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01/25/2016 @ 1:29pm

Lieutenant JG Thankhuun Cheonghi

Name Thankhuun Cheonghi

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Male
Species (Common) Unspecified
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species Edoan
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator)
Age 30
Place of Birth Edos

Physical Appearance

Height 1.75m
Weight 55 kg
Hair Color none (bald)
Eye Color Black
Skin Color orange-red
Physical Description

Three-armed, three-legged hairless red-skinned chitinous humanoid with a wide, chinless and toothless mouth, large skull and small round and wide-spaced eyes.


Spouse none



Theran (also serving in Starfleet on the same ship)



Other Family
Family History

Personality & Traits

General Overview

Rather outspoken and socialbe for an Edoan but still has some shyness about him.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Exceedingly competent and knowledgeable about starship operations. he is however prone to feel fear and needs a lot of will and some time to work out enough courage in high risk situation but still does his job; even if only through rote and reflexes.


Secretly dream of becoming a starship commander but fears he lacks enough courage. He is a great admirer of captain Kheren's style of command and attitude and wishes to learn everything he can from him to finally get "what it takes" to fulfill his dream.

Hobbies & Interests

Basic History

Personal History

And adept juggler capable of amazing feats thanks to his three arms but his shyness prevents him from completely enjoying the praise and social benefits his talent could bring him. he is passionate about starship operations and wants to learn everything about every ship he can find specs on.

Medical History


Service Record

- Starfleet Academy; graduated with Highest Honors in starship ops specializing in system adaptations

- USS Aurora: cadet cruise. Commendation for exceptional performance

- Starbase 10: ops officier with the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer

- USS Artemis: assistant chief of ops with the rank of Ensign. Commended five times for exemplary duty

- USS Horizon: assistant chief of ops with the rank of Lt JG

Academy Studies

Field of Study Engineering
Specialty starship operations
Year of Graduation 4
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy

Knowing is not enough; we must do. Doing is not enough; we must understand.

Additional Information

talented marksman who can use three phasers at once; but he does not enjoys martial training and only do the customary training as per the rules and nothing more, nevertheless managing to get amazingly high scores on shooting tests.