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USS Horizon: Setting up the pins

Posted on 05/27/2017 @ 7:58pm
Edited on on 07/22/2017 @ 1:42pm

Mission: The Fox and The Wolf
Location: Deck 14, Bowling ally

Redding smiled as he entered the eight lane bowling alley, he always appreciated that this particular sport had not vanished entirely with time. Holographic lanes and players were added to either side of the room to give the appearance of a full 24 lanes, a pro shop was also available.

"Hay Felex!" Redding said to the Bolian sitting in the shop.

The blue skinned man looked up from his work and smiled. "Hay back at you Neil, and yes, your ball is ready."

"Of course it is, your the best!" 

"Not many people still use a 3 finger ball, but you seem to handle it well enough." he said, reaching up and retrieving Redding's hefty black with blue swirls sixteen pound ball from it's display.

"Yeah, but not well enough to crack 260... ehh, maybe today." Redding tested the weight of the ball reflexively. "I've got some friends coming in today, none of them have bowled before so set me up a beginners lane. See if you can replicate them some starting balls while I go run ol' 'Stryker' here through a few test rounds."

And with a wave he went to set up a lane.

Reddings combadge went off.

"Redding here." he answered as he was changing his shoes.

"Specialist Proctor here, Captain. It took some doing, but we got it done, Sir."

"Nice work, Proctor; I'll let you know. Redding out."

He looked up in time to see the good doctor coming into the suite.

Elliago, now dressed in a standard Starfleet-issued blue and silver general sportswear,  looked at the very strange setting with it's rows of polished wood lines were players were throwing marble balls at white upright things that looked like juggling sticks. Numbers appeared on a checkered board over each lane according to the number of those pins knocked down with each throw. Nodding, he joined the captain and hefted one of the big polished balls wtih their three holes placed for human-sized fingers of one hand to hold and throw.

"Well this looks much more athletic than what it wlould appear at first glance. These balls are heavy... and it seems to require some good hand-eye coordination and a good grasp of ballistics to throw them this smoothly and so far away on those boards and hit those things... as many as possible in one throw, isn't it, Sir?"

"That's the idea, the best you can do in 10 frames is score 300 pins, and that means never leaving a single pin standing. A feat I have yet to accomplish myself." He frowned a little.

  After a serious run-through at the phaser range Shelly returned to her quarters and, with a short data base inquiry, selected an off duty uniform to participate in the bowling game. The replicator supplied a form fitting pant and shirt combo in her usual shade of pale red, to highlight her hair, with thin sky blue pin striping on the sides of the legs and sleeves to set off her blue eye color. 

 Satisfied she was practically fitted for this bowling thing she left her quarters and made her way to deck fourteen. Approaching the holosuite Shelly paused a moment to adjust her hair, then angrily shook it out again.

 Foolish human preening, she thought. 

 Growing up as she had, she had never been afforded the opportunity or practicality of beauty rituals, like the Orion slave girls were wont to do. Her altheticism and training had also, usually, never afforded the need for such practises. Satisfied with the overall appearance now she approached the entrance and, with a slight indrawn breath, entered through the opening doors.

 The place was crowded with people!

"Over here!" Redding waved at them as he walked up.

 Looking over toward a short counter Shelly recognized the captain and first officer. With as casual a stride as she could muster she walked through the small crowd and joined the two at the shop.

"Nice outfit Rogers, have you played before?" He motioned for them to follow him.

 Slightly abashed she looked down at the pant suit then back at Redding.

"This thing? Simple replicator stuff Captain"

"Well you seem to have an eye for it." and smiled at her.

 With a studied glance at the large spherical object in the doctor's hands Shelly added to the Captain's answer.

 "And no, I have no idea what this game is about."

"Felex, we need shoes and balls for lane 12 and send over 3 house specials."  he said giving the counter a sharp knock.

"You got it." Felex responded with an enthusiastic smile.

"Hay, any friend of Neil's is a friend of mine. Now, I have your foot and finger sizes already and I can suggest a weight based on build and race."

He looked at the Doctor with a cynical eye.

"But the important stuff you gotta do yourselves."

"What, don't I look pretty?" the handsome Deltan doctor said doing a full turn to show his Starfleet's sportswear.

Felex looked at him seriously. "This is important."

"What color do you want and what name are you gonna put on it?"

He still looked serious. Redding smiled.

"I picked Stryker;  It means perfect hit, more or less."

 With a moments thought Shelly picked.

"Red, I guess. What does a 'Name' do?"

"Helps you form a familiarity with the ball, it's basically considered 'bad luck' not to have one, but it's not required." Redding responded.

After they were fitted with shoes and bowling balls, Redding looked back at the main entrance.

"I guess were it then, that makes us short a man."

 Picking up the white shoes and dark red ball she followed the two to the lane.

He shrugged. At the control panel for their lane, he inputted their names and selected a computer opponent option, random female. A Vulcan blurred into view, fully attired for bowling.

"Hmm, I don't think so, no Vulcans please."

The image vanished and was replaced by an Andorian.

"That's fine."

"That's an understatement," Elliago commented with a dry smile. "With four eyes to focus, twice the strength of humans and perfect ambidextry, she just might mop the floor with everyone else. And is not counting on computer precision. I hope there is some kind of handicap system in this game like the Human Golf  or Go games."

Redding grinned.

"Your right about Andorians having an edge Doctor, best bowlers I know. It's Klingons and Vulcans that come up short, worst players I've ever seen. But the holo-program isn't that precise, all races are considered neutral here."

Her name, Mara,  had been added to the line up.

Just then Felex walked up carrying 3 bottles.

"Three house specials, and don't worry there approved for all races, made for each of you personally."

Redding took one and twisted the top of it until it's lid was removed making a slight 'popping' sound.

"It's called 'Beer' Only the first one is mandatory, and free, after that you're on your own." and took a drink.

"Ah yes, I heard of this; some fermented, levied grain like quadrotriticale; can even be nutritious and reduce arteriosclerosis, if taken in moderate quantities to alleviate de negative side effects of alcohol," the Deltan said before sipping it and then making a sour face. "Well... it seems to be an acquired taste."

 Taking the offered bottle off the tray Shelly mimicked Reddings' opening and, as the pop and fizz of the drink died out, cautiously raised the bottle and took a sip. The liquid had a slight tang to it as she swallowed, the tiny burning sensation seemed to stem from the alcoholic properties.

"Mmmm ... interesting!"

Hearing of a bowling alley on the Horizon was a surprise, Alex did not know they had one, and this was her second time around, upon entering she looked around the noisy motion filled room until she spotted the group and walked over.

"I will just sit at the bar and watch the game, I am useless at bowling" Somers commented.

Redding gave a laugh and walked up to her.

"That's perfect! now they can see how a good bowler compares to a bad one, you couldn't be more needed here."

He waved his massive arm from her to the rest of the group.

"Please? I really must insist."

"Yes please, my dear," Elliago also said, inviting her with a flourish of arms and hands. "My own abysmal skills will easily highlights your better ones. After all, I'm a doctor, not asuperbly ttrained young athletic woman like you. And your natural feminine grace alone will shame this crude untrained male intellectual body of mine, have no worry."

Somers shot the two men an annoyed look but made no protest, holding out her hand as Felex handed her a pair of shoes and bottle of beer.

Maras name on the score board changed to 'Alex' and Mara excused herself and faded away.

The first game went slowly as Redding gave them a few lessons about lining up their points and proper follow-through on their swings.

More than a few times the 'beginners' setting on the lane edged a ball out of the gutter and back into the lane.

It seemed to the eagle-eyed doctor that Redding was going a bit more out of his way to help Somers find her swing.
Ain't that interesting, the Deltan thought.

He was well aware of Redding's estranged state of mind. Because of his peculiar unexplained death-defying time-shifting that occured each time he was about to die since his twenty-third century original timeline, it was already a wonder that the psyche of the man had not unhinged itself... yet. But now, he started to understand how his outmoded attittude and overtly traditionalist outlook were in fact the foundation of his emotional and intellectual stability, in a life that was more chaos than probably anyone had ever experienced before. With nothing to anchor him to actual existence, his own self was the only point of reference left to him. Yet, he had avoided the trap of obsessive narcissism and solipsism that would have unbalanced most humans in his situation.
As a Deltan, a species of unparalleled sensual maturity, he marveled at a human being able to use his libido in such a controlled manner to secure this mental stability. It was the rare man indeed that could show such mental and hormonal balance and control and use it so well. Maybe he had stayed on Delta IV for such advanced education, as a few of his species had done since the early contact days of Willard Decker, the human who alone had been capable to eventually merge with the V'ger entity.

This explained well to Elliago why Captain Kheren had recommended Redding as his successor at the center seat of the flagship... and why Starfleet agreed despite his... peculiar condition.
All and all, it was quite pleasant, and plenty of small talk was exchanged. Apparently, bowling was Reddings second favorite sport hobby, right after wrestling which 'back in the day' he was something of a celebrity for. His crowning match was against the Vulcan champion Strirk, winning him the respect of the Klingon people.
(Feel free to add small talk here)

 Participating in the small practice session of throwing a few balls down the lane, Shelly was somewhat uncomfortable with the close attention the captain paid her while he assisted her in techniques of throwing the heavy bowling ball. The three holed grip was somewhat hard to grasp for her smaller finger's, although her enhanced Romulan strength allowed her to grip it tightly. After a few minutes she got the gist of the game and was even able to knock down over half the pins at the far end of the lane.
 At this point, she found the strain on her left arm taxing and primarily used a right-handed approach to the lane, The old injury to her left radius and ulna, sustained at age sixteen in the Nausicaan gladiator arena, began to ache after throwing the heavy bowling ball repeatedly. Her other injuries, broken clavicle's suffered over numerous missions while she was employed as an Orion Syndicate assassin, were not detrimental in this style of sport. What was detrimental to her was the seemingly noticeable attention being shown toward her by Captain Redding.
Having fought and supported herself by her own strength and wits all of her life, the closeness of the captain to her was unnerving. He would stand behind her to guide her stance while throwing the ball onto the lane. A certain muskiness about him seemed to distract her for moments. Also, just having anyone this near to her that wasn't trying to kill her was not a usual occurrence for her, and it took some mental effort not to react to the closeness violently. It wouldn't do her any good to use her expertise in the Ryadam martial arts and throw Redding to the floor. As she successfully fought against that fight instinct, she allowed the various contacts.
And, come to think of it, in some part of her, it really wasn't all that bad.
As Redding was discussing who might be interested in a second game Somers Com badge chirped.
"Sorry to bother you off duty sir, and it may be nothing but I have standing orders to report this sort of thing."
She didn't know the voice. She moved a little away from the group to hear better.
"And you are?" 
"Oh, right. I'm Lieutenant To'bar, third shift supervisor, maintenance; we haven't met."
"Alright what's the problem?"
"Well, we found an error in the replicator subroutine for all the ships beverages, it seems the program is adding a disaccharide to the mix."
His voice sounded unconcerned.


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Comments (2)

By Connora'tu Felez on 06/09/2017 @ 12:48pm

Still time for Somers or/and Trea to show up if you want.

By Connora'tu Felez on 06/11/2017 @ 1:43pm

One change, most of the 'people' are minimal reacting holograms, their just there for flavor. So the room wont respond to Somers entrance unless she does something extreme, like get a triple strike.