Visit to Sickbay

Posted on 05/12/2013 @ 4:27pm
Edited on on 05/23/2013 @ 4:09am

Mission: From the Ashes
Location: Meeting USS Phoenix Sickbay

Hera finished adding her notes from the bridge officers meeting to her PADD as she walked into the Chief Science officer's office.  Barely glancing at the bare walls of the undecorated office she secured it in the desk and headed out to the Sickbay.  Besides her world's reverence for Doctors it was always best to listen their orders and get things done promptly.  

Hera smoothed her tunic and walked into the sickbay with a brisk pace stopping by one of the assistants and nodding to the attendant stating simply "I am Hera Seven, acting Chief of Science.  Should there be time I would like to get the medical exam done."

Folding her hands behind her back Hera added, "This should be brief - it is a formality."

"It usually is... until we find something."

The voice was soothing and musical as she remembered from the meeting. Before she shifted her gaze to him, she knew the Deltan CMO had joined her. His bald head shined under the soft sickbay lights but his mesmerizing purple eyes were bright with curiosity and concern. On his handsome face, warmth and seriousness competed as he approached her.

"If you would please come with me, Lieutenant, " he said, indicating a more private biobed. "I read your file and, since I am not entirely familiar with your kind, I have to ask; would you prefer standard technical procedure or a more personalized untechnical approach? "

Her pale blue eyes gazed into his violet steadily.  Her response to his presence might be the same as a vulcans .. until the corner of mouth quirked into a faint smile.  Public displays of emotion were to be controlled but he was someone that Hera felt inspired affection.

Hera followed and said;

"Ensign, actually."

Touching her pips briefly before saying,

"I am only on temporary assignment Sir.  Just filling in until your real officer can arrive."

Hera walked over to stand by the bed her posture at ease but very carefully placed to give that impression.  Her voice speaking of patience from experience.

"Whatever style you desire for this formality Doctor."

"How about both, then"" he proposed amiably. "I am an exobiologist and I am very interested in knowing more about you and your people. Instruments are certainly fine and acurate, but there is a lot you can learn from a simple touch that mechanical devices can not really convey. And it won't take all that much longer... If that is alright with you of course, Ensign. "

The left corner of Hera's mouth quirked a bit into a smile.  This doctor was one of the first to know she wasn't a Random Human that didn't treat her like some sort of fungal specimen.  

"As you wish Doctor, I am at your disposal, but I think the tests I have done before have sampled what an Olympian is."

Exile though she might be her voice cant help but convey pride as she says the name Olympian.  But who would expect less with a people who call themselves after a race of Terran deities.

As he set up the biobed sensors and activated the system, Elliago retuned to her the same small smile.

"Indeed... and the reports make for fascinating reading. Guess this is the main reason why your people are not part of the Federation; genetic engineering to alter the species is a long standing taboo since the Federation was founded. The Eugenics wars scarred Humanity deeply, while the Vulcans find it illogical and the Tellarites couldn't care less. As for Andorians... well the recent attempt to do so is still rocking the very foundations of their world. Only Denobulans are comfortable with it... but then again, they never used it to improve their species; only to prevent defects and cure them. "

Hera nodded.  "My world was founded before Earth became more uncomfortable with this science or we met the Vulcans.  The Founders were wise and saw what was coming to Earth and left."

As the readings poured out of the machine, he frowned a bit.

"Seveteen fractures of the left humerus; twelve of the left ulna and radius; six of the left femur; two of the left fibula; one of the lower jaw and of the left eye socket; numerous other microfractures on other bones and scars... Most are consistent with someone regularly practicing martial arts, mountain climbing or diving but the rest I have no clue... but they look like some systematic wounding... like from some ritualistic practice... or torture. And I see that they were all badly treated... just enough to set the bone back in place, no more. Sloppy work... I recommend you get treatment with an osteoregenerator or you will be in a lot of pain when you'll get older."

Hera tensed as he spoke.  It was a comment she had heard before and obviously wasn't very happy hearing it.  

"I have practiced Martial Arts when I can.  Some I am sure came from the Agoge and Heraea Schools.  Others from rituals.  Our medical technology is some of the best.  They were set so they would be remembered."

The Deltan did not comment on her remark but it was clear he was not impressed at all by what she boasted of their medecine; nor approving of such deliberate harming, whatever the reason. But he was also experienced enough with alien cultures to not press the issue openly. Thus, he kept his comment to his readouts.

"Improved physical attributes from the base Human norm... improved synaptic connections and responses too... Olympian indeed. You're the first person I ever examined that could be a match for my former commanding officer... who has been genetically altered too as a matter of fact. "

Hera raised her eyebrow.  She hadn't heard of any others in Starfleet like her.  

"Perhaps some day you can introduce us."

"Easily arranged; there is the upcoming commissioning ceremony of the flagship, the Horizon. I can introduce you to Captain Kheren then if you like. "

As the biobed monitors completed their scan, he put a hand under his chin, reflecting on what he was deciphering.

"Intensified immune system through focalised antibodies... This means, Ensign, that you will have to be extra careful with hygiene and diet. Your system can effortlessly fight off infections and viruses it has met before, but is highly vulnerable to new ones. You almost died of the flu once, as a result. I would strongly recommend that you follow a complete, well supervized and thorough vaccination program. This will ensure that you will be immune to all known infections and viruses and safeguard you best from such risk again. "

His tone was relaxed and confident enough, yet his face was still expressing concern; like something wasn't feeling quite right to him.

Hera's reply is chilly to his comment.

"If needed I can take stimulants to help it.  It is not as bad as it might seem."

She paused pride and devotion warring with her inborn reverence for doctors and a superior officer.  

"I will, however, take it under advisement and when I am waiting for my next assignment I will speak with the medical officers about doing that."

"It's your health, not mine... but a few vitamins won't help you if you get struck with something more serious than a bland case of the flu. Please do take this seriously. "

She didn't like sickbays or dealing with diseases or aliens overmuch and couldn't entirely hide that from her voice.

"I have Emergency Medical training form the Academy and had more training on my Cadet Cruise.  While I am on the ship if I can be of assistance let me know."

Elliago smiled at her.

"We do have a large and highly competent medical staff on board... and the best EMH there is... but we never know where and when something will happen that will require any of us to help. Thank you for your offer. We will certainly take advantage of all the skills you may have, especially if it means saving lives."

For a moment, he looked again at the readouts, still frowning. Then, he took out a medical tricorder and used it to scan more closely her chest area. His frown deepened.

"Ensign... would you mind now if used Deltan touch techniques to examine you? It will complement the instrument readouts... but there is also something peculiar i would like to check out more closely. "

Hera's white eyebrows shot up at his words stepping down on her reaction - he had been professional so far.  it was unlikely this Random was trying to proposition her.  She asked Elliago guardedly;

"What sort of touch do you have in mind, Doctor?"

Elliago immediately sensed the tension in her and smiled reassuringly.

"Relax, Ensign; like all Deltans in Starfleet, my Oath of Celibacy is on record. I would never, in any manner or form, try to take advantage of a member of a sexually immature species. "

It sounded like a joke but she could see he was dead serious. His tone then became even more clinical as he described the procedure he had in mind.

"I would have to first touch both your wrists, then both your temples, then both your jugular and carotid each side of your neck, then the center of your chest and the center of your back together, each time asking you to take a deep breath,exhale, then cough. Deltan touch is highly sensitive; this way, I will monitor the inner workings of you physiology in an intuitive way instruments can not achieve... but only with your express consent of course. If you have any personal or cultural taboo about any part of the procedure I described to you, I will understand and I will not impose it on you. "

He took a pause to let her assimilate what he had said before finishing:

"But please understand that I am not asking to do this just for the fun of it. I fear there is something peculiar in your physiology that has not been noted by your previous examinations... but the state of the art instruments on this ship are giving me some peculiar readings that I can't verify otherwise. But it's your call, Ensign. "

She didn't look like she was thrilled by what he was saying but she listened.  

"I don't know anything about an oath Doctor.  If you want to try your mystic skills I am willing to let you try."

"Nothing mystical about it, Ensign; physiological. We Deltans have heigtened senses of touch and smell that even surpass your own enhanced attributes, honed by millenia of acitve interaction and linked to subconscious telepathic perceptions that allow us to sense the inner workings of someone,s body as well as our own. On Earth, yoga masters were known to be able to sense and control even their autonomous body functions. We Deltans can do the same naturally and even extend that perception and control over others by touch... like this. "

As soon as he took her wrists and started the procedure he had described to her, she felt relaxed and at ease, like she had not felt in a very long time. Despite herself, a small smile and a sigh escaped her lips and she felt like all the tension of the last days evaporated out of her as his hands probed with gentle respect and professional precision her body. She made the conscious decision to trust the Doctor and relaxed into a state of meditation breathing slow deep breaths.

And before she could realize fully what had happen, it was over. Yet, she could see on the biobed's chronometer that the entire procedure had taken several minutes. And she still felt some of that relaxing touch linger on her.  Hera put her head into her hands for a moment enjoying the moment with her eyes closed before lowering her hands restoring her professional demenor.

When her attention came back to the doctor, he was frowning and nodding, his eyes alternatively on a medical tricorder readout and the report from the biobed screen. Long seconds of silence went by before he finally spoke, looking at her.

"Ensign; are you aware of your heart's condition?"

Hera raised a single eyebrow  before saying calmly.

"My blood pressure is a bit high as is my heart rate.  I've been minimizing my sleep cycles until the work is complete.  Nothing unusual.  Why?'

The Deltan was silent for a moment. Then he looked straight at her.

"Like all the rest of you, your heart has been... designed... for enhanced levels of performance, especially considering, as far as I can guess from your biometrics,  the mental performance expected of someone like you. After all, the brain is already by far the most demanding organ for all sentient lifeforms. Oh they did a great job... a bit too great a job in fact. Your heart is just as powerful as that of a Caitian... and like a Caitian, it is also overworking itself at a much greater rate than it should. "

He took a pause before finishing.

"In detail, Ensign; you are especially prone to cardiac and capillary problems. Nosebleeds, skinflushes and rapid loss of blood in case of open injury will become even more frequent than you are used to as time will go by. And the more you will overexert yourself physically and mentally, especially under stress and emotional duress, the greater the risk of your heart giving out... literally under it's own weight. Caitians are almost all suffering from at least one cardiac arrest in their life after reaching forty; expect the same possibility in your case... and that is even with a relatively peaceful life. "

Hera blinked her slight frown the only outward sign of her thoughts.  His words hit her own firm belief in her superiority and left little impression.  She says coolly;

"Doctor, you are surely mistaken."

She thought to add more but she was sure as a Random born he would never understand.  

"I wish I was," the Deltan said. "But you are a scientist, Ensign; look yourself at the electrocardiogram and cardiovascular biometrics data here. Compare it with all the previous data examinations. Then, correlate it with the latest statistics about psychosomatic and sociosomatic factors on humanoid physiology.  Now, project these resutls over a five, ten, twenty and forty years time period... "

This was a global, long term approach to health that was astounding in itself. But even more astounding was that, what the thruth this hard data revealed, Elliago obviously had no time to study it; he had therefore gathered it from intuitive insight of the readings and the sensitivity of his Deltan touch.

Hera narrowed her eyes her cheeks flushed as she listened her hand gripping the edge of the biobed behind her tighter as he talked.  her sense of anger and denial rising as he spoke and, unfortunately, he was right.  

"I don't know the specifics of your culture but, to me, the closest thing I can find to your condition is Vulcan Pon Farr. Not sexually based in your case however and not cyclic either; but pressure from heightened physiology and emotional repression is similar... and in your case much more diffuse and seemingly constant. And because it builds very slowly and at a systemic level, it will eventually lead to cardiovascular problems similar to Caitian physiology. You are even slightly beyond the peak of Human nature... just enough to experience it's inherent structural limitations, like those ordinary people who sometimes exhibit superhuman strenght in time of extreme stress... and end up with muscles and tendons ripped apart afterwards.  In short, Ensign, they made you good... but maybe too good. "


She could hear the snarl in her voice and feel the adrenaline in her system.  Pushing off the bed she started pacing a few short steps the space feeling sudenly small to her as she worked to reign in her emotions.  It was embarrassing to be so out of sorts in public or before a superior officer but she couldn't fully control it.  

She stopped and thrust a finger at Eliiago pointing almost accusatorily.

"You are wrong.  There must of been an accident in the transporter.  or something Starfleet Security did!"  

Hera turns away from him and starts pacing again talking to herself her hands clenched into fists as she takes exactly the same steps back and forth.

"It could of been the Laza field we were stuck in there for days with Her.  Or..or something to do with the Kironide overdose on the Arthur.  Something.."

The Deltan Doctor gave her time to process the facts. Patient denial was a classic, almost inevitable  reaction when confronted suddenly with such kind of news, especially among Starfleet officers who were bright, energetic, pro-active people that firmly beleived their entire destiny was solely in their hands. And it would be even more so with someone like her, of superior genetic material and obviously quite proud of it, personally as much as culturally.

Facing one's mortality was never easy... and aside from the occasional 'satori' or revelation as ancient Asian Humans had called it, wisdom rarely came quite as fast and easy.

He was tempted to release calming pheromones to ease her, then refrained from it. Sometimes, you had to let the patient feel the pain to start the healing process. So he just spoke gently but firmly to her.

"You are a scientist; of course you know that there can always be other possibilities. We may explore them if you wish... but in the meantime, some small adjustment to your diet, monitored exercises, relaxation and cardiovascular techniques and a conscious effort to manage stress better can help anyone, even the best among us. There is nothing like unbiased, honest self-awareness to beat the odds, Ensign."

Hera stopped and started to point at Elliago stopping halfway through the motion.  She closed her mouth with a click and turned halfway from him placing her hands behind her back forcing her body to relax in that contemplative pose.  Her voice at least was calm and controlled as she spoke.

"Doctor if you would forward your information to the Chief Science officer's office.  I will review your data when I have time and I will speak with the physician of my post about it when there is time."

She knew if she handled this right the information would quietly go away, one of the slight advantages of being without an assignment.

"As you wish, Ensign, " Doctor Nasaro-Myth answered. "But in the meantime, my medical logs will record and confirm that this is no hindrance to you in the performance of your duties. Oh, and of course, all this is under strict patient-doctor confidentiality, which not even a direct order can break. You would be surprised who, and how many people, in Starfleet have much worse health problems, or rather potential problems, than this and still are most active, productive, efficient officers. And they don't have an enhanced physiology to compensate. Just keep in mind your limitations as much as your potential and you might even go through your whole life without even notiving anything. "

He tapped a few controls on the nearest console.

"I confirm you fit for duty, Ensign."



Comments (2)

By Kheren on 05/13/2013 @ 5:46am

I went with a lot of details here so feel free to include any dialog, thought or reaction between my paragraphs as you see fit.

By Hera Seven on 05/13/2013 @ 11:06am

We can tweak the dialog as needed to fit together better :)