Chapter 7: A Calculated Risk

Posted on 04/09/2012 @ 10:00am
Edited on on 05/09/2012 @ 4:50pm

Mission: The Resurrection of Icarus
Location: Traveling through the Neutral Zone toward Khii
Timeline: 2388

CHAPTER SEVEN: A Calculated Risk

Captain’s Log. Stardate 5816.3

After a long and arduous process, our tenuous coalition finally agreed on a series of strategic reconnaissance missions followed by several specifically designed covert operations. A number of byzantine contingency plans are currently being finalized for each aspect of the mission in case something doesn’t occur as planned; which is more than likely to occur throughout this mission than not.

We are now ready to proceed with the first part of our plan… but I have to admit that despite all of the careful planning and the extensive estimations of the probable outcome for each of these scenarios, I am nevertheless quite apprehensive. There is so much riding on the results of this mission that it is incalculable… as is our opportunities for failure.

I’ve had Hartzer working around the clock since both Captains Duron and Terrah returned backed to their ships on the second phase of this operation of which she will assist in the lead. I just hope that she is truly ready and qualified for this highly precise and equally dangerous mission.

Only time will tell the results of our endeavors and their ultimate execution.

- - - -

Concluding his log entry, Sterling deactivated his terminal and returned his cup back to the replicator.

He walked out of the Ready Room and headed back to the main section of the bridge.

Sitting down in the center seat, he gazed intently around the bridge at each department and the officers manning each one of them. How ready each of them were for what they were about to embark on was anyone’s guess at this point.

Sterling then focused his attention to the Romulan Officer manning the helm before him.

“Sublieutenant Falcar… Change vectors… Coordinates 112.5 Mark 68. Warp factor 8.5.”

The Romulan helmsman complied and soon they were heading in the direction of their initial destination; even though they had no intention of bringing the Icarus along with her crew and guests into that potentially hostile area.

Several hours later as the Icarus zoomed through Federation space and began approaching the Neutral Zone, Sterling turned to Lieutenant Commander Pasqual manning the communications console and inquired:

“Any luck hailing the Romulan delegates Counselor?”

"Negative, Sir," answered the Orion hybrid while evidently still trying to raise contact. "What I get is interference. Since there is no celestial phenomenon in that part of space to account for it, I would say someone is responsible."

Turning a joyless smile towards his commanding officer, he added:

"Three guesses who it could be... Captain Sir."

Nodding in response, Sterling took in an exasperated breath. Only one guess would be necessary.

He then turned toward the assistant science chief Lena Than and asked:

“Lieutenant, do you have the long-range reconnaissance probe with the enhanced tactical sensors ready?"

Looking at the Captain, Lieutenant Than responded "Probe configured and ready Sir... just waiting for your command to launch"

"Standby Lieutenant" Sterling replied as he gazed at the viewscreen as they approached the perimeter of the Neutral Zone.

With the various meetings taking place between the rest of the crew, Falcar started to feel left out. Although he was only a minor officer in this crew, he always was a part of the major discussions aboard the Galaxy. It didn’t matter, he would do his job. However ever since D’Tan came onboard, Falcar had been uneasy. On more than one occasions, we was tempted to just get up and leave to meet up with D’Tan. But his since of duty prevented him from doing so. He’d get a chance to see D’Tan, to see his friend, even if he has to wait till the end of the mission.

Just at this moment, Pasqual, who had been looking back at his captain to answer him, noticed the lines in the Romulan helmsman's gaunt face, the lack of light in his eyes, the automated, uninspired movements of his hands. He looked like a desillusionned, disheartened man doing his job only out of his deeply ingrained sense of duty.

The councilor had noticed early on that, of all the senior officers on board, Chief Flight officer Falcar alone had never been made part of any officer briefing. It was easy to notice in the current circumstances; he was the only Romulan serving on board, an exchange officer, therefore either the best source of information regarding both the mission and their adversary... or the very source of information that the enemy had used to stay two steps ahead since this whole thing began. One way or the other, he was a key element... and Captain Sterling had completely ignored him.

This was certainly not the first or only error in judgment from the novice commanding officer of the Icarus. And to be honest to himself, Pasqual had to admit that he too had missed what Falcar represented. But then again, he was not the commanding officer of this ship...

Chill out, my Romulan friend, the Orion thought dryly. Better to be left out of decisions than being called to them just to be ignored. At least you don't feel responsible for this whole mess we are in.

Now, Ray too felt desillusionned and disheartened. Since the very start, this whole endeavor had been one big collection of blunders from the Admiralty down that had already cost a lot of lives; and now, with a diplomatic incident and an armed confrontation ahead as its result, more lives were going to be lost; it could even lead straight to the worst of all things: an interstellar war... one that, barely out of the Borg attack and the Dominion conflict, the Federation would never survive.

And it all rested on what this one, refited old ship with a novice captain and a misfit crew would do... or fail to do.

Ray did not feel confident about the outcome. Not at all.

After passing into the Neutral Zone and reconfirming the specific coordinates to Khii, Sterling addressed his assistant science chief again.

“Lieutenant Than, launch the reconnaissance probe.”

Acknowledging the order, Lieutenant Than engaged the manual release button and the probe was swiftly thrust out into space in front of them. A slight trail temporarily followed the elongated probe as it speed off toward its destination: the planet Khii.

Sterling then instructed “Lieutenant, activate all sensors and begin processing readings and measurements to confirm that everything within the probe is functioning accurately and accordingly.”

“Yes Sir” she responded as she initiated the sensor array and implemented a series of accuracy protocols.

To imply that everyone sitting on that bridge was curious to see the readings that this probe transmitted back when it approached its destination would be a vast understatement. All communications attempted to penetrate this region thus far have failed. Whatever was occurring on or around this planet was a mystery, as was the location and condition of the Romulan delegates. Hopefully, this probe would eventually begin to provide some answers as it approached in proximity to the planet.

Approximately one hour later Lieutenant Lena Than turned to Sterling and reported "Sir, our reconnaissance probe just vanished. It was there and then… it just disappeared. There are no signals or transmissions whatsoever."

Not a good sign Sterling realized.

"Plot the specific location of its last transmission Lieutenant Than" he ordered.

"Aye Sir" she responded as she continued her investigation.

Falcar noticed on the console that the alpha shift was about to end. Although under normal circumstances, he would rather stay to see this to an end, but he was thinking of using this to his advantage. He began tapping away at his console, to call in his relief. Five minutes later, a Caitian exited the bridge lift and walked to a position behind Falcar.

“Ah, Herek. Take over here, we are on course to Khii, and I don’t foresee it changing. However if there is a need, there are 5 preprogrammed alternative courses, that you can use.”

“Yes sir.” Herek spoke, he was impressed with the prepared Romulan.

The two switched places and Falcar took a moment to look over, how Herek worked. Falcar patted Herek’s shoulder, a human gesture, to show he did good work. This type of gesture was extremely strange to Falcar, but strangely got used to it, as the USS Galaxy’s Captain did it frequently. Falcar then turned to address the Captain of the Icarus.

As Falcar turned to speak, the Captain could readily see that the Romulan helmsman had something lurking around in his mind. He appeared preoccupied and a bit nervous as he made his request.

“Captain, may I speak with you.”

As Sterling stood from the center chair, he looked with concern at this Romulan exchange officer and replied “Absolutely Mister Falcar.”

He indicated to his bridge officers to keep him posted with any updates as he gestured the helmsman to follow him.

Once they entered the Ready Room and they each sat down, Sterling looked attentively at the Romulan officer and inquired “So… what is on your mind Mister Falcar?”

Falcar took a moment to think on what he would say. After deciding he spoke, "I'd like to see, .... err access to see Ambassador D'Tan, Captain."

At that moment the helmsman’s apprehension was ever so obvious and clear to Sterling. Falcar’s surprised reaction when it was announced that D’Tan had been transported over from the Blackwing and then his brief admission that he knew the ambassador when they were mere boys on Romulus.

Sterling immediately activated a private channel to D’Tan in the VIP hall where the delegation of federation officers was meeting.

As the Romulan ambassador acknowledged his signal and replied, Sterling could hear a rather spirited discussion going on in the background.

“Yes Captain Sterling, you have an inquiry or a request?” he responded, sounding a bit preoccupied.

“Actually a bit of both Ambassador. I have an officer here in my Ready Room that is most anxious to meet with you… at your earliest convenience.”

After a rather long pause, he responded curiously “Indeed Captain… hold on one moment.”

Sterling could hear the distant sound of a discussion ensuing among the delegates, but could not decipher what they were talking about.

Several minutes later D’Tan returned back and informed him “I can meet your officer in 10 minutes just outside of this conference room”

“Acknowledged Ambassador… and thank you. Sterling out.”

The Captain then turned his attention back to Falcar and with a bit of a smile on his face stated “Well… there you go sublieutenant… Your meeting with D’Tan is set. Do you know where the VIP area is Mister Falcar?”

"I believe it's on deck 2, if i'm not mistaken." Falcar responded.

"That is correct for our VIP guest quarters sublieutenant. However, they are currently located on deck 3 in the VIP and Officer’s Mess which was modified specifically for this mission and their preparations for negotiations."

The Captain then noted "There will also be security guards along the perimeter of this area, but our security chief Brian Archer will see that they will be notified prior to your arrival… in case Ambassador D’Tan isn’t out of the room as expected when you arrive."

Gazing keenly at the Romulan exchange officer, he added "I hope that your reacquaintance with your long lost friend is a successful encounter Mister Falcar."

"I see, may I head down there now?" Falcar asked.

Sterling could appreciate the conscientious effort the Romulan helmsman was exerting in precisely following Starfleet protocols.

He nodded in affirmation as he stated “Permission granted Mister Falcar” just as the hint of a smile began to emerge on the Captain’s face.

Falcar nodded, "Thank you, Captain."

Before anything else could be said, Falcar left the ready room. We walked straight to the bridge's turbo lift and stepped in. "Deck 3." He ordered. The lift traveled a short distance downward, then stopped. The doors opened and Falcar stepped out onto deck 3. He walked for a moment until he found the area which had a few guards. ‘This had to be the place,’ He thought to himself.

He walked up and spoke, “I’m here to meet with Ambassador D’Tan.”

The tall and strongly built security officer had just completed his call from security chief Brian Archer when the lift doors opened to reveal the Romulan officer approaching them.

He replied "I just received confirmation regarding your impending arrival just a moment ago sublieutenant. The Ambassador should be coming out here any time now."

Then just as if he on cue, the Ambassador emerged from the conference doors and stopped dead in his tracks as he caught a glimpse of the Romulan helmsman standing in front of him.

He gazed intently… as in disbelief as he eventually inquired "Falcar… is that you?

Falcar smiled largely, "D'Tan, it really is you. But how, I thought you died on Romulus?” Falcar stepped closer.

With somewhat of a chuckle he responded. "Well Falcar… I’m sure that there are more than a few in the senate and elsewhere that wished that this was true…. But I cannot say that I am sorry to disappoint them!"

They both laughed heartily together… with the type of unabashed abandon that was only possible between two very close friends with a steep history between them.

"No Falcar, I was actually in the middle of a mission for the Federation and had stopped on Vulcan for a brief visit. I was on route back to Romulus soon after this when the supernova occurred. Obviously, I never made it back to Romulus."

He then studied Falcar carefully as he stated "The years have been kind to you my friend… you look well."

Falcar spoke, "As do you, my friend."

Then D'Tan thought for a moment and with a puzzled expression on his face he inquired "So what have you been up to throughout all of these years… and what the hell are you doing here aboard the Icarus… and on this mission?"

Falcar took a moment to think, on how to tell the story. "Well, it was Spock. He contacted me, to give me an offer. He made all the arrangements for me to enter in the officer exchange program, and I accepted. Thought it would be a good way to learn more about our ancient brothers. I spent a few months on a Galaxy class ship, and then was transferred here. No idea why, guess they figured a Romulan officer would help things somehow.”

He took a few minutes to pause. "But it's good to see a familiar face."

While the Icarus Romulan helmsman was getting reacquainted with an old friend, her security chief Brian Archer was considering calling an old friend of his own. True, Brian had burned all of his bridges with Section 31 when he laid Stone out on the ground in that cemetary, but the real people behind Section 31 were the operatives. The men and women who risked their lives daily doing as the leadership saw fit, and Brian knew that there were two or three loyal people who he could still contact and to see if they had any information on the Icarus situation. His only concern was the ship's Orion counselor. If Brian transmitted from the security office, regardless of the encryption, Pasqual would no doubt detect it. In the end Brian decided he would make the call, but he would do it the right way, he would get permission. He didn't have to be subversive about calling an old friend as long as Sterling or Hartzer signed off on it. Brian could then instruct the computer to simply not record the call. So, he tapped his combage:

"Archer to Captain Sterling, Sir, I'd like permission to make a subspace call."

With a somewhat surprised reaction to this request, the Captain engaged the switch to activate an audio response.

"Sterling here. Your request was received Mister Archer, although I’m somewhat at a loss to ascertain your need to break communication silence at this time. Could you clarify your purpose?"

That was a question that Brian knew he was going to get from the captain, but in his mind he hadn't quite formulated a complete response, still he didn't want to keep the captain waiting so he tried to be as vague as possible.

"Yes Sir, I had a thought to contact an old friend in the intelligence community. To see if he might be able to give some outside insight or additional information about our situation. The call would be heavily encrypted of course."

Sterling weighed in the request carefully. Lieutenant Commander Archer had shown his total professionalism, tact and craftiness throughout this mission, despite the extreme nature of all of the catastrophic recent events that have occurred and including their current circumstances. Yet by his tone it appeared that Archer was on to something, but was also apparently being extremely discrete in revealing what he was hoping to gain by such a contact and communication.

Looking over at Pascal at the communication console, Sterling then responded “Lieutenant Commander… see to it that this transmission is indeed securely encoded and please report to me any interesting insight that you are able to garner” Sterling out.

"Aye, Sir,"

Ray followed his captain's orders without batting an eye. He guessed the security chief would be annoyed at having his talk with a Starfleet Intelligence operative monitored... not to mention said operative on the other end... but this was Captain Sterling's ship; as the commanding officer of this vessel, he was formally entitled to be fully informed at all times about any and all communications made to and from the ship, no exceptions.

Nodding at the Counselor in response to this conversation, the Captain wanted to be sure that Pasqual was aware of this isolated instance of transmission granted to Brian Archer since he would continue to hawkishly monitor any type of communications being received or transmitted by the Icarus.

Hopefully, the security chief’s intention would result in some level of benefit to this mission.

Archer listened to Sterling's response to his request and nodded to himself as the captain granted him permission to make his call.

"Thank you Sir, I will keep you apprised of any new information I get. Archer out."

Brian turned his attention to the communications terminal in the Icarus' security office. He accessed the ship's communications array and began inputting the encryption protocols that the call would be using. It was a double encryption that not only encrypted the transmission, but also included a carrier signal that was itself encrypted. The protocol was not a Starfleet or even a Federation standard. It was one that had been developed by Section 31 for operatives in the field and was still in use when Brian had decided to rejoin Starfleet. To his knowledge the encryption had never been cracked, not by Starfleet intelligence and not by any other foreign body. Once the encryption was in place Brian began manipulating the signal settings for subspace array. He modified them heavily from the Starfleet standard and narrowed the bandwidth considerably. Satisfied that the call would not only not be intercepted, but that even if it was whomever intercepted it would gain nothing from it Brian issued orders to the ship's computer.

"Computer, initiate subspace transmission using preprogrammed communications settings. Direct call to Starbase One Two Nine for Commander Zachary Miles. No recording of this call is to be made authorization Archer November Xray zero zero one."

"Acknowledged, initiating programmed communications settings....working...working...initiating subspace transmission."

The viewer on the terminal displayed only the Federation logo for nearly five minutes while the computer transmitted using the strict encryption protocol and the receiving station, Miles private terminal, decoded the signal. Finally Zachary Miles face appeared on the screen.

"Hello Zach," Brian said to the man on the other end.

Zachary miles had been a field operative in Section 31 nearly as long as Brian had. He was about five foot ten and built like a solid oak tree. He worked for Starfleet as a security officer/intelligence operative and was one of Section 31's best men. On his face beneath his close cut black hair, and gray eyes was a stern expression.

"Brian, I wondered how long it would take you to call me."

"So, you know where I'm calling from?"

"The computer told me that much, I didn't realize when you left Earth you were getting involved in that travesty of an operation though."

"So you heard about that too huh?"

"That one sent out ripples believe me."

"I'm just glad you took the call."

Zach smiled "I couldn't turn my back on an old friend."


"Cassie's with you too huh?"

"yeah, we were both fed up."

"I don't blame you. Now tell me, how can I help?"

"We're in a bad way Zach, saboteur on board, delegations ambushed. This mission is falling apart, can you tell me anything?"

Zach grimaced "I agree that you're in a bad way. The brass think they're being noble, but most of us in SI think they're nuts. All of our data indicates there are factions within the remains of the Romulan government who would give their lives for your mission to go up in flames."

"Can you tell me who? or what they're planning?"

"No, not even our mutual friends back on Earth know that. No one has any boots on the ground beyond the neutral zone. I'd be all the pips on my collar you're walking into a trap Brian."

"What about the brass, won't they listen?"

Zach shook his head "No, they all seem to believe the Romulans will appreciate some grandiose gesture of peace. I hate to say it but I think you're on your own. If I were you I'd do everything you can to convince Sterling to abandon the conference, or at least move it to a location of his choice."

"We do have allies of a sort, a warbird and Negh'var."

"I don't think it'll be enough. Whoever is behind the attacks has to have a hole card Brian, you have to know that."

Brian nodded "You don't play to lose."

"And the Romulans are better at the game than even the Dominion. All the intercepts I've seen paint the same picture. Your situation is only going to get worse before it gets better."

"Any advice?"

"Keep your head on a swivel, and get them before they get you if you can."

"Thanks Zach,"

"Sorry I couldn't help more."

"I had to take the chance, we're blind out here."

"I know, and don't worry about the call, no one will ever know it was received."

"Understood, Archer out."

Brian cut the transmission, and when the monitor went blank addressed the computer.

"Computer, erase all records of the previous transmission, as well as all previous communication settings. Authorization Archer November Xray zero zero one"

"Acknowledged, logs erased. Communications settings returned to default."

Brian nodded in satisfaction and left the security office for the bridge to see Captain Sterling.

After Archer left the bridge, Captain Sterling turned back and addressed the counselor operating the communication console once again.

"Lieutenant Commander Pasqual, while we’re are still out of range of Khii, contact the Romulan delegates awaiting our arrival. Let’s see what sort of response we get from them… or anyone else for that matter."

Ray tapped on his console a few more times before he answered his commanding officer.

"Something, or should I say, someone, is jamming all frequencies in that sector, Sir. I can't get through or receive anything from the Khii system."

Then he sighed.

"I beleive it turned out just as I feared, Captain; they made it there before us... and now they're ready and waiting."

Sterling quietly sighed in response to his acceptance of the counselor’s statement. He was not surprised by this result either. The Romulan adversaries had most likely been impatiently awaiting their arrival or at least an attempted communication for some time now. The question was… what would be their next step?

The Captain slowly leaned forward as he folded his fingers on each hand into a closed formation. He needed to carefully consider his options here.

As his head bent down in contemplation an idea eventually came to him. He got up from the center seat and approached the communications console.

He leaned his head into proximity of the counselor’s ear and whispered "Let’s meet with our chief engineer and see if we could configure another probe... a special detection probe in another attempt to conduct a close encounter within this system. Something that could give us a peek into what is going on there… at least to some degree... and without vanishing."

"His place or yours, Sir?" agreed Ray, whispering back with a wry grin.

"Let’s go pay him a visit down in engineering" the Captain responded as he straightened up and stepped over toward the turbolift.

He turned back toward the operations console and stated "Number One, you have the conn."

Pasqual called his relief and stepped right beside him.

The doors opened on the turbolift and Brian stepped onto the Icarus bridge and nearly collided with Captain Sterling and Counselor Pasqual. He stopped short and composed himself before addressing his commander.

"Captain, I was on my way to see you Sir."

Acknowledging the security chief who swiftly rushed almost headlong out of the lift, the Captain stepped back and stated to him "We’re just on the way down to Engineering Lieutenant Commander."

He then quickly added as he stepped onto the lift "Join us Mister Archer and you can fill me in on the way down, and we’ll reciprocate as well."

"Aye Sir, will do." Brian replied as he joined the other two men in the turbolift. As the doors closed Archer took a breath and then began to brief his CO.

"As I said Sir, I made a call to an old friend of mine, he's a Starfleet Intelligence operative working on Starbase one two nine. Unfortunately I wasn't able to glean much new information. He said that Starfleet Intelligence doesn't have any agents operating beyond the Neutral Zone, but they do know that elements in what's left of the Romulan government are willing to give their lives to see us fail. The bad news is they don't know who or what they're planning. He also told me that Intelligence assessments of our mission are not good. They essentially think the chain of command is crazy for even attempting this mission, but Starfleet's upper echelons are not listening. Finally he reminded me that the Romulans are better at their game than almost anyone in the galaxy, and whoever is behind has to have an ace in the hole Sir. His best recommendation was to abandon the conference altogether or at least move it to a location of our choosing."

"Hmmmm... maybe I should have made a career in Starfleet Intelligence," Pasqual mumbled to himself. What Brian Archer was reporting from his contact was almost exactly what he himself had been saying all along.

But then, they were Starfleet; and if there was one thing a starship captain would never do, it was forfeit a course of action he beleived in... sometimes even if ordered to. And he had observed Captain Sterling long enough now to know that he beleived strongly in those peace talks; and that he had that strong, stubborn streak that would see them through... or die trying.

It was the dying part that had Ray worried.

Signaling an acknowledgement, Sterling replied.

"The outlook certainly is grim Mister Archer… to say the least. Counselor Pasqual just attempted to contact the delegation on Khii and as we expected and feared, all frequencies are jammed. We are therefore on our way to Engineering to configure a detection probe to assist us in getting a glimpse into the region surrounding the planet. Your input in this endeavor would be most appreciated."

Archer shrugged "I'm not much of an engineer Sir, but I will add what I can."

"Granted Mister Archer, but you are an excellent security and tactical officer. Your perspective is always of value to me, even if your hands aren’t in there configuring this device."

"Well don't look at me!" protested Ray as silence fell on them. "I can barely fix my own breakfast."

Just at that moment the doors to the lift parted open to deck 14.

The conversation abruptly ended for a moment as the three senior officers exited out of the turbolift and then headed toward main engineering.

Stepping into a flurry of activity transpiring in main engineering, Sterling espied assistant chief engineer Lieutenant JG Jeremy Mitchell on the far side of the cavernous room engaged in a discussion with a fellow engineer.

Sterling nodded a signal to his fellow officers and they traversed the distance toward him.

As the three senior officers closed in on the engineer’s position, he looked up as his eyes widened seeing their approach.

The focus of his gaze moved among each of the three senior officers as if trying to ascertain what trouble his was in before his stare eventually settled in on Sterling.

Mitchell immediately dismissed his fellow engineer with a hastened hand gesture who complied and without delay scurried off to another section of engineering.

Instantaneously positioning himself in an upright and formal posture, he bellowed "Captain Sir… how may I be of assistance… Sir?"

With a slight grin the Captain responded calmly "At ease Lieutenant."

The stiff posture and evident tension of the engineer’s physique visibly relaxed; at least somewhat.

"We have a little project for you Mister Mitchell" Sterling confessed with a bit of a mischievous sneer, "that we need to begin immediately."

After which Sterling, Pasqual and Archer each began to discuss their current dilemma regarding the communications black-out and their plans to discretely construct then launch their spy probe into the region of space around Khii. Their intent was to determine the most effective method to accomplish this by maximizing their data gathering process while minimizing their detection and subsequent transmission of data back to the Icarus. They lost contact with the first probe launched; they did not want this event repeated without ascertaining some level of results or information.

"Sir," proposed finally Pasqual, "to maximize chances and minimize risks, I suggest we use at least four class V probes simultaneously coming from as many different vectors of approach. Granted they only make warp 2 and it will take a while for them to get there; but their extensive passive data gathering sensor package will make them much less noticeable. And not only are they already coated in sensor reducing material, but they can be adapted with tactical sensor countermeasure systems to work very covertly. They are also fully autonomous and able to enter a planetary atmosphere and even soft land... or work return to us automatically once observations are complete."

"Sounds like a prudent idea counselor. In conjunction they will provide us with a wider range of information throughout the vicinity of the planet. In fact, let’s prepare an additional series of these probes in case we need to send follow-up probes as well."

Sterling then added "We’ll need to be vigilant in tracking these probes in case they are detected and confronted by hostiles."

Archer nodded in agreement "I can make sure the sensors keep track of them, its too bad we can't shield them somehow so we'd have advance notice if they're attacked, but at the same time if there is jamming set up in the system as we suspect we're going to lose their signals as soon as they arrive."

"Excellent point Mister Archer… anyone have any suggestion to compensate for this possibility?" Sterling asked looking at each of his key officers.

"Compensating for jamming is hit or miss Sir," Brian stated "even with a starship's advanced communications array. Most of the time you would simply use a high power transmission to punch through the noise generated by the jamming equipment. Our probes are limited on the power of their transmitters unfortunately. I wonder though if we could configure a single probe to emit and electromagnetic pulse upon its arrival in the system. If its possible that might temporarily knock out the jamming. We could send it ahead of the other probes so it would arrive first and then if it is successful our follow up probes would be able to transmit."

Nodding with a grin Sterling responded "A few EMP blasts to perhaps pave the way eh Lieutenant Commander? Let’s triangulate a hypothetical blast spread at each of the class V entry sites and send a series of these precursors ahead of our upcoming reconnaissance probes."

"Captain," then offered the Orion officer. "The class V is made also to gather data and bring it back physically rather than transmit it. If we send them to do a fast flyby at warp 2 and bring back what they have recorded, they will be much harder to intercept. At least one of them should be able to escape whatever would affect the others, fly in and out of the jamming zone and even the planet itself then come back to us. Would take longer but, at this point, we are in no hurry, aren't we?"

One of the advantages of being a starship captain Sterling understood was having the opportunity to avail himself of the talented officers that surrounded him. Yet this was equally one of the challenges that accompanied this prospect when presented with several divergent applicable options; such as in this situation.

As he stood there contemplating his decision, he recognized that perhaps a multi-pronged approach could be beneficial in these circumstance since they were dealing with many unknown variables and possibly an array of obstacles.

He then continued their open discussion.

"Because we are currently working blind here, let’s start again by sending out a set of class V probes to try to gather whatever information that we can as the counselor has suggested. We’ve already lost the singular probe sent without benefit of any usable data; therefore we’re better off sending a set of reconnaissance probes to arrive from a variety of coordinates. As Counselor Pasqual pointed out, even if only a singular probe returns it will most likely bring back some very valuable data."

Sterling then activated a map of the Khii system from the engineering console and began to place the possible arrival vectors into a series of equivalent trajectories onto the display.

"It looks like 8 probes should effectively cover a wide-range of system penetration while offering optimal information gathering."

Looking at the display he then noted. "The second phase of this operation could entail Mister Archer’s recommendation. We can then begin to prepare a series of EMP torpedoes to blast out any devices jamming transmissions and possibly deactivate any electronic booby traps set based on any information received. This could then be followed by a series of class VI Relay probes sent afterward to transmit data directly from the vicinity."

Looking up from the display, Sterling added "The class V probes could be sent almost immediately and thereby providing us with additional time to prepare the second phase of this operation while these initial probes are enroute."

Looking around at his officers he inquired "Any other ideas or recommendations?"

"Prayer?" threw in the counselor with a smirk. Then more seriously he said; " We will have to send the EM torpedoes first before we send any of our probes, else we will disable them as well. However, all ships are fully immune to such a pulse so, if the jamming comes from one, it will only warn them that we are aware of them and attempting something. Surprise will be lost. "

Archer smiled wryly "Yet if we don't do anything, and stumble blindly into the system, they close their trap and we end up floating home. Lovely crossroads we're at isn't it. I think we should go ahead with our plan. If our probes fail then we need to rethink whether we should even proceed on our present course. I have a bad feeling whatever is waiting for us is not something we want to tangle with if we don't have to. "

"Agreed... hence why I think we should seriously consider another option."

Pasqual made a pause for a moment before sighing and saying:

"Forget Khii. Romulans are behind the whole mess and only their own delegates are there. Let them deal with their own dissidents and people; that would be following the Prime Directive after all. D'Tan and the captain of the Romulan ship flying with us can speak for the Empire; Kevada is the Klingon delegate and is already on board... as are the Federation delegates. Instead of risking everyone's life going into a trap waiting for us at a dead end, let's do these peace talks here and now."

Archer inclined his head slightly "That would put us back in control of this situation instead of some unknown,unseen enemy. The Icarus certainly has the facilities to hold such a conference and my people are already in control of the ship's vital areas. The only thing we'd have to worry about would someone in K'Vada or D'Tan's crews. We could even escort our allies back into Federation space and within range of some backup."

After carefully contemplating these suddenly modified recommendations, Sterling gestured a raised open hand and immediately responded.

"Before we contact Starfleet and the Romulan Senate with such a daring proposal, we will need to gather as much information as possible about what is actually going on within the Khii system… otherwise they would probably perceive our suggestion as based on mere speculation and would most likely dismiss it reactively without even reasonably thinking this through."

Sterling sighed with exasperation at their current circumstance and his hand fell back down along his side as he moved closer to them and spoke in a more secretive voice.

"Remember gentleman, we are dealing with politicians and bureaucrats… the same ones that arranged all of this and then sent us out on this precarious mission to begin with… while somehow also allowing our adversaries access to a wide-range of vital mission information."

He then looked intently at each of the officers standing intently before him.

"For us to have a ghost of a chance to get approval on such an adaptive proposal, we will first need to thrust the maximum levels of evidence of the futility of these current circumstances into their proverbial faces and force them to recognize that under our existing situation that this would be the only way that we could actually fulfill our mission."

He reflected for an additional moment and then stated:

"Let’s first proceed with our reconnaissance probes as planned. Meanwhile Counselor Pasqual, set up a meeting with D’Tan and Captain Terrah. See if you can get them to agree on this proposal to begin with… because they too will have to be actively involved and prepared when the time comes to present this plan to both sides. Their voices will need to be even more convincing and persuasive than ours if this proposal will have any chance of being accepted by either side. They may also have some insightful recommendations to assist in this process as well."

Looking at the assistant chief engineer he ordered "Begin immediate preparations for all probes and torpedoes then notify me immediately when they are ready to launch."

Sterling then turned to Archer and stated "Once these are launched, carefully track each of these probes and record all data we can gather from them. These may contain the only evidence that we’ll have to present to the councils. After Counselor Pasqual has an opportunity to meet with D’Tan and I conclude my preliminary discussions with the Romulan Captain, make arrangements with security for Terrah to beam directly to my Ready Room. Afterward, have a security team escort D’Tan from the diplomatic meetings to the Ready Room as well."

Gazing intently then at each officer, Sterling stated firmly "We’ll need to have our end operating without flaws or incident as we proceed here gentleman…otherwise we won’t have the opportunity to succeed in any of this. We’ve been dealt an improbable hand… nevertheless we have an opportunity and the talent present to turns things around and defy these odds. Let’s make this happen!"

"Aye, Sir," acknowledged the Orion officer, nodding as he went to the nearest unused console.

He contacted the bridge and the comm officer there to have him hail the Romulan ship and her commander while simultaneously patching them all to the VIP quarters where D'Tan was located.

As the counselor step away to begin the first part of his task, Sterling closed his eyes and reflected on a quote he had heard a long time ago.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

It was difficult advice for Sterling to fully grasp at this moment, but he knew that it was altruistic and totally applicable to their current circumstances.

Brian left engineering and made his way back up to the bridge where Cassie Strider was sitting at tactical. She moved to the assistant spot as Brian approached and took the tactical officer's chair.

"So, how'd it go?"

"The call or the meeting with the captain?"


Brian lowered his voice so that only Cassie could hear him before he responded "Zach wasn't as helpful as I would have hoped, but he essentially shares our assessment of the situation. The captain, Pasqual, Mitchell, and I have a recon plan and at the same time Pasqual is going to try convince the delegates to abandon the conference."

"You don't sound convinced."

"Probably because I don't think the delegates will agree to abandon the conference." Brian replied and then changed the subject "Did Callen and Thran finish the repel boarders training?"

"Yes, I gave them both the shift off."

Brian nodded "A good idea."

Brian began playing with the output of the ship's sensor array trying to boost the maximum scan range so that he could better keep track of the reconnaissance probes once they were launched. He tied the ship's tactical array into the main sensors and brought their control over to the tactical console. Cassie watched with interest as Brian diverted resources from non-essential systems to boost the sensor output.

"Fancy stuff you're working on there," she remarked

"Captain's orders, he wants to make sure we can track our probes once they're away."

Satisfied that he had boosted the sensor range as much as he could without crippling any of the Icarus primary systems Brian tapped his combadge.

"Archer to Captain Sterling."

As Sterling was headed back to the turbolift his combadge activated.

Reaching up to trigger the combage, he reached the turbolift he stopped and responded "Sterling here."

"Sir, the sensor array is ready once engineering has configured the probes. We should be able to see them as long they exist."

"Excellent work Mister Archer. Initiate the launching of the probes once they are ready. I’m on my way up to the bridge now." Sterling responded as he stepped onto the turbolift and headed back up to deck 1.

"Aye Sir, I'm sure Lieutenant Mitchell will let me know when he's ready. Archer out."

Brian sat back in his chair "I hope this works," he said to Cassie "Because if it doesn't we're going to be running out of options."

"I hope you don't short out the sensor array," she replied "That's more than four times their normal output you've got going there."

"I'll keep my eyes on it, if it looks like it's too much I'll dial it back."

"How bout I keep my eyes on it while you track the probes," Cassie said in reply "That way you aren't trying to monitor the array and the probes at the same time."

Brian nodded at his old friend and partner. Some days he didn't know what he'd do without her going all the way back to their first assignment in Cardassian space. His combadge interrupted his nostalgic thoughts

"Mitchell to Archer,"

"Archer here, go ahead."

"My team has finished configuring the probes and we've loaded them into the forward torpedo tube. They're ready when you are."

"Understood, good work Lieutenant. I've considerably boosted the power output of our sensor array, you may want to keep an eye on it from your end though Lieutenant Strider will be watching it up here as well."

"Gotcha Sir, will do. Mitchell out."

Brian played his fingers over the tactical console priming the Icarus forward torpedo tubes and then transferring control of the sensor power distribution over to Cassie's console.

"Okay, here goes nothing." he muttered as he instructed the computer to launch all eight class five probes in rapid succession on the varying vectors that would cover the vast majority of the Khi system. Now all he could was watch, and hope.

Just as Sterling arrived back on the bridge he could feel the slight vibration as the set of reconnaissance probes were thrust out of the forward torpedo tubes. Gazing directly into the wide main viewscreen, he and the remaining bridge crew were momentarily fixated on the images of these devices silently streaming out into the vastness of space; trailing behind each probe was a slight vapor-like trail that vanished as they raced outward independently toward their individual trajectories.

Hopefully, Sterling thought as the probes zipped out of visual view, their success in gathering data would be as impressive as their departure.

If the truth be known, this Captain understood that most successes are built on a multitude of failures. This crew on this specific mission has already had more than their share of obstacles and failures to contend with; it was time to turn this trend around.

After the visual spell was broken, Sterling walked back over and sat back down into the center seat as he addressed his tactical chief.

"Mister Archer, how are the preliminary readings looking thus far on these probes?"

Brian studied the data in front of him for a moment before replying to Captain Sterling.

"All probes away, all probes on their set courses. Probes will reach their maximum velocity in three minutes, and all probes are sending back telemetry and sensor data Sir."

“Well Lieutenant Commander, at least we are off to a better start compared to our initial probe… at this point on their journey.”

Just then a signal came in from the Klingon warship Negh’Var. It was Captain Duron.

Sterling looked over and responded “I’ll take this in my Ready Room.”



Comments (11)

By Daniel Crist on 04/11/2012 @ 5:24pm

The drunken Romulan is back, nearby ships beware, of collisions.

By Syntron on 04/12/2012 @ 5:05am

LOl... welcome back Falcar. You were definitely missed!

Buckle your seatbelt though... it may be a bit of a bumpy ride ahead.

By Daniel Crist on 04/12/2012 @ 3:42pm

well, i was sort of here and there, but i should have a better presence now

By Oseno Jureth on 04/21/2012 @ 2:20am

I know Jeff isn't able to respond at the moment, but I wanted to lay the groundwork for what Archer is about to do

By Kheren on 04/21/2012 @ 9:40am

Please do :)

By Syntron on 04/23/2012 @ 7:16am

I have a moment to contribute... so here it is.

Please feel free to keep adding dialogue and events. I'll find moments like now where I can respond. You can even indicate where you need a response with a (Sterling's response) and I'll come in and edited my responses in.

In this specific instance, eventually Sterling will give permission... so Archer can play this out as you see fit.

It was great to see the contributions! :-)

By Syntron on 04/30/2012 @ 9:34am

I'm back... so feel free to have Archer arrive on the bridge and approach Sterling at any time.

By Syntron on 05/02/2012 @ 7:51am

I had to implement some slight modifications throughout this post in regards to the first probe launched that "vanished".

We can therefore add our input into how we're going to approach this next probe differently. We'll have the location of where this initial probe disappeared to use as a reference.

So... chime in here.

By Oseno Jureth on 05/07/2012 @ 9:48am

I haven't been paying enough far away are we from Khii?

By Syntron on 05/08/2012 @ 11:28am

We're currently in the Neutral Zone, but closer to the Federation side.

Khii is just outside the neutral zone on the Romulan side.

This is estimated at approximately 2.1 lights years away from our current position.

By Syntron on 05/09/2012 @ 4:53pm

We ran out of space to complete a post here so I had to start a new section:
A Calculated Risk (part 2)

We'll just continue posting from there.

Nice job overall on the writing/posting here. Let's keep this going!