
A list of species used in Lotus Fleet RP contributed by our members.


Postby Jeff T » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:25 pm

(by BKO)
  • Full Name: Bolarus IX
  • Native Name: Bolarus, Bolius IX, or Bolias
  • Classification: M
  • Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
  • First Contact: 2289
  • Joined the UFP: 2320
  • Location: Bolarus System
  • Moons: 4
  • Population: 5.7 Billion
  • Capital: Lommat
Bolarus IX is an M-class planet similar to Earth with a warm, average temperature of 22°C (71.6°F) to 36°C (96.8°F). The planet's atmosphere is a Oxygen/Nitrogen/Argon mix and approximately 85% of the surface is covered by water.

There are three main continents on Bolarus IX: Rabinu, Rasara, and Bolk'ni. These continents lie along the planet's equator, making Bolarus a much more temperate planet than Earth. Its land mass is mostly hydrosphere, although aside from the major continents there are other smaller landmasses; B’olos, Izos and Kastron, each named for the tectonic plate to which they are attached. While these are technically continents in themselves, they are comparatively very small. Due to the increased proportion of water to land on the planet, tectonic shift is somewhat slower than normal, and nearly all of the planet's fault lines line below the surface of the ocean. As such, mountain ranges are very rare, but ranges of island archipelagos are common.
Bolian society revolves around a group dynamic, the most notable result of which is a lack of territorial boundaries. However, townships exist due to the co-location of family homesteads that have developed and built up since the Bolian equivalent of the middle ages. The typical Bolian family is extended rather than nuclear, as aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, offspring, siblings and parents all live as close to each other as possible. It would be impractical, given the number of individuals this would entail, for everyone to live under the same roof, but where this is not possible, they live as neighbours, or as close as physically possible. Whenever Bolians are married, the family extends, resulting in an even larger township. As a result of this, Bolarus IX is home to megalopoli, which are in effect cities with millions of inhabitants. The largest such megalopolis is Hosppat, home to 22.67 million Bolians, while the capital city (by virtue of being the biggest township when the Bolian Central Council chamber was erected) was Lommat, with a population of 17.65 million.
Hundreds of years ago an unusual storm front developed over a large area very close to the southern ice cap of Bolarus IX. It became stronger, but conditions at the time prevented it from breaking or moving. As such, a standing storm developed, which remains in situe even at present. Manifested as a violent electrical storm accompanied by torrential rain above an oceanic maelstrom, scientists have been unable to determine what caused this strange atmospheric event. Starfleet scientists have debated various ideas, but without the ability to watch its original formation they are unable to settle upon a final hypothesis. This storm system has been named the Senden Funnel.

Bolians were distinctively known for a bifurcating (cartilaginous) ridge running vertically along the center of the head and face, and partway down the chest. Skin color ranged from blue-gray to vivid blue and was occasionally accented with dark blue bands on the head. Disturbingly, Cardassians highly value Bolian skin, and Cardassian females in particular enjoy wearing it.
Bolian males were completely bald, were on average as tall as the average Human male, and were not known for their physical prowess. Male Bolians have been known to wear toupées on occasion. Bolian females were predominantly bald. However, there were the occasional few who had hair.
In addition to the ridge on their heads, they were also noted for having cartilaginous lining on their tongues that allowed them to consume foods not normally palatable by other races, including strong acids. One such example of traditional Bolian cuisine was the consumption of meat that had been allowed to partially decay.
Bolian hearts were on the right side of their body. When removed from the body, Bolian blood was blue in color. The chemistry of their blood was very different from that of other species, especially Vulcans. If a blood transfusion was given from a Vulcan to a Bolian it would result in the death of the Bolian. There were instances, however, when artificial blood was unavailable; when this occurs, existing blood cells had to be genetically altered for inter-species transfusions to be successful. Intimate relations between Bolians and Humans typically cause adverse effects to the latter, which might include fatigue, nausea, and joint inflammation.

Bolian Whiskey is said to be the most popular drink exported from Bolarus IX. In truth, it is a fruit wine that has a taste similar to apples and caramel. It is blue, although not as dark as Romulan ale. Another drink exported from the Bolians is Bolian Tonic Water. It has certain properties that calm humanoid nerves.
Being a water loving species, a Bolian's diet includes a considerable amount of seafood, raw or cooked. They say that when they bite into their seafood meals, they can tell the type of creature and its origin just from the taste. Bolian "shimmershells" are a delicacy on Bolarus IX. Another large part of Bolian diet is land meat. Unlike seafood, Bolians always cook the land meat, even though it is usually prepared in a decayed state.

Attitudes About Sex and Marriage
Bolians usually marry more than once. They start in pairs, and after a while a third Bolian may be added to the group. Usually, the spouse count reaches no higher than 5. The group is not allowed to divorce. There is a tradition on Bolarus IX to have a Bolian family houseboat, passed down for hundreds of years. Married men are called "co-husbands" on Bolarus IX. Bolian families can easily have ten or more children.
Bolians are not typically sexually compatible with other species, including humans. However, they are usually compatible with Andorians. Vulcan blood is actually toxic to Bolians.

Wedding Ceremony
Courtship rituals are common for all Bolians, and consist of the male and female pressing their foreheads together and closing their eyes, while touching their partner's neck with both hands. While the courting and reproductive habits of Bolians involve only two people, marriages often extend to three or four members, or sometimes more. This custom is similar to that of Denobulans, although the guidelines on the number of males and females joined in matrimony are much more relaxed.
When a marriage occurs, should one of the members of the union have children already, they are welcomed into the family unit. Dysfunction within families is extremely rare, and when it does occur it can become a heavy psychological burden on all involved.

Most Bolians have two names, one family name and one given name. Bolians from the largest continent, Rasara, only take a single given name. In the case where two names are used, the family name often refers to the original head of the family's profession, which has then been passed down through the ages and has spread throughout the extended family to thousands of descendents. In either case, names often end in a double consonant that can be followed by a suffix to denote a special meaning. Traditional Bolian names are often monosyllabic, and end in a double consonant.
Words/terms include:
"Iren-Uzor" - A reference to a historical conflict between two species. It has come to be synonymous with the human phrase, "Catch-22"
The human name "Frederick" bears a close resemblance to an impolite Bolian term.
Bolian script consists of a linear series of characters containing angles and shapes that resemble aquatic animals.


Bolian psychology revolves around two key aspects, the will to succeed and the need to function within a group. Both qualities make for ideal Starfleet officers: the former ensuring that duties are carried out to the full extent of a Bolian's ability, and the latter ensuring that they function well in a large department.
Bolians are meticulous hard-workers. They are efficient, have an eye for detail, and are able to create order out of the deepest chaos, enjoying the process as it develops. Duty is a matter of personal honour to a Bolian, and it is of utmost importance that they uphold their workhorse reputation. Failure is not dishonourable - the only shame brought to a Bolian in this regard is the failure to attempt a given task, as one can and will learn from mistakes. This tenet leads Bolians to accept even the most dangerous of assignments - if something is suggested by their Captain they will likely volunteer no matter the personal risk. With such a work-oriented mindset, some Bolians find themselves lost in the day to day grind, and do not manage to focus on leisure pursuits or building relationships with their crew. However, these instances are quite rare.
Bolians usually marry more than once. They start in pairs, and after a while a third Bolian may be added to the group. Usually, the spouse count reaches no higher than 5. The group is not allowed to divorce. There is a tradition on Bolarus IX to have a Bolian family houseboat, passed down for hundreds of years.
Married men are called "co-husbands" on Bolarus IX.
Bolian families can easily have ten or more children.
Bolians are not typically sexually compatible with other species, including humans. However, they are usually compatible with Andorians. Vulcan blood is actually toxic to Bolians.
While personal success is rewarding, group success is the pinnacle of achievement for a Bolian. This leads many Bolians to careers in research, medicine and the sciences, where any ground covered by an individual can be applied to the work of a team, or even planet or Federation wide. This, in part, explains the selfless attitudes often displayed by Bolians during dangerous situations - if they need to sacrifice themselves for the good of the team then they will do so willingly. The group dynamic in which Bolians work has resulted in a trait that is almost unique to races throughout the galaxy. Xenophobia is non-existent among Bolians, who believe that an amalgamation of races with different skills and abilities is ideal for teamwork. Relying on their own race alone would be a limitation.Bolians can sometimes be regarded as talkative by other races, as their will for the group to succeed can sometimes lead them to offer advice, even where it isn't warranted. In addition, they enjoy exchanging information to a further extent than most, and this can often go past the boundaries of comfort for some alien species, leading them to find Bolians a little intrusive. Should a suggestion be made on how to better achieve success within a group which is subsequently ignored, it would not be unusual for a Bolian to research into the subject as extensively as possible so as to have their suggestions accepted in the future.
While sometimes regarded as cold and purely work oriented, Bolians are most famed for their drive, commitment, hard work and dedication to the team.
Bolian society supports a strong medical philosophy to support euthanasia that has been in existence for hundreds of years. The "Double-Effect" principle, as it is known, refers to an "action that has the principal effect of relieving suffering and may be ethically justified even though the same action has the secondary effect of causing death." The principle refers to assisted suicide rather than the termination of a patient's life through the wishes of their family, and must be requested by the person involved. The origins of this principle lie in the Bolians' intolerance of seeing their family members suffer: if there is nothing they can do to absolve the suffering through curing the cause, the Double-Effect principle can be invoked.

Most Bolians are cooperative and extremely productive. They have great skill in group dynamics and are only happy when they are doing something useful. They are typically most happy when they are performing something beneficial to others
Being evolved from water-dwelling beings, Bolians have always been fascinated with their oceans. Long before their warp drive, they studied the tides and currents of the water bodies.

While Bolians in general are a pragmatic and practical species, some worship a religion revolving around the "Great Bird of the Galaxy". They also possess several myths about the formation of the Senden Funnel.

The species' curiosity led them to explore Bolarus IX early in its intelligent life. This resulted in colonization of the islands of the planet, and three nations forming. Many, many centuries later, all three nations explored space and found two fighting species called the Iren and the Uzor. During the period that the Bolians were caught in the middle of the war, a Federation scout found warp signatures at Bolarus XIII, indicating that Bolians had been experimenting with it. Contact was made, and the Federation helped rid Bolarus IX of the Iren and the Uzor. At the end of that war, Bolians managed to stop the destruction of the Uzor star. Because of their self-sacrifice and efficeincy, Bolians gained membership to the United Federation of Planets in 2320. After the events of the Iren and Uzor conflict, Bolians developed a saying: "Its an Iren-Uzor," meaning a lose-lose situation, like a "Catch-22."
Bolians are, like humans, always seeking knowledge and ways to control the universe around them. For Bolian intelligence, many respected academies for the Federation are placed on Bolarus IX. Bolian instructors at these academies tend to lose many students, due to the workload that they give. However, on the job, Bolians are good leaders. They are admired for their resourcefulness and their ability to use science, medicine, to do research, and to manage technology.
After 2320, Bolians contributed many inventions and new technologies to the Federation in a short time. Some discoveries include more advanced antigravity systems, metallurgical and alloy processing machines, and dilithium crystallization processes. They also developed a fierce loyalty to the Federation, which proved quite helpful.
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