Tutorials: 1.6 - Nominate a User or Character for an Award

Created by Fleet Captain Allen Samji on 01/16/2012 @ 2:43pm

a) Select the "RP Stories" menu item and click the "RP Awards" link from the navigation menu.


b) A screen will show the list of awards that you can nominate someone for. Clicking "Details" will indicate whether it is an OOC Award (for the RPer) or an IC Award (for the character).


c) Click the "Control Panel" menu item.


d) Click "Award Nominations" under the User section in the navigation menu.


e) Select the award you want to nominate and the character for whom to nominate it for. OOC Awards will be autmoatically nominated for the user who owns the character.


f) IC Awards like the one pictured below will be nominated for the specific character.


Categories: Tutorials