"Is everything alright I kind of sensed a hint of distaste from you a moment ago when the Lt came to talk to you," Summers said concerned for his friend, fellow Starfleet Captain, fellow fleetmate.

It took a moment for the Andorian to sort things out from what the captain of the Spectre was asking. The half-Betazoid had apparently sensed his reaction to the attitude of his chief of security but seemingly confused it with his annoyance at the forced absence of his own chief of science revealed by his own tactical officer.

"Nothing you or I can not handle, Captain Summers," Kheren finally chose to say. "At least, if we can count on our own officers as much as Fleet Captain Samji can count on the both of us. These are trying times for the Federation, for the Fleet... and for each and all of us. last time, during the Borg War, you were already in command... but I was not. The responsibilities I face now are certainly preminent in my mind."

He shook his wide shoulders as if to free himself from some invisible yoke.

"But I will manage; after all, I just have to look at you or Captain Crist to see how to be worthy of those four pips."

"Thank you my friend, I appreciate the kind words, they mean alot coming from you, and indeed we have our work cut out for us all, may we fare better than we did against the Borg and the Romulans, and as far as I am concerned you have earned your four pips and no need to look to me for guidance in the matter you just keep doing what it is that you do best and you will be an Admiral one day" Summers said with a slight tap on Kheren's shoulder as they walked back to their group.

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

The Andorian spoke from the heart. And it was not the first time he had such thoughts.He had been rising so fast among the rank and file since his graduation from the Academy that he had always felt inadequate for the responsibilities so quickly entrusted upon him... until recently, as he finally assumed his captaincy following several extraordinary events... and most of all, the help of an exemplary crew. Finally, he knew he had met his first, best destiny: command a starship.

And I'll be damned if I ever let anyone or anything pull me away from that chair.

As both captains rejoined with their officers, Kheren saw that Fleet captain Samji was getting ready to start his briefing and assume command of the upcoming fleet operation.

Better you than me, my friend.



Comments (9)

By Michael O'Conner on 02/04/2012 @ 5:41pm

You need to add Kheren and other officers before they can add your post.

By Kheren on 02/05/2012 @ 4:34am

You might want to add your players as well as O'Conner, Danik Brie and Montgommery Scott along with Snowfire to the list of authors (not tags) since they are there too.

And feel free to edit between my lines. There is no rule forcing you to write only after what I wrote if you feel that your character could have said/thought/done anything in between.

By Michael O'Conner on 02/06/2012 @ 1:32pm

I would like totally post if I was an author.

By Kheren on 02/08/2012 @ 2:10am

Here you go!

By Kheren on 02/09/2012 @ 8:33am

Oh and its the SPECTRE by the way... as in ghost, wraith, revenant and such (obvious reference to the DYCEP) and not the ''Spector'' ;D

By Kheren on 02/10/2012 @ 3:13am

The scene with Tyvya is to allow Jeff to return at any point of the story without prejudice to his character and without leaving any loose end or incongruity about his absence, even if it becomes extensive; while at the same time, Evshell can go on with the meeting without being forced to wait for him.

By Michael O'Conner on 02/10/2012 @ 11:09am

I like Specter/or. I always thing evil bond group when I see Spectre. :D

By Allen Samji on 02/10/2012 @ 1:08pm

Well, when it's a generic word referring to the spirit, you can use spectre or specter interchangeably, but if it's a name, it's spelled the way it's spelled. That would be like me calling you O'Connor just because i like the 3 o's better (which I may have very well done, but I would then expect you to call me out on it).

Some other examples of a word being spelled differently but acceptable in either case would be theater/theatre, but if I were to own a business and call it the Evshell Theatre, it is spelled with the -re not the -er because that is the chosen name.

By Kheren on 02/11/2012 @ 4:27am

"Spectre" is in fact the French spelling of the English "specter" just like "theatre" (or rather "théatre") is for "theater" but differently pronounced so as to sound nearer the English one. The habit of both neighboring languages to borrow from one another (the English word "stop" being official in the French language as another example) is quite common.

Hence why I was confused with the word "spector" wich I can't find anywhere... not even on the ship's hull pictures (which clearly reads "spectre"). So I just tought it was a simple typo.