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08/26/2016 @ 11:38am

Lieutenant JG Carmilla Julian

Name Carmilla "Iron Maiden" Julian

Position Brig Officer

Second Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Female
Species (Common) Human
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species (Caucasian subspecies)
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator) 62960.0
Age 27
Place of Birth Alpha Centauri

Physical Appearance

Height 1.90m
Weight 100kg
Hair Color Platinum Blonde
Eye Color Steely grey
Skin Color Deep tan
Physical Description

Statuesque, imposing woman with impressive muscular developpement and steely expression.


Spouse none


Father(s) Derek Julian (deceased)
Mother(s) Marissa Sheldon (decased0



Clarissa (27), Mariska (29), Sarah (30)

Other Family


Family History

Both parents killed during the Borg invasion as they were both serving in Starfleet as fighter shuttle pilots.

Personality & Traits

General Overview

A domineering woman with a frightening smile that enjoys imposing herself in any situation. In private however she is astonishingly soft and tender with her closest friends.

She is fond of humble yet strong-willed men and admires dedication and talent in anyone. She deeply respects and admires Captain Kheren because, like her, he is the child of genetic manipulation and still makes a noble oeffort to rise above prejudice and jealousy . She feels some connection to him because of their shared uniqueness and, after being under his command,  cannot imagine respecting more or serving under any other Starfleet officer.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Strong of will and body, utterly fearless and authoritative. She is however very sensitive about children, weak , injured and old people to a motherly level that a crafty knowing opponent could exploit... or get into deep trouble if threatening those.


To become head of Starfleet Intelligence, if not security, but she could settle with becoming a marine or security instructor at the Academy. She is considering reorienting her career into the Starfleet Marine Corps.

Hobbies & Interests

Bodybuilding, wrestling and athletics; law and safety rules and protocols, including medical intervention. She is also fond of ballet, both classical and modern forms, even martial arts patterns. Would love to learn Klingon so that she could use it to swear freely without being reprimanded for it. Finds Tellarite the most fun to be with because of their argumentativeness.

Basic History

Personal History

While living on a colony outpost, once she was almost raped by a neighbor's insane son when she was a child; she vowed then and there to never have anyone abuse her again and worked obsessively to develop her pysique to match anyone. She dedicated herself to law and security with the same passion to prevent anyone from getting away with such crimes and, combining both, realized her best place was in Starfleet to do so as well as to honor the memory of her parents. She knows this but only aknowledges it to close friends in privalte so as to leave every man the impression that she is but an ordinary woman... and so that no one should triffle with a woman just because she is one.

Medical History

Tore numerous muscles, ligaments and tendons during years of training. Treatments allowed her to mend and develop an amazing physique that sometimes make doctors wonder if she is not an Augment. Deep enough research from a linguistic specialists into ancient records or deep genetic examination could indeed reveal that one of her ancestors  was a high ranking officer of Khan Noonian Singh in the Eugenics wars of the late 20th century.

Service Record

previous assignments;

- USS Aurora: cadet cruise

- Starbase 10: security department with the rank of Chief petty officer 1st class

- USS Artemis: brig officer with the rank of Ensign. Commended once for examplary duty and once more for dealing expertly with a mutiny attempt and an escape attempt by Horizon hildren cultists

- USS Horizon: chief brig officer with the rank of Lt JG

Academy Studies

Field of Study TacticalSecurity
Specialty Starship & starbase security protocols
Year of Graduation 2408
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy

Might does not make right

Additional Information

She has completed her master degree in law school and is an accredited lawyer. She is now preparing herself to enlist in Starfleet Command School.