Meeting the New Department

Posted on 03/08/2012 @ 6:04pm

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 3: Preparations
Location: USS Lotus, Security Office

Josh left the quartermaster’s office and began jogging to his office. He was late for his own department meeting because it seemed that every new crewman had checked in with the quartermaster at the same time as him. On the bright side, his wait had given him time to study the layout of the Lotus, so he was able to reach his office quickly. He entered his office and walked past his department’s senior officers to sit behind his desk.

“My name is Lieutenant Josh Vincent and I’ll be taking over the tactical/security department as of now,” Josh began. “I wish we could have more time to get to know each other before we went into action, but there isn’t time right now. I’m going to quickly go over some departmental changes now, and you will be fully briefed on the situation later today.”

He paused for a moment as he scanned the new faces seated before him. He saw Ensign T’Pala, a striking brown-haired Vulcan woman who was the senior brig officer, and Ensign Rainn Tahndi, a pale Bajoran man who was the senior security officer. The last new face was that of long-time veteran Chief Warrant Officer Jacob Parks, Jr., the lead investigations officer and newly appointed master-at-arms.

Josh gestured to Nidiri as he said, “This is Ensign Nidiri Kiels, my first assistant chief of security. After this meeting, she will coordinate with all of you to make the changes that I outline here, while I meet with the captain. All personnel must receive evaluations from the ship’s counselor; we will be starting with senior officers and working our way through the entire crew, so be ready when you are called.”

“Sir,” interrupted Ensign T’Pala, “if we are preparing for a fleetwide operation, it is not logical to spend time unnecessarily talking to counselors when we could be prepping.”

“I know that it’s not ideal Ensign,” Josh replied, “but these screenings do serve an important purpose. No matter how much we prepare, if the officers and crew aren’t able to handle the upcoming stresses, we will fail; and it is an order, so we will all do it.”

T’Pala seemed satisfied with the answer as she made no further objections.

“Secondly,” Josh continued, “there have been some recent infiltrations into Lotus Fleet, so I want you, Chief Parks, to do security checks on all newly transferred personnel, including myself and Ensign Kiels. Any questions Chief?”

“How far should I dig sir?” Parks asked.

“I want basic security checks on all personnel that have been transferred since the refit,” Josh replied. “If you find anything suspicious or if anyone was transferred in the last few days, run full background checks. Ensign T’Pala, I’m going to need you to ready the brig to potentially hold infiltrators; these may be people who you know, or your friends, so I need to know that you are ready for them.”

T’Pala nodded and simply said, “I’ll be ready sir.”

“Very good,” Josh responded. “Lastly, I want all security personnel to start practice sessions in close-combat operations immediately. Ensign Kiels, I want you to head up this training; Chief Parks will be busy with investigations, so work with the other master-at-arms, uhm… Mr. Fischer I believe. If there are no further questions, you are dismissed.”

“Aye sir,” the officers said in unison as they stood and exited the office.

Josh stowed some of his belongings in his office before following the officers out. He made his way to the turbolift and rode it straight to the bridge. When the turbolift doors opened, he stepped onto the bridge and addressed Lt. Commander Tomah, the acting CSO.

“Lieutenant Junior Grade Josh Vincent reporting for duty as Chief Tactical/Security Officer,” he stated.



Comments (2)

By Josh Vincent on 03/08/2012 @ 6:07pm

Redding, I think it makes sense to start a new post for my next conversation with Captain Gould/Lt. Cmdr. Tomah, but let me know if you want to do it here and I'll add you in.

By Vir'ell Gould on 03/09/2012 @ 1:52am

Started in 'Matters of security.'