Tutorials: Appendix B - Posting Links

Created by Fleet Captain Allen Samji on 01/16/2012 @ 3:09pm


There are two primary categories that links posted to this site can fall into and there's a certain way you should post each kind.

1) The internal link

An internal link should be posted without the beginning part of the URL (the domain). For example, this link to this page should be posted as "/rp/index.php/wiki/page/15".

2) The external link

Links to other sites should be posted as normal, but should contain a method for the link to take the user to a new tab or window so that this site remains open. To do so depends on which entry box you are using:
  • If the box has a black background, like when adding a Wiki entry, the HTML will show when you use the link control to add the link. After the following HTML code: <a href="http://thelink.com", simply add the following: target="_blank" (before the end bracket: >).
  • If the box has a white background, such as when posting RP, the control that you can use to create a link has the ability to select a target.

Categories: Tutorials