Tutorials: 1.1 - Joining / Applying

Created by Fleet Captain Allen Samji on 01/16/2012 @ 2:41pm

a) From the homepage, click on Personnel or you can also use the "Crew Manifests" link.


b) Click on one of the links to apply to a position.


c) Read through the join instructions and fill out the user information. Name should be set to your Lotus Fleet forums username.


d) Fill out your character's basic info. If you are already part of Lotus Fleet RP, use your main Starship RP character. The Department and Position will be automatically filled out based on what Apply link you click, but you can change this if necessary.


e) Fill out extended character information. Provide as much information as possible. The Sample Post should then be provided; it is required if you are applying to RP for the first time.


Categories: Tutorials