Syntron arrives back on the Artemis

Posted on 03/06/2012 @ 6:28am

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 3: Preparations
Location: USS Artemis

As Syntron arrived aboard the Artemis, he activated his combadge and contacted Lieutenant JG Valencia Irksos. He instructed his assistant science chief to have a science meeting set up in his office with all of his department heads in 20 minutes. This would allow him time to stop at his quarters and get situated and prepared for the meeting.

After arriving in his quarters on deck two, he activated his computer terminal and commanded it to broadcast a specific selection of classical music at a pre-designated volume. Meanwhile, he showered and changed into a fresh uniform. After which he consumed a bowl of Vulcan claulanees and jenespera; an equivalent to terran cactus fruit and peppers respectively while he sipped on Vulcan spiced tea.

Syntron then sat down in front of his terminal monitor and began reviewing all of the latest department reports so that he would have an updated reference point when he discussed the current status of the various departments with each team member. Even though he possessed an eidetic memory, he always kept an updated and detailed record of all events and interactions on his PADD so that information could be accessed and cross-referenced at any given time.

Afterward, he added a synopsis of his recent meeting on Starbase 10 in a classified file. Not the one with Temporal Investigations, but the discussion with Doctor Bindo and Doctor Nasaro-Myth. He would not discuss the details of this meeting with his science team until he had an opportunity to share his thoughts and tentative proposal about the anomaly with Captain Kheren. It would be premature to share any aspects of these possible aggressive tactics with such an ominous entity to his team before such a discussion occurred with the commanding officer.

After completing his remaining tasks, he terminated the music. With his PADD in hand, he headed down to deck 14 to his assembling science staff.