Getting Down to Business

Posted on 02/03/2012 @ 5:47am
Edited on on 02/03/2012 @ 12:34pm

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 2: Assembly
Location: SB10 Briefing

Oseno could see the stern look on the face of Lotus Fleet's commanding officer as he surveyed the chaos surrounding the arrival of the naked officer. Jureth could tell that Samji wanted to begin, and then the Bajoran caught the arrival of his former commanding officer Captain Gould. He hadn't seen the captain since his impromptu transfer to the Alsea, and at the risk of delaying the Fleet Captain any longer Jureth left his seat and his now luke warm tea momentarily and strode briskly over to where Gould was conferring with a medical officer that Oseno did not know.

"Captain Gould Sir, it is good to see you again. Did the refit go to your expectations?"

Gould looked around and wondered how he could have missed his former CSO.

"Of course not, they'd be completely lost without me. But its good to see you again Oseno, arm all healed up I take it?"

"When we get a chance later we should talk."

At the mention of his arm Oseno recalled for a moment their desperate fight with the Mugato creature during the Lotus final mission before refit. There were several times where he was sure the creature was going to kill him, and truthfully if it hadn't been for Captain Gould that may have happened.

"Yes Sir, the arm has healed nicely. The docs did a good job patching me up. I'd be happy to speak with you whenever you like Sir, but I suppose we had all better find seats. The Fleet Captain looks like he's chomping at the bit, talk to you later Captain."

Oseno turned and made his way back to his seat next to Josh Vincent, and waited for the briefing to start.



Comments (1)

By Allen Samji on 02/04/2012 @ 6:24am

Just to avoid confusion, if you're going to abbreviate Chief Tactical/Security Officer, use CTSO... CSO is Chief Science Officer... and there's no other way to abbreviate that. I have standardized all the abbreviations on bottom of the Open Positions Thread.