THE EDGE OF NEVER: A long Ride Home

Posted on 09/22/2016 @ 8:40pm
Edited on on 09/23/2016 @ 6:11pm

Mission: The Edge of Never
Location: Delta Flyer 'Sunset': in route to Star Base 10 from the USS Horizon

Commander Neil S Redding sat at the weapon control station looking passively out at the star field around them.

In front of him sat Lt Robert Moore at the helm, a human male that often forgot he wasn't a holovid pirate.

As usual, he was trying to 'chat-up' the person least likely to want to talk to him, in this case it was the Jem'hadar sitting next to him.

Redding did his best not to smile at the awkwardness of it all.

"..well, I'm just saying that as pilots go, the Jem'hadar lack.. um.. style." Moore prattled on, not seeming to notice if Aron'Son responded or not.

It was to be an eight hour flight and Moore had been talking though most of it, he seemed never to tire while at the controls of a shuttle.

Redding had nodded off twice so far. Being pulled off mission to a clandestine mission briefing with no clue as too its agenda was nothing new to him, but why did they need Aron'Son? did it have something to do with the Dominion?

Moore continued smiling as he spoke. "It's nice to have a co-pilot that doesn't need sleep! Boy would that be handy!"

Aron'Son looked at the human, his face blank as he responded "Jem'Hadar pilots are bred to fly their ships just a warriors are bred to be warriors. "Style" is not a consideration."

The comm station chirped to get their attention.

"Shuttlecraft Dusk NCC-102176-D02, This is Starbase Lotus Flight control. Welcome. We have received your arrival confirmation. Please dock to airlock 53."

"This is the Dusk; airlock 53 confirmed and on navscan. Thank you, Flight control. Keep the barndoor open for us."

"Remember to scoop up and evacuate your manure before coming in the barn. Flight control out."

The grin on Moore's face froze at hearing the reply from the woman at the other end. Then he sighed.

"Ah, Sophia..."

Redding couldn't help but grin. "A girl in every port Moore?"

The Pilot just gave him a wink. "You're talking about the woman I love Commander.." Then followed it up with ".. every one of them." and sighed.

As the shuttle was tractored into the bay Moore worked the controls shutting down the ship.

Redding and Aron'Son were retrieving their gear. "In a hurry Moore? she must be some girl."

The ship settled down on a pad. "Not only that sir, but I don't know how long you two will need, could be days, could be hours, so I'd like to get going."

"Well stay close Lieutenant, we made need to leave in a hurry, if of course we're going back with you." Redding opened the main entry allowing Aron'Son to go first so as to hear Moores response.

"Of course Commander, I'll never be more than 15 minutes away." and practically skipped out of the ship taking nothing with him.

Redding sighed and shook his head following him out and joining the waiting Jem'Hadar.