Contentment, Arriving.

Posted on 04/07/2013 @ 12:41pm
Edited on on 04/29/2013 @ 2:17am

Mission: The Forgotten
Location: USS Horizon, Deck 5 Science Labs

Snowfire gave a gentle sigh of pure contentment as she finished her tour of what would be - in time - the Horizon's primary science bays. Everything on this ship was so big, such a marked change from her previous assignment - yet also a reminder, in its own way, of her home. Which, truthfully, she was trying somewhat to ignore right now - primarily due to the last message that had come through from her 'contacts' in the IDF in regards to her promotion and new duty post. As the first member of the so-called 'Starfleet Group' to attain a rank above that of Lieutenant, and to do so whilst assigned to arguably one of the most prestigious fleets in Starfleet... Goddess only knew what they would say when they found out about her new assignment. Chief Science on the McKenzie hadn't been much to write home about, and wouldn't have been even if she had been willing to pass along the type of information that her 'contacts' expected her to.

CSO of the Horizon, however, was quite a different story. Theoretically one of the most advanced vessel in all of Starfleet, as well as one of the largest ever built, the Lotus class vessel would undoubtedly be of great interest to her superiors. And therein lay the rub. Things were coming more and more to a head, with the Velkyn Ml'aen having now - as of the last message passed through the Zahur service by her sisters - retrieved a full third of all Foreseers in the entirety of Council space to bring together the Flashes that had been steadily mounting. Everyone knew that the Flashes had something to do with the Federation. The main question, however, was which way it would direct. And, to a growing number, what a Vision for alikeness to the Federation would bring about. As if it wasn't obvious. All across her people's home, there were questions taking shape. Alliances forming. Loyalties being decided in the event of a future that was as utterly exhilarating as it was terrifying. But that, at least, was still for the future. Flashes took time to bring together. And it would be some time yet until the Ml'aen and those aboard her could bring together the steadily building Vision.

And until that future came, she had a job to do.

"Well, this is certainly more than we had on the McKenzie, isn't it." The familiar voice sounded behind her, and she turned with an almost incredulous laugh.

"Nolanis." She said softly, her smile almost enough to split her dark face. "And Daniel and Keladry too. I see Command granted the promotions I recommended."

"And the transfer requests, ma'am." Daniel replied, black eyes twinkling. "As of this morning, we were all transferred from our posts on the McKenzie to your command. I do hope you know what you're signing up for."

"I would hope so." Keladry remarked cooly. "It would be highly illogical to request the assignment of those that would not be of use to the Lieutenant Commander." She held the poise for a few seconds, then cracked a smile too. "It's good to be with you again, Snowfire. Hopefully we won't have to do anything as crazy as what we did back on the McKenzie during Operation Horizon until at least a few days have passed aboard our new home."

"I guarantee nothing, Lieutenant." Snowfire replied in equal good humour. "So where are Tanya and Jaylen? Did they get transferred too?" Nolanis chuckled.

"They did indeed, Lt-com. In fact, they heard about it first."

"And then stormed each of our quarters, bundled us into our uniforms, and told us to get aboard 'so that the Lieutenant Commander would know that she has some old friends in her department.' Oh, and that they would be dealing with our personnel effects." Daniel finished.

"That would be what I'd expect from them." Snowfire chuckled, cocked her head for a moment in thought, and then chuckled again. "Probably why they did it." As she spoke, there was a faint hiss as the doors of the science lab slid open.

"Why who did what, an'kin?" A pitched contralto sounded from the door, pulling a gasp from Snowfire.


"Ensign Orin Latonesh, reporting for duty." The red haired Bajoran woman in the doorway smiled. "Keren'sel, sh'aen'chara. My senior on Starbase 21 had some rather severe words for you regarding stealing his language specialist."

"Keren'sel, sh'aen'chara." Snowfire replied solemnly, her face smiling still. "Nothing a lady like yourself would be unable to repeat, I hope?"

"I'll send you a memo."

"Oh, that bad?" Snowfire shook her head. "Sorry. Lieutenants Nolanis May, Daniel Lorenz, Keladry Virto, meet Orin Latonesh - our Alpha Shift language specialist, and one of a grand total of fifteen non-Ilythiiri within Starfleet to be passably fluent in our people's language." She quirked a slender eyebrow at Orin's open-mouthed reaction to her subtle jab, and laughed - actually laughed. "Usstan nime, aen'chara." She said placatingly, then held out her hand and gestured for Orin to join the cluster of Lieutenants around her. "Come on, they don't bite." Laughter swirled again at a comment, and the doors to the bay slid shut with another faint hiss, cutting off the sounds of joyous greeting.

The joyful reunion was still in full swing when the door swished open to let in two dark-skinned Humans with the blue collar of the science section on their standard balck and grey uniforms. One was male, tall and slim, with a sort crop of black curly hair and a concentrated look in his dark eyes and on his square, beardless face. The other was a woman as tall as he was, long black hair with dark brown highlights falling over her shoulders, soft oval face with high cheekbones, shiny black eyes and pulpous lips. When they saw the group around the Illithyri, then the pips on her white collar, they went straight for them.

" Welcome aboard the Horizon, " said the woman with a strong yet soft voice. " I'm Lieutenant Valencia Irksos, chief astrophysicist and first assistant chief of science. "

" Norbert Baoule, sensor specialist, third assistant chief of science," then said the man. " Welcome aboard Lieutenant-Commander. Captain Kheren already told us of your assignment as our chief of science. "

" We're looking forward to working with you, Ma'am, " Irksos continued with a warm smile. " We have studied your report and research files about the Azimuth Horizon and how you came up with the final containment solution. Despite a few miscalculations, it was brilliant to say the least. "

Turning her attention away from her already known officers, Snowfire swept violet eyes over the two officers. Both Lieutenants felt the weight of years behind that piercing gaze, eyes older than the Federation assessing them and searching their manner for some hidden quality. Whatever it was, apparently she found it, or at least enough of what might become it, for she nodded graciously and extended her hand in greeting.

"Considering I worked out the entire plan in all of," she paused a moment, other hand flexing slightly, "about three hours, miscalculations were pretty much a certainty when taking into account both the complexity of the calculations and the rather limited ability of the ships involved in that stage of the operation. She finished rather bluntly, but her eyes were soft despite the possible hardness of her words, and she grinned wryly in faint memory. "Oh, and not forgetting that the last time I actually attended a proper lecture on wormhole mechanics was a few years before the Federation and the Klingon Empire signed the, now possibly defunct, Khitomer Acords."

Her eyes turned serious again, a warning in her eyes to the officers before her that her part in that final solution was classified for a very good reason. And that further talk on the matter, in such manner that it implied her having a leading role in both establishing the hypothesis and implementing it,  would be more wise to be done elsewhere.

"No criticism intended, Ma'am, " Baoule then said with a genuinely warm smile. "We just wanted you to know here that we admire your work and that you can count on us to assist you thoroughly with it on board this ship. This is how it works under Captain Kheren's command; among other things, he cares not a wiff about status and  expects his senior officers to tell him anything that can improve his effort in fulfilling his duty... and thus, he also expects all his department heads to follow this attitude. "

"Ele l'aphyon lor, aen'chera?" Orin asked, expression curious as she cocked her head at the new arrivals. "My apologies, where are my manners. Ensign Orin Latonesh, Language Specialist." The other officers nodded in greeting, giving name, rank and position within the Horizon's newly formed Science Department.

"Glad to meet you, Ensign, " said Irksos. "With the mission profile given to this ship, your skill will certainly prove invaluable."

"We do have a Tellarite in security that is barely understandable in Standard... and who's universal translator somehow always seem to be malfunctioning... " jested Norbert Baoule with a wink.

"Klezn dos ph'naut hass'len ulu zhaun. Klezn dos xun naut ssinssrin ulu zhaun." Snowfire replied softly, speaking into Orin's ear as the other officers introduced themselves. Then she stepped back, withdrawing a PADD from a trouser pocket, and started tapping away carefully - maintaining an easy watch on her mingling subordinates and on the door. The gravitic compression field of this strength was used in conjunction with...

The Illythirii then instantly noticed the reaction of the two Humans. They had noticed her secretive exchange with the Ensign. The obvious intent of excluding them, and this in their very faces, was not well received. The look they exchanged between them was telling enough. These were people used to trust one another and their crewmates implicitely with their very lives and for a long time now. Moreover, their assigned department chief suddenly withdrawing to her own little affairs on her PADD while still among her own subordinates did not help matters.

This was definitely not the chaotic crew of the McKenzie. It became obvious then that such an attitude would definitely hamper the good workings of the science department if Snowfire did not adjust quickly. Quirking an eyebrow at the reaction, Snowfire laid the PADD down on the table behind her and observed for a short moment, then it clicked. Ah.

"My apologies, Valencia, Norbert." She said, focusing on the two latest newcomers to this particular grouping. "This is meant as more a social than formal occasion so that this team can get to know each other. If I appear distant, it's more out of a wish to not intrude. As to my words to Orin, you will have to forgive me. I haven't spoken my native tongue in months, but it's still rather easy to slip back into the habitual language of a lifetime when it's used in conversation." She nodded at the specialist. "If you would translate for those not gifted with you knowledge?" Orin chuckled ruefully.

"Of course. I asked, 'Why the death look?' to which Snowfire responded with the all too enigmatic 'Things you are not meant to know. Things you do not want to know.'" The Bajoran shrugged. "I apologise if it seemed out of order, but I know how much our superior misses the ability to speak her own language in general conversation. Considering she taught me the language, I couldn't exactly not be aware of that."

"Regardless, you have our apologies." Snowfire finished. "And I do look forward to working with you both. Your work aboard the Artemis was exemplary. It is just more common for...well...cultural I guess." She shrugged. The IDF did this sort of thing very differently, and it worked. But again, that was a totally different organisation - despite the fact that the IDF had a lot more experience with crews this sort of size aboard actual vessels. "As I said, this is far more for you then it is for me. One of the things I found in previous assignment was that once you hit the rank that I currently hold - or thereabouts - even the best relations would usually become somewhat stiff except for small conversation. With my crew from the McKenzie, I was happily surprised to find that not the case. I was, I am afraid, unsure in regards to yourselves." She dipped her head in further - albeit wordless - apology. "For this, then, I am at your service."

The black-skinned woman nodded with a smile.

"Well we all have to adjust to one another I guess. After all, to seek out new life and new civilizations has to start somewhere, no? Why not here?"

"Fact is," Norbert Baoule then added with a smile of his own, "speak a few lines more and the Universal Translator will resolve that problem for us and you will be free to talk freely all your heart's content in your own language if you feel like it and we will still be able to follow your orders, M'am. "

"Although I would be more than willing, I can't." Snowfire shrugged helplessly. "And I have reasonable reason to believe that the translator wouldn't actually function. Restrictions as part of the Treaty of Khazet regarding Ilythiiri cultural courtesy. I'm more than willing to teach it, and there is no bar for me to do so, but one of the things that I honestly like about my people, is that we'll learn a language the hard way before we try to open contact. We've got the ability to create a program like your Universal Translator, and we have. But it only gets used in emergency situations. If we have to learn a language simply by listening to broadwave transmissions, then we do. With the Federation, it was honestly quite easy. You're a rather...loud....nation on the galactic level." She chuckled, then turned thoughtful.

"You underestimate the computing power of this ship, M'am," Baoule said with a smile but still a very professional tone. "Our UT is now incorporating visual cues and symbolic decryptation algorythms, even olfactive receptors, to decipher even the most complex langages, verbal and non verbal. The Ensign here can certainly concur that yours is obviously not different from the normal form of communication of most sentient species; it is indeed far, far more simpler than the gesturing code of the Tak Tak or the symbolic structure of Tamarian and contains no ultrasonic syllables like the Andorian Graalek... all of which the UT can fully process, given enough time. It can even catch and translate telepathic communications from non corporeal beings since the Companion Incident of the USS Enterprise two hundred years ago. A few more sentences at most and your native tongue will become fully translated by the system, have no fear."

"Actually, thank you, that reminds me that I wanted to restart the cultural learning groups that I started running at the Academy. Not many citizens of the Federation know much about my people, and whilst the percentage in Starfleet is higher, it's not much higher. And it also allows me to learn a bit about the cultures that make up the Federation. Although primarily those who enlist within Starfleet. Would you be interested? And do you think that the Captain would be willing to authorize such a thing? I've only met him a few times, and you had the entirety of your time aboard the Artemis to get to know how he commands."

"That is a good proposal to present to him, " agreed Valencia Irksos. "Despite being Andorian and a master duellist, Captain Kheren does not consider himself a warrior but an explorer. The famous motto 'to seek out new life and new civilizations" is most important to him. To fire is always his last order and his first is always to open a channel."

"Hence why the UT is so efficient nowadays, and especially on board the Horizon," added her colleague. "As an Andorian, he has lived through terrible situations caused by simple misunderstandings or a single wrong word. He will have none of that under his command. "

Nodding at Valencia's reply to her questions, Snowfire smiled faintly. "That was my impression of him also, but thank you for confirming it. I will bring up the proposal at the next reasonable opportunity I have, and I will hope to see you all there.

"And I have no doubt of the computing capacity of this ship, nor of the Universal Translator." Snowfire continued gently. "It is simply that I suspect, from my reading of the Treaty signed between the Federation and Council, that regardless of its obvious ability to translate my language, programmed restrictions will not allow it to."

"Well if that's the case, M'am, then those who negotiated this are utter idiots... and on both sides," commented Irksos dryly. "Or else, one or both are just dishonestly pretending at a relationship they do not want at all in the first place. It's like we would be saying "Yeah we want to talk to you but we don't want to understand you" and on your people's side they would be saying "yeah we want to meet you but we don't want you to know and respect us." Of all useless, illogical, inefficient, asinine action you could take to make sure all relations would quickly fail, this is the top. The Federation Council has completely forgotten what it stands for... and your people must be a very weakened and frightful people indeed to hide behind such a recipe for failure... no offense M'am." Snowfire's eyes flashed slightly, and she shook her head at the human Lieutenant.

"Quite the opposite." She replied coolly. "I'm disappointed, Lieutenant. You exhibit a startling lack of care for the culture of another species, especially when it does not in any way interfere with communication. At the time of my transfer, every member of the IDF was fully fluent in Federation Standard for reasons of your rather extreme loudness in galactic terms. Standard tutoring packages for our language have been supplied - or should have been - by the IDF for use by those who would use them as dictated by your own government. The Universal Translator grants translation. It does not grant understanding to a sufficient level. And before either of you attempt to contradict that statement, tests were conducted. Using the computing capability of modern Starbases. The UT granted translation - but without the necessary attention to detail."

"Exactly my point, M'am. By imposing restrictions on communication, you ensure that ignorance. Worse, you invite questions about motives... and that is never a good foundation for good realtionships, be it between two persons or two governments. "

"And if I might interject, as the expert in the field?" Orin spoke up, a quiet stress on the word 'expert'. "The Ilythiiri language lends a great deal of weight in the way that it is spoken to one's ability to speak it. The Universal Translator, whilst perfectly capable as a translator, doesn't catch that nuance. To put it quite simply, it can't. Not without being sentient - and that's a rabbit hole that I'm quite sure no one wants to try climbing down.  And I think, that in respecting the views of another culture, the Federation Council remembered quite well what it stands for. In fact, the very reason that it was recommended for UT programming to be reconfigured such was to avoid the very incidents that you implied doing so would cause."

"Well, you are the expert," smiled Valencia. "But what you are saying is that this recommendation is moot because of the ban on letting the UT work with it, along with specialists like you and more sophisticated programming tested to finally achieve proper communication... and in fact contribute to a significant step forward in this field. As I said, illogical and inefficient... unless... there is something else hidden behind this situation. The Federation never tries to impose itself on another culture. It would have, it should have,  let the Illythirii go there merry way and let them be, instead of going half-cocked like this with all the dangers of misfire such a badly conceived rapport risk bringing. Fact is, that is exactly how conflict started with the Klingons, back then. Seems some asinine diplomat forgot the lessons of History." Snowfire cocked her head at the human, then sighed and snagged a PADD from the table behind her.

"Computer, download Ilythiiri cultural database articles 6094731 through 6094746, all Federation records involving diplomatic relations with the Ilythiiri Council within my clearance and a full copy of the Treaty of Kahzet to my PADD." She said crisply. There was a brief tone followed by the cool, synthesised tones of the Horizon's voice interface.

"Transfer Complete." Snowfire didn't even glance at the PADD's contents as she held it out to Lieutenant Irksos. She knew what was there.

"When you have the time, read through what's on here. I understand that my people haven't been as open as you might have liked. What's on there should hopefully explain at least some of it."

"Thank you, M'am. I shall study this with great interest. "

Cera Ji'lan hated large areas, well perhaps hated was a strong word...she disliked being in large areas because that usually meant lots of people, and lots of people meant that more eyes could be staring at her. She could feel the eyes on her when she walked into most crowds. mostly they stared at her skin because that was the first thing people noticed about her. Cera looked human, but her skin betrayer her for what she was, a half breed; her father Orion and her mother Human. She had been stared at and talked about her entire life, and the cruelty of her classmates in school had not been lost on her. However, despite all of those things, Cera had excelled. She graduated second in her high school class and was easily admitted to Starfleet Academy on her first try, becoming a brilliant young Starfleet science officer.

Now, as she made her way through the largest ship in the Fleet she wondered why she was here. Her orders had said she was specifically chosen by one of the senior officers to serve on the Horizon as some sort of scientific specialist, but she could not figure out why it was her. There were other, more experienced officers that could have been chosen surely and she could have stayed happily on Mars conducting research, and editing star charts. That, unfortunately, was not the case and now after reporting aboard she had decided to head where she felt most at home, a lab. She had transported several research studies with her on various star systems and she wanted to upload them to one of the lab terminals so she could continue her private work. As she entered the lab area she was surprised to find several other science officers there, including one with dark skin, and snow white hair who was obviously of a species that Cera had never heard of. The officers appeared to be engaged in an animated discussion and Cera tried to hide her uneasiness at encountering others.

"" she stammered "I...I didn't know the lab was occupied, I'll..I'll come back later, sorry." Turning away from Valencia following her taking the PADD, Snowfire smiled at the officer whilst her thoughts blurred slightly. Science line, but not one I recognise - and I know I'd remember someone of Lieutenant rank. So...ah, of course! Polaris. A few quick taps on her PADD found the relevant data.

"Lieutenant Cera Ji'lan, isn't it." She asked, her voice calmly authoritative. "Strategic Ops science specialist and CSO for the Polaris. I've heard good things about you Lieutenant." The Ilythiiri extended her ebony-skinned hand in greeting. "Snowfire K'Leysha, Chief of Science for the Horizon. I suspect we'll be working quite closely in the coming months." She gestured at the labs with a vague, throwaway gesture. "Please, stay. Considering your record, I assume you brought homework from your last assignment. Don't let us stop you. I'm pretty sure at least a few of them are designated for use by yourself and any staff of your own if you need to do more in depth studies. And, well, the Horizon has arguably the best astrometrics lab of any vessel in Starfleet. I only have passing knowledge of the subject myself, but Daniel - well, Lieutenant Lorenz if you want to be formal - is my Astrometrics head."

"A pleasure, Lieutenant." The Betazoid nodded respectfully.

Cera recognized the Chief of Science's name as one she'd heard even while on Mars. The dark skinned woman was part of Starfleet's officer exchange program and from all accounts an accomplished scinece officer herself.

"Thank you Ma'am," Cera said softly shaking the Snowfire's hand "I apologize if I'm not I do have some things I was working on the Mars observatory...mostly star maps. The Hobus Supernova changed a lot of things...we're still working on cataloging all the consequences even after all these years. I...I had heard you were part of the team that...fixed the Azimuth Horizon...that must have been...fascinating."

As she talked Cera felt slightly more comfortable, perhaps it was the lab setting or perhaps it was the fact that the woman in front of her stood out far more than her green tinted fair skin did.

"I'm sure there were a few points where it was fascinating - between the periods of crushing stress and sheer terror." Snowfire replied with a chuckle, the words clearly joking in nature. "When I work out where they were, I'll let you know." The reaction of the half-Orion officer to her was quite interesting, but Snowfire understood very well how difference could be a bond. "I'm afraid that, whilst I read about the Hobus Event - especially considering its similarity in some ways to the Azimuth Horizon phenomenon - I can only guess the effects it had beyond the destruction it inflicted upon such a wide sector of space. If you have time, I'd love to hear about it." There was no trace of mockery or false intent in the Ilythiiri's tone. Unless she was a consummate actress, she truly wanted to hear about Cera's work.

Cera smiled slightly at the senior officer's joke, the half-orion wasn't without a sense of humor, she just didn't display it often, but when the discussion turned to her own work Cera shied away slightly.

"'s really not that interesting ma'am...the supernova aside from the widespread destruction of several planetary a lot of things, and left behind an active nebula. Starfleet is constantly studying it..even twenty-two years later...the data is mundane...and updating the starcharts is probably the least exciting...but I was the junior assistant at the Mars observatory, and I promised them I'd finish what was left of my assignment." Snowfire shrugged accommodatingly, expression gentle.

"If you ever change your mind - or simply want someone to talk to about your work as you do it - then don't hesitate to let me know." She said, for a moment even the faint mask of formality worn even now falling away for a moment. And then it was back, so quickly such that it almost wasn't noticed. "Now Daniel., if you would be so kind as to see Lieutenant J'Lani to the astrometrics lab? I suspect that it will be easiest for her to do her work there. Unless you would like to get to know your fellows?" The question was informal, the intonation clear in the statement that a no would not be offensive in the least. Not everyone was used to social gatherings. Well...not yet at least.

Cera hesitated for a moment...she truly had no desire to socialize whatsoever, but she also didn't want one of the ship's senior officers to think poorly of her, but in the end it was her reclusiveness that won out.

"Thank you ma'am, the lab would be great."



Comments (7)

By Snowfire K'Leysha PhD on 04/07/2013 @ 12:46pm

So, as shown, this is open to anyone who wants to join in. If someone hears the last few laughs as the door closes, or is looking for the science department for something, or is just taking a tour of the ship - Kheren, Jureth, hint hint :p - then feel free to drop in here. Also, not that they matter a huge amount but for the sake of courtesy, translations:

An'kin: teacher
Keren'sel: Bright be the day (Greeting)
Sh'aen'chara: Sister-student
Usstan nime: I joke/jest
Aen'chara: Student (feminine)

By Kheren on 04/07/2013 @ 3:06pm

Nice start. We will certainly be "passing by" at some point ;)

By Sarah Corcoran on 04/17/2013 @ 10:23pm

Lieutenat Corcoran will be awamdering shortly so she might end up in the science department is she gets lost.

By Snowfire K'Leysha PhD on 04/18/2013 @ 2:30am

Sounds like fun ^_^

By Oseno Jureth on 04/21/2013 @ 5:34am

I've jumped in here, not as Jureth, but as the Strat Ops scientific specialist Cera Ji'lan. The Strat Ops chief doesn't have much purpose to be in a science lab so I figured this was the best way for me to insert myself so to speak :)

By Syntron on 04/21/2013 @ 9:02am

Well... now it seems that we have two Orion females on the ship... even if one is Orion-human. What are the odds?

Hmm... I wonder if Elisha knows about Cera Ji'lan?

By Oseno Jureth on 04/29/2013 @ 2:21am

Snowfire I don't have any other interaction here. You're free to use Lt. Ji'lan if you'd like unless she is directly involved in whatever strategic ops is doing or out on the Polaris. I do not always need to write for her though I would be happy to do so if requested.