Chapter 8: Once More Unto the Breach (part 3)

Posted on 08/13/2012 @ 5:47am

Mission: The Resurrection of Icarus
Location: Within the Khii system in Romulan space near Neutral Zone
Timeline: 2388

"Relax Mister Callen, it’s me."

Callen got a surprised look on his face and then a confused one "Sir?"

"I'm going to the surface…shortly. Everything okay?"

"Depends on how you look at it Sir."

"I understand Lieutenant. Do you have a handle on it?"

"Yes Sir,"

Archer nodded and looked over at Sterling "I got your message Captain, I'll head for the hangar now, I wanted to make sure I wasn't needed up here."

“Understood Lieutenant Commander” the captain responded.

After taking a moment of thoroughly scrutinizing and then admiring the convincing work of Doctor Cyl on his security chief, Sterling brought his attention back to his officer.

“If your tactics within the capital city of Kalabam can equally match your physical subterfuge Mister Archer, then our chances for a successful rescue have just increased measureably.”

He then thought for a moment before inquiring.

“Will Sublieutenant Falcar be joining you in this covert undertaking?

"Yes Sir, Mister Falcar will be acting as our pilot for the mission. He's one of the finest pilots in the former Romulan Empire according to my research, I can think of no one better to have along for the ride."

Responding to the security chief’s affirmation, Sterling added “Indeed Mister Archer… safety and discretion in landing on the planet’s surface will be among your first major obstacles to overcome.”

The captain then queried.

“Do you have the topographic and security maps along with the blueprintsand files regarding the capital city of Kalabam and the surrounding areas with you?

"Yes Sir," Archer replied "I have all that information on a PADD and I will transfer it to the shuttle's computer and leave the PADD with the hangar crew. I'm also planning stopping at the armory and having them replicate me a Romulan disruptor rifle and pistol so there will be no Federation equipment with us to give away our cover."

Carefully studying the serious intent present within the tactical and security leader’s surgically modified expression, Sterling conscientiously attempted to express the burdon placed on each of their shoulders.

“Well then Lieutenant Commander, I know that I don’t need to emphasize the imperative nature of this operation. Nevertheless, as you realize, we literally don’t have any margin of error in our objective to rescue the Romulan delegates. This mission has been a mind-boggling venture that we have all been placed in together… literally right from the start. Yet despite all of the improbable odds and overwhelming obstacles we have faced… we have managed to skillfully make our way to this point.”

"Sir, with all due respect, we've been lucky" Archer responded lowering his voice so the rest of the bridge crew couldn't hear "the only thing this mission has been from the start is one enormous debacle and we're lucky we've been able to salvage it."

This mission has been a trap right from the start, and I'm not sure skill had anything to do with us being still alive up to this point, corrected Pasqual... but in the confines of his own mind.

He was still unsure how all this could have come about without their commanding officer's knowledge and consent. But Sterling's reactions had looked absolutely genuine to the counselor, each and every time they had been thwarted and imperiled.

He's either truly oblivious to all that is going on... or the greatest actor this side of the galaxy. Either way... he's as much a pawn as the rest of us. But who's playing?

With this thought in mind, the orion officer continued to listen to all the comm traffic while observing his captain all the more closely.

With a serious expression now cast upon his face, Sterling looked intently at the security and tactical chief and responded.

“Mister Archer, luck is the platitudinous and superstitious belief that good fortune occurs beyond one's control… without regard to one's will, intention, or desired result. It’s a fallacy that conjectures that fortuitous and perhaps improbable results are not attributed by the choices and actions of an individual or team working toward a common goal, but the mere consequences of circumstantial probability. Are we then going to expound the connections between indestructible energy and the space-time continuum with causality and synchronicity?”

As that rhetorical question hung in the air, Sterling concluded.

“We are going to proceed knowing that the aftermath of this mission will be influenced by the momentary analysis, choices and actions we initiate as we carefully progress; stage by stage. There will be no divine or supernatural interventions. The thoughts of negativity and failure only serve those willing to subscribe to such an archaic self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Glancing out at the main viewscreen for a moment at the planet displayed in all of its deceptively distant simplicity, Sterling turned his attention back to the officer standing before him.

“I consider myself privileged Mister Archer to have an officer with your dedication, intelligence, discretion and experience leading what will be a most difficult away mission… and I look forward to debriefing with you on what specifically transpired upon your successful return.”

"Let's not count our Romulans just yet Sir," Brian said "we might miss one… and it’s usually the one holding the honor blade."

Don't sell the mugato's skin before killing it, again admonished Ray in the silence of his own thoughts. The way things have been going so far, they will not all make it back... if at all.

Sterling just looked at the Archer inquisitively.

“You know what your objective is Lieutenant Commander. Now incorporate your team effectively to fulfill it. Dismissed.”

Falcar had traveled to his quarters, and upon entering, he traveled to his dresser. He opened it up and moved some cloths around and found the 2 bottles of alcohol he got on starbase 39. He took a moment to stare at them, then moved them to the side. With all that has happened, he could sure use a drink, however with the news or a friend and family member still alive, this day was still a good one. He searched some more and found the Romulan disruptor that he had stashed away. He took it out along with a belt/carrying case, and put it on. He placed the disruptor on the pouch and then headed out of his quarters.

Falcar quickly made his way to the shuttle bay, and upon entering, he saw two Romulan. For a moment he thought they were Archer, and his officer, but then he noticed an angry glare. After a second glance, Falcar knew they weren't Archer and his officer. He took a moment to think and he realized what it was. Falcar had forgotten that some Romulans may consider Falcar a traitor due to him entering the exchange program with Starfleet. Falcar just gave a nod, to the Romulan allies, and stood away from them to wait for Archer.

With the discussion finished Brian turned on his heal and entered the bridge turbo lift. He stopped at the armory and had two Romulan disruptor rifles and two pistols replicated for himself and Cassie, and then proceeded to the hangar bay where he found Cassie waiting along with Falcar and the two Romulans form the Blackwing.

"Jolan Tru," Brian said by way of greeting "I am Commander Brian Archer, Icarus chief of security, but for the purpose of this mission you can call me Commander Serek."

"Your Romulan accent is passable," one of the two men from the Blackwing said "I am Sub-Commander Zorak, and this is Sub-Lieutenant Volskiar. You do know this mission is suicide?"

"Not if we do it right." Brian countered "I have experience on deep cover missions. If you listen to what I say, we will all come out of this alive. From this point forward I am in charge. Lieutenant Strider," he said motioning to Cassie "using the cover name of Sub-Commander Nala will be my second. She and I have worked together before. Sub-Lieutenant Falcar will pilot the shuttle, and will stand by to pull us out of the fire if it gets too hot. Folks, we have hours, not days to get this done. We have zero margin for error, and we have to be silent, and precise not allowing our enemy to know we are even on the planet until we strike. Does everyone get me?"

He made eye contact with each of them, and while both of the men from the Blackwing were glaring at him he could see in their eyes that they had received his message.

"Good, now, let's load up. Falcar, get this thing ready to go. I'm going to upload the data from the Icarus sensors to the computer so that we can find a suitable landing spot a couple miles outside the city. I would prefer a wooded area to cover our approach."

Falcar responded, "Yes, Commander." He said, and then he entered the shuttle and sat at the helm station.

As the group filed onto the shuttle Brian hooked his PADD to the Romulan computer and uploaded the data from the Icarus to the shuttle. Once he was finished he stepped back onto the hangar deck and motioned over one of the hangar crew.

"Yes Sir?"

"Take this," Brian said handing him the PADD "and recycle it."

"Aye Sir."

Brian stepped back aboard the shuttle and sat down next to Falcar.

"Whenever you're sure she's ready to go Lieutenant."

Falcar nodded, "Beginning launch procedure. Depressurizing launch bay, and opening hanger doors. Launching."

The Romulan shuttle jetted out of the Icarus shuttlebay, and turned towards the planet.



Comments (1)

By Syntron on 08/13/2012 @ 5:51am

As noted, I needed to add this 3rd part of Chpt 8 to fit back in in the last section that was cut off. A little confusing, but hopefully it resolves this situation.

There is plenty of space here if additional dialogue/events are needed to transpire before continuing on with the away mission.