Posted on 01/17/2017 @ 9:04am
Edited on on 01/30/2017 @ 2:23pm

Mission: A Little Border Dispute
Location: Surface of Unroth IV: Romulan Territory

The Alsea's transporter beam released the small away team onto the surface of the Romulan colony as near to the governor's office as they could get with the chaotic nature of their beam down. This placed Steele, Sangliar, and Sorripto into an alley adjacent to the moderately crowded main thoroughfare. There were several witnesses to their materialization who either were aware of the Starfleet vessel in orbit of the planet or simply chose not to acknowledge the three officers. Catherine Steele, ever the vigilant security officer, drew her phaser immediately and scanned the alley for any sign of a threat. 

"All clear at the moment," she remarked "though I'd recommend we don't stay still very long." 

Noticing the apparent lack of reaction from the population, Sangliar swiftly placed his thivk body in front of the woman and lowered out of sight her weapon with a hand as he looked around.

"They seem to be quite unconcerned by our presence. Maybe we can just walk in leisurely, ask for comm service as visiting foreign dignitaries and proceed? Stay ready for action but let,s just try the easy way first."

And so saying, he turned around, put his thick hands in his pockets and started whistling innocently as he walked calmly straight towards the target building. The denizens of Unroth IV had no with to interfere with the officers from the Alsea, and so none challenged the human, Tellarite, or even the Cardassian as they moved through the street. Though the latter of the group did attract a few wary glances, but no challenge to their movement nor weapons pointed in their direction.  The reason the Starfleet away team brought so little notice from the population was that their governor had  told his people that Starfleet was intervening on their behalf with the factions of Romulan survivors trying to lay claim to their planet. It was perhaps an overstatement, but he had done so to assuage their fears that they would fall under the tyrannical thumb of Sela again or be subjugated by some other leader who would force them to serve against their will. As a border colony they were more familiar with the Federation than most Romulan worlds may have been despite the propaganda perpetuated against Starfleet by the former Romulan Empire. As they came to the seat of power in the colony, a building that while not large was ornately decorated in the style of the old Romulan Star Empire, the approaching officers were finally greeted by two uniformed Romulans who stopped them. 

"Halt," one of the men said in basic "the governor did not inform us of your visit, state your business." 

Sangliar decided to go as bluntly as possible about the whole affair.

"We require access tou your communication array so that we can further negociations between your world and the Federation. Please lead the way."

He just stood there, hands on hips, his heavily bearded chin up towards the taller Romulan.

"So much for diplomacy," grumbled Steele in his ear.

"Ah yes... Jolan Tru."

He then briefly glanced at the woman near him.


Steele looked at that man "I'm at security officer, I'm never satisfied." 

The Romulan grumbled something unintelligible and turned to lead them in the building. "You will see the governor first." It was clear it wasn't a request. 

The Romulan guard led them into the building which at one time had hosted much more than just the governor's office. At one time the Romulan border patrol fleet had a posting there, as had the Tal Shiar as well as other arms of the Romulan government. Now, those offices sat empty except for one with slightly larger doors on it. The guard led the Starfleet people straight to it and rang an annunciator on a panel. 

"Yes come in" was the response from the other side. 

The doors parted and the guard stepped inside ahead of them. "Sir, there officers from the Starfleet ship here." 

The elder Romulan got a look of confusion on his face for a moment, but recovered quickly "Of course, show them in and you may leave. Thank you Cevek."

The guard nodded and gave a hand gesture towards Sangliar indicating they should enter.

"Ah Commander, how nice to see you again," the governor greeted them "Why are you down here? Captain Oseno did not tell me he was sending anyone. "Is there something wrong?"

Glancing around the room Sorripto assessed the tactical side of the situation. Shifting himself slightly, Sorripto placed himself by the door. All seemed calm and normal, but if things got hot he wanted to be ready.

Sangliar crossed his arms on his barreled chest. It gave him a casual air but it allowed him to near his left fingers to his phaser and his right hand to his combadge.

"Well let's see; you, Romulan governor, defy your own shattered civilization to contact the Federation, the powers-that-would-be among you have you and us under their disruptor sights, your Reman rebels as well, wanting to have their piece of the cake and this New Order of yours jumping into the fray to have it' say... and all of them ready to blow us out of the stars before getting at yours and each other's throats. So you tell me; is there something wrong in this picture?"

"It is certainly the worst starting point for negotiations that I have ever been a part of." Sorripto added

"Perhaps there is more to the story Governor."

"Commander, I assure you that Donatra and the others only showed up after I sent my message. I suspected that they would have some interest, but this colony has gone unmolested for years following Hobus. I had no idea they would respond in force as they have...if I didn't know better I would almost suspect you are accusing me of lying to your captain. there something I can do for you?"

"Now, that is the question, isn't it?" the Tellarite said with a smile empty of warmth or humor. Or rather; what do you want to do?"



While Sangliar was dealing with the governor on the ground, Jureth was facing a very angry Romulan admiral in orbit above the planet. As soon as her communications system was online Donatra hailed the Alsea and the ship's Bajoran captain stood ready to maintain the cover of his people on the planet. 

"Hail incoming Captain," Ensign Allen reported "it's Admiral Donatra."

Oseno nodded "On Screen." 

Donatra's scowling face appeared on the Alsea's viewer and Jureth put on his best diplomatic face which as a security officer probably left something to be desired. 

"Admiral, what can I-"

"Save it Captain. I want to know why a deflector pulse originating from your ship passed over nearly every ship present."

"Well Admiral," Oseno replied pleasantly "we did have a minor deflector malfunction, my engineers tell me our deflector was damaged by some debris and overloaded." 

"I do not believe that for one second," Donatra replied "I believe you are attempting to cover for something else you are doing or perhaps trying to prevent us from intercepting your message buoy which I assure you we will decrypt. In the meantime I demand you submit to an inspection immediately."

Oseno was doing his best to control his emotions and facial expressions, a relatively new skill for him, as he replied "I have already told you that is not going to happen Admiral. You have no basis for such a demand." 

"I will show you my basis Captain, you have one of your hours to comply."

With that she was gone, and then an alarming report came from Allen at tactical "Captain they are powering disruptors." 

"Our shields?"

"At full capacity and rotating modulation as ordered." 

"She's bluffing," Oseno said aloud to the bridge "She won't risk open war with the Federation...but Mister Allen, see if you can send a signal to Commander Sangliar, perhaps to his or Lieutenant Sorripto's tricorder. Let him know we are running out of time." 


As Sangliar spoke with the planetary governor, Steele's tricorder chimed her discreetly. As soon as she got the message, she went to the XO. Knowing that openess was the order of things in such a delicate situation, she spoke openly to him.

"Commander, the Alsea has refused to be boarded, is being targeted by the imperial warbird's disruptors and has been served an ultimatum."

A long grunt passed through the thick throat of the Tellarite before he raised his dark eyes to the governor.

"Well, governor, I think that settles it. Our presence here is obviously interfering with internal affairs of your people. This is against our most sacred law. My captain will have no choice but to withdraw, along with any possibility of your membership request being heard or accepted at this time. Sacrificing his ship and crew to interfere even further would be a crime in our society. The Federation will not interfere willingly in the internal problems of your society and will not start a galactic war by doing so."

"What? you... you would leave us like that? But... but we could give you access to our communications array and you could call for reinforcements! You would not stay and..."

The astonished governor was interrupted by Sangliar stepping back to regroup with Sorripto and Steele in the standard beam out formation.

"We are not conquerers, governor. We do not go about and try to annex planets and people to our society. Unless and until you yourself can resolve this situation between you all Romulans, there is nothing more we can do...or will do. Your fate is, as it always has been and always should be, in your own hands."

As the governor sputtered and stammered at Sangliar's firm yet inherently correct stance invoking the Prime Directive, on the bridge of the Alsea time was ticking toward Donatra's deadline. 

"Captain, the away team is signalling for return." Shawn Hunter stated now doubling as operations officer


"Yes Sir," 

"Commander Sangliar wouldn't be coming back without good reason," Jureth mused aloud before keying the intercom on the command chair "Bridge to transporter room, the away team is signalling for transport. Can you beam them through the modulation in our shields?"

"Absolutely Sir," came the repsonse "Setting up the timing now...energizing." 


Aboard the RRW Lleiset Tiaru Jarok watched as the drama played out in front of her with Donatra attempting to strong arm the Federation captain who she was sure wouldn't be bullied. She had said as much to D'Tan and their discussion had turned into an argument with Jarok strongly recommending they intervene. D'Tan did not want to risk the fleet, but Jarok was certain Donatra's force was at best evenly matched with the fledgling Republic's and believed they could convince the Imperials to stand down. In the end D'Tan had admitted he was not a military officer and left the decision to the on site commander, but would what he could as a diplomat. Jarok had made her decision, she looked over at her tactical officer.

"Now Lieutenant, signal the fleet." Jarok ordered

"Aye Captain, all ships signal ready." 

"Battlestations," Jarok said evenly " helm, position us between Donatra and the Federation ship and open a channel to Donatra." 

D'Tan stood by Jarok, as she gave her orders, ever the pacifist and diplomat he did not agree with the captain but he also did not doubt Admiral Donatra's resolve to fire on the Federation vessel and the presence of a Federation battle fleet in Romulan space was not something that would not help any of them. He was about to find out if his own efforts in the situation had paid off as the great Scimitar class battle ship moved forward until it's expansive wings shielded the much smaller yet powerful Federation ship from the Valdore's disruptors. 

"Channel open Captain."

"Admiral Donatra's this is Captain Jarok of the RRW Lleiset. You will stand down at once, I will not allow you to fire one shot at that ship." 

Donatra's face appeared on the screen " You will not allow me?!" she said furiously "you traitorous, insolent child! I do not answer to the likes of you, the Romulan Star Empire is the only authority in this space, you are in rebellion against that authority, it is you who will stand down Captain, Now!" 

"I will not," Jarok replied "If you fire on that ship, the Federation will respond in force, and your fleet is not capable of withstanding an all out assault from Starfleet.  If you fire, they will respond Admiral, and they will not stop until they have reduced your ships to ash. Do not doubt their resolve, and do not underestimate mine. Besides, I think you'll find that for the moment, you are outnumbered." 

As Jarok spoke Donatra's tactical officer nearly fell out of his chair.

"Admiral, Klingon warships decloaking!" 

Suddenly, flanking the Lleiset, a Negh'Var and a Vor'Cha Class Klingon ship shimmered into view. Behind the Valdore several Bird of Prey class vessels also disengaged their cloaking devices dividing Donatra from the rest of her fleet who were already on alert. Aboard the Alsea, Catherine Steele now back at the tactical station was also wide eyed at what she was seeing.


"I see them," Oseno replied motioning to the viewer. "Let's just hope we don't get caught in the crossfire." 

On the Valdore Donatra seethed and she stared down the tactical officer as if she wanted to disintegrate him just for reporting the unmasking of the Klingons. Then she directed her anger at Jarok on the viewer.

"YOU! You would dare bring Klingons into our space? You and D'Tan are both traitors to your people! Traitors to our Empress! I should blow you both to hell!"

Captain Jarok was unimpressed with the elder Romulan woman's rage.

"You could try," she said coldly, with an almost Vulcan tone, "but you would not survive. So tell me, Admiral, what will it be? Will you release the Starfleet vessel or shall we die together today?" 

There was a long pause as Donatra glared at the younger officer.

"This is not over. You are a traitor, just like your father and I will see you pay for your interference. We will meet again."

The channel closed and all present watched as the Valdore faded from sight as its cloak activated. Likewise the other ships of the Imperial fleet cloaked and moved out of the area. Jarok knew Donatra was right. There would be another time, and she hoped that next time they could convince of the most highly regarded officers of the old empire to join their cause. For now, though the young Republic had taken its first stand against tyranny. 

The turbolift doors wooshed open, letting Marksus Sangliar and his team walk in. He went to stand before his XO chair, looking at the screen and what was happening.

Sorripto hurried over to the engineering station and began a background systems check. He was not sure what the away team had missed, but it clearly was not good.

"Well ain't just that lovely. Think they're gonna blame us for it?"

"XO, that wouldn't suprise me one bit," Jureth remarked.

As the crew of the Alsea watched the drama unfold Jureth was able to let out a muted sigh of relief  when Donatra stood down and faded away. Then he stood up and took a step toward the viewer.

"Open a channel to the Lleiset." 

"Actually we're being hailed Sir," Steele replied. "It's the Klingons!"

Now Jureth actually sighed aloud.

"On screen."

Jureth was greeted with the face he had last seen several weeks before as the Alsea made her breakout from Klingon space.

"So Cha'dich, you are yet again where you don't belong, and again you have me to thank for your ship not exploding." 

Oseno nodded.

"So it seems, General." 

"If I were you, I would not make a habit of interfering where you aren't wanted, or you will end up very dead very soon." 

"I will try to keep that in mind, Jarod." 

The Klingon laughed.

"Just remember, Captain; I have just saved you a second time. You're welcome. Q'plah!"

With that Jarod was gone, and Jureth realized the general was probably right, but he preferred not to acknowledge it. Instead he turned to Cat

"The channel to the Lleiset please."

"Open, Sir."

"RRW Lleiset, this is USS Alsea; thank you for your assistance." 

Instead of the Lleiset's captain, it was Proconsul D'Tan  who responded.

"You're welcome Captain, it is in the best interest of all Romulans, not just my people that none of us are at war with the Federation. As you can see we have enough problems amongst ourselves without the presence of a Starfleet flotilla in our space. So, we could not let Donatra instigate a war that she would not win."

"You are free to go," Captain Jarok stated joining the conversation. "I apologize for you being drawn in to this situation in the first place, and I will have two of my ships escort you to the Neutral Zone border."

Oseno nodded.

"That's very generous of you Captain, Alsea out." With the channel closed, Jureth motioned to Shawn Hunter. "Mister Hunter, break our orbit of Unroth and plot a course for Starbase Lotus, warp 7. Oh and Lieutenant,  the short way if you don't mind." 

"Please," added the Tellarite as he climbed up into his chair. "Being escorted by Romulans is not my idea of a jolly cruise."

"I'm not sure it's any worse than being saved by Klingons.." Oseno remarked 

"Rerouting secondary power to the warp nacelles. I will keep the field stable, it should shave some time of our trip." Sorripto smirked as he nodded to the first officer.

"You do that and I'll even try that Cardassian kanar drink of your," Marksus promised. "Yes, I am that worried."

"You know, I have never been a big fan of Kanar." Sorripto said.

Leaning over with a smile he continued.

"An old friend of mine got me hooked on Bajoran sweet tea though, I can get you a bottle of that."

The Alsea broke her orbit of the Unroth colony and with two Romulan vessels flanking her, entered warp bringing to a close the Federation's first encounter with all of the major factions of the fractured Romulan people. 



Comments (2)

By Oseno Jureth on 01/28/2017 @ 1:35pm

I have more I want to add but you all are welcome to go back and add in anything you wish to add with your characters etc...

By Oseno Jureth on 01/28/2017 @ 3:56pm

Okay, done on my end. I will add an epilouge in the next day or so but again you all are free to add anything you wish and I will adjust accordingly.