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12/31/1969 @ 1:00pm

Ensign N'arti Barile

Name N'arti Barile

Position Engineering Officer

Second Position Propulsion Specialist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Male
Species (Common) Unspecified
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species Andorian/Bajoran
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator) 59426.14
Age 28
Place of Birth Andoria

Physical Appearance

Height 1.83 m
Weight 81.6 kg
Hair Color White/Brown blend
Eye Color Green
Skin Color very Light Blue
Physical Description a unique genetic hybrid of ghelnoid and humanoid looking like a half-bajoran with wtunted antennae


Father(s) Barile Ma'Lor (genetic donor)
Mother(s) Tarrla (but not the genetic donor)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none
Family History The love of his totally incompatible parents forced them to pay illegal Andorians geneticists to conceive their unlikely child; the first and only Andorian hybrid ever. This artificial creation is deemed blasphemous by the Bajorans and dangerously perverse by Andorians. Both parents were exiled for their forbidden love and ended up serving in the Ferengi Alliance.

Personality & Traits

General Overview utterly rejected by Andorians and Bajorans alike as a perverse mosntrosity, this genetic construct only found life and respect in Starfleet and in the values of the Federation.
Strengths & Weaknesses he is of an indomiable will and exacerbated self worth to a point of arrogance yet very quiet and and unassuming.Dedicate himself totally to his workto prove his worth and meaning in life. As a result, even more solitary than the average Andorian and more contemplative than any Bajoran
Ambitions To prove both his people wrong about him by becoming an exemplary high ranking Starfleet officer.
Hobbies & Interests

Basic History

Personal History Being rejected by both their people for their perverse union,Tarrla and Ma'Lor began working on a Ferengi vessel when N'Arti was a young boy. The Ferengi who owned the vessel enjoyed having a child with engineering gifts on board, primarily because he was happy to fix mechanical problems free of charge. After many years of interacting with other species and studying a variety of starship designs N'Arti applied to Starfleet Academy on the recommendation of a Starfleet Captain who had interacted with him and his family on several occasions while patrolling the trade lanes around Bajor. He went to the Academy for Engineering and specialized in Starship Design.
Medical History After playing a game of "Stun Tag" on a Klingon colony as a boy he had to be treated for a Phase Pulse Infection though his Bajoran physiology helped in preventing the ailment from getting serious before he could be treated. He has a mild allergy to replicated fruits. Annotation from Starfleet Surgeon General Office: because of the unique 4-gender Ghelnoid physiology of Andorians, it is clear that intensive and advanced experimental genetic manipulation of stolen Andorian eggs (Tarrla is a Zhen; able to gestate but not conceive ) was involved in the birth of this unique hybrid. The Andorian marriage was obviously a holofabrication as no other member of any alleged quad was ever identified, which is required for Andorian marriage, let alone conception. Furthermore, the 4 gender paradigm and its deep meaning on Andorian culture and psyche marked his birth as an abomination even worse than the birth of the male fusion Kheren (see character profile). The very existence of Barile N'Arti was therefore kept secret for decades, hidden within the Ferengi Alliance until his enlistment in Starfleet exposed the crime and saw Tarrla marked as an insane criminal and banished from Andoria on pain of death and now live in exile on Bajor. As part of the horrendous conspiracy, M'alor is also banned from ever touching Andorian soil and their son suffers the same sentence as the product of such foul, abominable action.
Service Record U.S.S. McKenzie, Chief engineer with the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade U.S.S. Lotus, Chief Engineer with the rank of Lieutenant Starbase 10, Engineering dept Current status: engineer on board the USS Millenium as he is one of the very few in the Federation familiar with singularity cores.

Academy Studies

Field of Study Engineering
Specialty Starship Design
Year of Graduation 2403
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy
Additional Information