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Chapter 5 Status

Posted on 11/24/2012 @ 2:20am by Fleet Captain Allen Samji

My intent was to have chapter 5 wrapped up already, but due to long work hours and other RL stuff I've been too busy to even read to catch up with what has been going on lately.

I was planning on taking this Thanksgiving weekend to do it, but just my luck, I was struck with severe lower back pain starting Thanksgiving morning and have not been able to sit for more than a couple minutes without pain. Which means just long enough to write this message update to you, but not to deal with the RP.
I believe I may have a slipped disk, but have been unable to go to a doctor due to the Thanksgiving weekend. I may be dealing with this for the next week depending on what they can do for me, so please bear with me just a little bit more.


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