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Starfleet Academy: Upcoming new TV series ~2025

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:28 pm
by Jeff T
The idea for this goes back to the original cast, approximately the mid 1980's or so... but was apparently scrapped to continue with the TOS movie franchise.

Unfortunately, Paramount has handed the premise and the franchise back into the incapable hands of Alex Kurtzman, along with Noga Landau.

I imagine with him (them) involved, it likely won't resemble anything that Roddenberry had intended the Academy, students, instructors, content, etc... to represent, not based on how the franchise has been so mishandled and poorly represented since 2009.

Here's a summation:

Re: Starfleet Academy: Upcoming new TV series ~2025

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:30 pm
by Kheren
Latest rumors has it that this show has been cancelled along with section 31. And we can see the 5th and final season of Discovery (Thanks the stars that nightmare is about to end) has very little fanfare on the eve of being shown.

in the event of the IP being bought by either Skydance or Warner, those will not be done and neither Bad Robot, Secret Hideout or Kurtzman hired; especially considering other rumors has him asking to be bought out of Star Trek.

Just rumors at this point. But there has been no denial, official or otherwise. So we can hope the dark ages of Star Trek are coming to an end.

EDIT:it is now reported that Section 31 will be made as a movie for streaming. In the old days, they called that Movie-For-TV then Movie-For-VHS when they knew it wouldn't work in theaters... And STD is now out and it's as much the same dumpster fire as ever... expected. But good news; The Orville has been renewed and Axanar is about to be released this summer.

Re: Starfleet Academy: Upcoming new TV series ~2025

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:18 pm
by Sorripto
Considering Kurtzman is more hands on and Akiva Goldsman has a bigger writing role, there is little hope for the future of Star Trek. Section 31, Starfleet Academy, and the final season of STD were written by the same people who wrote Amazing Spiderman 2, Cowboys vs Aliens, and Batman & Robin. You have a long history of campy plot holes mixed with overly emotional dribble. Exactly what Star Trek needed.

Re: Starfleet Academy: Upcoming new TV series ~2025

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:47 pm
by Kheren
And to think Cowboys & Aliens, Spider-Man 2 and even batman & Robin look like Shakespeare compared to everything out of Kurtzmantrek...

STD's final season is out and it's already an unmitigated disaster after barely 3 episodes. At least, THIS nightmare is about to end. I saw that Lower Decks too is about to end. Prodigy is over and so is Picard. Only Strange New Worlds is allegedly up for a 4th season... May the Dark Ages of Star Trek come to an end.

Re: Starfleet Academy: Upcoming new TV series ~2025

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 12:24 am
by Jeff T
Holly Hunter Is A Star Trek Captain in this upcoming series.

Starts filming this summer.

First, get rid of Kurtzman and all remnants of Secret Hideout affiliates!

Re: Starfleet Academy: Upcoming new TV series ~2025

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 3:11 pm
by Kheren
Remember three things:

1- Annoucements are cheap. Case in point the Section 31 series announced for 8 years which will not happen, now announced as a movie... months ago and no word yet.

2- They once tried that with another Academy winner actress, Genevieve Bujold; she quit after 2 days of filming. Granted we got the excellent Kate Mulgrew instead. But it was under Rick Berman's tenure. Hence 3rd thing to remember:

3- It's still an Alex Kurtzman project, the man who destroyed Star Trek.

I'm not looking forward at all to this one. The very concept screams memberberries and retrofitting canon violations even worse than worthless Picard S3. Knowing Secret Hideout's still involved, I can only think of that line in STIV:

''There shall be no peace, as long as Kirk lives!''

Now it's: There shall be no Trek, as long as Kurtzman is there.