The Ceremony

Posted on 01/22/2013 @ 9:10am
Edited on on 02/06/2013 @ 10:01am

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Awards Ceremony
Location: Starbase 10

Lieutenant Commander Syntron made his way back to his temporary quarters on Starbase 10.  He was uncertain where he would now be placed; given all of the changes in command that had occurred due to numerous events that had transpired throughout this mission. In fact, he had not even an inkling of what to even expect. All that he knew, based on the message flashing on his computer monitor, was that he was expected to attend a ceremony on the Starbase that was to commence in only a few hours: an event that he perceived with unspoken trepidation. These type of social events seemed to be a rather awkward amalgamation of formal and yet informal intentions and thus elicited somewhat contradictory interactions. Some officers throughout such an evening tended to overindulge in their consumption of intoxicating beverages and became overly friendly, obnoxious, opinionated, or aggressive. Others were rather passive and reserved. This Vulcan didn’t fit into either of these categories and therefore always appeared in his perception to be a bit out of place.

Suited again in the formal attire of the fleet, the Vulcan officer stepped out of his quarters at the appropriate time and traveled the distance to the ceremony in a subdued yet deliberate manner.

As he entered the banquet hall for the required event, he gazed around the room at the holographic banners, images of the fleet ships, information acknowledging the senior officers that had served aboard each of these ships; including his former ship, the Artemis, that no longer existed. Then he brought his gaze to the multitude of guests that filled the cavernous room. They included a potpourri of species and colored outfits of all ranks adorned with medals and ribbons acknowledging contributions made to Starfleet and the Lotus Fleet. This was to be the main thrust of this event, and perhaps sometime during or after this event his commission, placement and future would be determined and revealed.

Snowfire had arrived early to the ceremony, old habits associating with her rank and timing her arrival accordingly in advance of most others in the Fleet. She had remained seated off to one side of the chamber, watching carefully as the other officers of the fleet arrived and mingled. Interesting though, seeing all those there and still being different. Sometimes it wore a bit, she had to admit. Being the only one of her species here. But the benefits were worth that loss. Especially clearer now then they had ever been before. She had spent a long time talking with herself about her actions on the McKenzie - as well as those of the others who had been aboard with her - and her mind was far clearer than it had been. In no small part, she thought with a smile, to the actions a particular Andorian who looked rather amusingly uncomfortable with his two wives. Maybe she might talk to him about that later if he stayed as clueless. Probably not for a long while, but if nothing else the conversation could be a magnificent study piece.

For all her gentle smile though, she was quite aware of those around her. And when she noticed the Lieutenant Commander Syntron entering the hall, she stood and made her way across to him. They'd only really 'met' once, during the final stages of sealing the Azimuth Horizon and she wanted to talk to him without the stress of having to save the universe present at the forefront of both their minds. And all that aside, conversation with Vulcans was always fun.

"Lieutenant Commander, it's a pleasure to meet you in person at last." She said, holding out an ebon hand in greeting. "I had planned on talking to you at the Fleet Conference, but it didn't work out. Your work is quite inspiring."

Syntron turned to see the Ilythiiri female extending her petite hand outward in a gesture of respect as she spoke. As he accepted it, he gazed at her flowing pallid hair that shone in contrast to her dark complexion and realized that she was taller and more slender than he expected.

“Thank you Lieutenant,” he acknowledged as he released the grip on her delicate hand.

“In combination with your work, it would appear that we managed to nullify the imminent Armageddon that seemed at many times to simply be overwhelming us.”    

Then changing the direction of the conversation, the Vulcan officer leaned in slightly as he inquired discretely:

“Have you garnered any reliable information about your next assignment Lieutenant?”

Snowfire chuckled and shook her head at the question.

"None at all I'm afraid. I mean, I'm hoping for a place on one of the new ships, but one can never be sure." She shrugged easily. "We'll probably find out in the next week or so as Command gets everything sorted. Might be a bit longer, might be right here tonight. But they'll come." White teeth flashed in her dark face as she smiled gently, eyes betraying her years. "Do you not appreciate the tentative thrill of uncertainty, Lieutenant Commander?" She asked, her tone playfully curious. "Considering your profession, I would think you might be used to it by now."

With a slightly arched brow, Syntron responded.

“Vagueness and ambiguity serve no practical function Lieutenant.”

"If Captain Kheren gets a new command as I suspect he will - for all that he seems to believe that his loss of the Artemis will deny it to him - do you intend to continue on as his Executive Officer if the option presents itself?" She asked, moving steadily towards the Artemis's table. "Or do you plan on seeking a command of your own?"

The Vulcan Science officer literally slowed, almost to a stop to ponder this possibility for a moment as they slowly moved toward the table.

He turned to face the Ilythiiri science officer as he stated privately. “I am not privy to the intensions of the fleet or those in Starfleet. But it would seem highly illogical not to have Captain Kheren assume command of one of the new vessels; given his notable command experience and expertise in such a position.”

He then gazed upward momentarily at the models of ships adorning the banquet room as he continued.

“In terms of my future role in the fleet… I would be honored to continue to serve as the Captain’s executive officer. However, there are numerous changes looming within the fleet in the aftermath of these past missions; especially in terms of addressing the Azimuth Horizon Anomaly on more than one occasion. Ship loss, extensive damage to several others and potential vessel decommissioning coupled with a multitude of scattered and weary officers may be among the various factors contributing to some fundamental changes in leadership; along with other roles throughout the fleet.”

Then gazing back to the Ilythiiri female in close proximity, he shared quietly “No such option to command a vessel has been presented to me Lieutenant. There are many fine qualified officers in Lotus Fleet capable of assuming command of a fleet vessel.”

Then with a slight smirk, he added “To use a human expression Lieutenant, I suppose I would cross that bridge when I arrived to it… that is this even became an option.”  

 "No doubt there are," Snowfire replied, matching the Vulcan's faint smirk with one of her own, "However, I somehow doubt that they might have such a glowing record as yours.’Instrumental in the diffusion of a threat to all reality' has a nice ring to it, does it not?" She seemed quiet oblivious - probably deliberately - to the possibility of such on her own record. "I would not be surprised if you are picked for such a duty, Lieutenant Commander. But I guess, as you said, we must see if the bridge is built before you attempt to cross it." She cocked her head. "Or take your seat upon it, I guess. Either could be true."

Syntron nodded affirmatively in response as she spoke. “Indeed Lieutenant, such decisions are rarely based on logic alone.”

"I apologize if some of my questions seem strange though, it is a reflection of the culture I was born to more than anything else." Her smirk softened, turning to a gentle smile. "Attaining command of a vessel is rather more complex there then it is here actually. But," another shrug, this one more eloquent such that it set her air to movement, "that is no doubt a talk for another time." She gestures around. "Although I am curious. Is this a celebration? Or a memorial? Or both?"

The Vulcan gave his best impression of shrugging his shoulders that he observed back in his Academy days as he declared “I am not certain how I would officially classify this event Lieutenant, since it appears to retain elements of both… with other formal and informal rudiments mixed into this occasion as well.”  

Having finished his discussion with Fleet Captain Samji and Captain Rivers Jureth had left Cat Steele to make her way to the Alsea table as he spied Commander Syntron, and the dark skinned woman who he remembered from the initial Operation Horizon briefing, but whose name was escaping him. He moved over to where they were conversing as he still felt he owed something to both Syntron and Captain Kheren for having left the Artemis not once, but twice to fend for themselves in dangerous situations. As he approached he caught the last piece of their conversation, let the female lieutenant finish before inserting himself.

"Hello Commander Syntron," he greeted the Vulcan "and Lieutenant," he said nodding to her "I apologize, but I've forgotten your name, but it is good to see you escaped what I understand was a harrowing ordeal on the McKenzie."

Snowfire nodded in greetings to the Bajoran, internally withdrawing slightly from the conversation as she did so. She didn't know him, and whilst just about everyone in the room felt right, there was still a difficulty of getting over that first hurdle.

Syntron gestured an acknowledgment to the former chief tactical and security officer who was thrust into command of the Alsea in their last mission upon their Captain’s sudden incapacitation. They too were dealing with their own set of challenging obstacles as they responded to adversaries along with changing orders and priorities.

“It is good to see that you too survived our last set of ordeals to be with us today… is it Captain Jureth now?

"Not anymore Sir, my field promotion was only in effect until after the completion of the mission. Captain Rivers will be taking command of the Alsea...once they put her back together." He paused for a moment before continuing "and Sir, I'm sorry about the Artemis, perhaps if we hadn't left you alone with that dreadnaught she might still be here."

Syntron could see remorse shadowed in the eyes of the Bajoran as he spoke.

“Lieutenant Jureth,” Syntron responded with whatever empathy a Vulcan could possibly conjure. “You have nothing to apologize for. You in fact performed your duties admirably and effectively under the most difficult of situations. You successfully assumed command of your vessel when your captain was rendered unconscious and managed to complete your obligations with diligence. The circumstances of the Artemis were well beyond the scope of your command and responsibility.” 

Jureth nodded "Yes Sir, I know that, but some part of me believes that together we could have defeated the Scimitar, and still stopped the Romulan battle group even if the tactical officer in me knows it isn't true. I think your people would call it an emotional response, Bajorans just call it being stubborn. It can be a...drawback sometimes. What about you Sir? Do you know where you'll be headed?"

Syntron nodded perceptively as the Bajoran officer spoke rather candidly.

“That sense of responsibility and introspection of what transpired seem to be fundamentals of your inherent leadership Lieutenant. However, reason dictates that even functioning as a leader, there is no way that we are able to accurately determine the outcome of events such as this that have already transpired. Therefore, we can analyze the situation, and speculate possible alternates, but then we must move beyond this point as we prepare for the future.”

Addressing the questioned posed to him, the Vulcan paused for a moment as he gazed around the converging guests within the banquet hall before responding to it.

“In terms of where I will be summoned to serve the fleet and in what capacity, at this point I would surmise that Lotus Fleet in conjunction with Starfleet command are in the midst of decision-making with all of our positions. Meanwhile, I would speculate that there are official hearings and numerous meetings and discussions upcoming working toward finalizing these determinations.”

Syntron then looked directly at the Bajoran as he inquired discretely “Any thoughts or preferences to your commission and placement Lieutenant?” At that break in the conversation, Snowfire finally found the will to speak.

"Wherever it might be, Lieutenant Jureth, I would be honoured to serve with you." She said softly, holding out her hand to him. "Lieutenant Snowfire K'Leysha. Formerly of the McKenzie - although you won't get me back aboard her with a crowbar after our last mission." Her tone darkened, shifting between restrained anger and disappointment, then cleared as she continued speaking. "What the Lieutenant Commander says is very true, but coming from experience and my reading of the initial reports, you did everything you could - and not one thing of it wrong." She shook her head. "What the Romulans sent against us was unprecedented, far larger a task force than I doubt any of us expected. And for all that we paid for that, we succeeded. I know it might not help now," she said, her voice a cocktail of emotions, "but I would ask you to simply trust that you did all you could. I know you already know that."

Jureth nodded toward Snowfire taking her proffered hand "Thank you Lieutenant, I appreciate it. As for me Sir," he said turning back to Syntron "Rumors are that there may be openings on the Horizon, and it would be a fine ship to serve on I think. I'm a security officer Sir, and there's a good chance I could go back to that which would be fine with me."

The Vulcan considered the Bajoran’s response carefully.

“Choosing a path in which you excel and have extensive experience is logical Lieutenant… but if I may also present something for you to consider. You have also demonstrated during this last mission a genuine aptitude for a more comprehensive leadership role aboard a starship. Perhaps due to this experience, you will also consider a role on the Horizon that could utilize such a propensity; that is if one avails itself to you.” 

"Perhaps I will Sir," Oseno replied "I have to say being forced into a command role changes your perspective about such things. There was a time where the only command I aspired to was head of security on a major starbase, but being in command of the Alsea altered that aspiration. When the time came I didn't want to give up that chair even though I know Captain Rivers will take good care of her. I believe it was Captain Kirk that said Don't let them do *anything* that takes you off the bridge of that ship."

Syntron grinned subtly as he concurred.

“Indeed Lieutenant. Captain Kirk… a wise, if not somewhat… unorthodox officer at times; ultimately turned out to be quite a renowned leader himself. However, if memory serves, it was also the wisdom of those trusted officers around him that helped him to recognize that this was where he truly belonged; even after he stepped out of that role and into that of an Admiral.”

Then looking seriously at the Bajoran officer standing before him, he concluded “You lieutenant… could provide such insight to the captain of that vessel, whomever it may be, until the time comes for you to assume the center seat once again as the commander of your own ship.”

"Thank you Sir, that is good advice, and I will keep it in mind when I speak with Fleet Captain Samji about my orders. It was nice to talk with both of you, but if you'll excuse me I'm going to join my shipmates. Enjoy the ceremony Commander, Lieutenant."

Jureth nodded to both officers, and stepped away to join the Alsea table before the ceremony began.



Comments (3)

By Syntron on 01/22/2013 @ 9:16am

Anyone that would like to join in is welcome. You don't need to send me a PM. Just add your name, unless you are unable to do so, then send a PM and I will add you.

This can be social or professional. Since Syntron is a Vulcan, he would naturally lean toward a more professional dialogue/interaction. Which is why a more personal one could also be more interesting or perhaps even humorous.

If nothing happens, then he will probably just observe a bit more before choosing a seat and await the ceremony to begin.

By Allen Samji on 01/27/2013 @ 4:10am

Nice play on words Snowfire, lol

By Snowfire K'Leysha PhD on 01/27/2013 @ 4:28am

Had stuck in my mind since Jeff's last post actually. Glad you liked it :)